There is only one thought in my mind - the scene ten years ago must not be allowed to repeat itself in this city.

Pushing open the door, the scenery in front of you changes.

One moment, he was still in the toilet, and the next moment, there was a bustling swimming pool in front of him, with the noise of playing and playing.

Zhou Sangyu is too familiar with this feeling, changing shape and changing position, lost track without form, space replacement, landscape overlapping.

"Eight-door Golden Lock Formation... I didn't expect that it would be used by the opponent instead."

The eight-door golden lock formation, its correct usage is to block the internal space, reflect the external detection, and push the psychedelic effect to the peak through the calculation of the secrets and the changes of the eighty-eighty-sixty-four space formations.

In other words, it is a formation that locks the enemy and traps people.

This time it didn't lock Shenhai City, but was used to cover the sky. It only played a part of its role, but now it has fully played its role.

Originally, it was troublesome and time-consuming to deduce the next position through the calculation of heavenly secrets and the gossip of heaven and earth. However, Zhou Sangyu deduced it several times, but all of them led to the wrong direction. Messed up.

It has changed from an arithmetic problem to a geometry problem, and the original method of solving the problem is no longer feasible... Only those who have disturbed the eight door golden lock array know the correct method of solving the problem, and can measure the continuity of space.

"If I want to calculate the correct spatial orientation, I need practical data..." Zhou Sangyu clenched his fists: "It's no longer possible to rely on the secret algorithm, but it's a pity that the dragon's veins are sealed here, otherwise Yubu can control the dragon's veins and fly as fast as he can. It can ignore space constraints in minutes."

He took a deep breath: "Calm down, calm down...Think about the other party's real purpose first...Since they know the eight-door golden lock array and disturbed the space, their next step must be..." Zhou Sangyu looked at the bottom of the cabin : "Holy Sword and Heroic Spirit."

But he is more than one or two doors away from where Mary is...

"This time, it's completely terrible." Zhou Sangyu opened the dedicated line: "I hope there is still time."


"It's too late for you to apologize." Mary put her hands on her chest and snorted softly, "I really misjudged you for making such a disrespectful move to the lady!"

Bai Jue smiled wryly and said, "It's really a misunderstanding. Who knew that I opened the door and came into your bathroom. It's really a fate to meet you from thousands of miles away... This is a mistake of the consciousness of the universe, and it has nothing to do with me. , I still don’t understand this principle, why it disappears when I go back.”

Loli shook her ponytail: "Who would believe such a lie!"

Bai Jue said helplessly: "It's absolutely true!"

"Don't you want to admit it? You've seen me all!" Mary held her flushed cheeks and said, "I can't get married..."

"Don't, don't, don't do this, you are not a girl from the Celestial Dynasty, and the setting that you can only marry if you are seen is not suitable for you!" Bai Jue covered his face and waved his hands: "You are just a loli, so No problem, I'm not a beast, I won't attack minors!"

"What are you thinking!" France's No. [-] idol raised his hand and knocked on Bai's head: "Idols don't get married! I like everyone the I don't belong to an individual, this is also an idol Is the charm of it?"

"Wait a minute, don't stop, goodbye." Bai Jue cupped his hands: "I don't understand this, but it seems that you have forgiven me, so can I go?"

"No." Mary hugged her knees and rolled on the bed: "Play with me!"

"Huh?" Bai Jue raised his voice an octave.

"Anything is fine, play with me, then I will forgive you!" Mary said seriously: "I have no peers, and I have always played a perfect and pure idol in front of the public for the royal family, but... I am also a girl Ah, it will be boring, originally Dion said that he would take me to see the scenery of Shenhai City, and take me to see the style of the Shenzhou Empire, but now because of the holy sword, there is no chance."

She puffed her cheeks: "The same is true for tonight's banquet. It was obviously held by me, but I didn't have a chance to participate in it at all. Ah, it's so annoying. I really want to dance, I really want to eat cake, I really want to watch animation, I really want to wear more mature clothes." skirt..."

As she spoke, she rolled back and forth on the bed, her long hair like crystal glass strands scattered on the bed.

She had never shown such a willful appearance, but unexpectedly complained to Bai Jue... Maybe she knew that he would never dare to speak out, or maybe it was because her sense of shame had fallen below the lower limit, and Mary's true side was revealed.

"I really want to relax once in a while, to see the scenery, to taste the food, to play happily...Occasionally experience a slightly more exciting life, instead of sitting here like a doll, smiling and waving, listening to the public How can I make a smile come from my heart, and how can I infect more people?"


She stopped rolling, hugged her knees and curled up in a corner of the bed.

"I know that Dion is doing it for my own good."

"I know, I am a heroic spirit, I shouldn't be willful, and I can't be willful."

"I also know that for the sake of the royal family, I must maintain my image and never forget to smile no matter what happens."

Bai Jue was silent, he didn't understand.

Growing up as a normal person, he can't understand this responsibility. Even if he is appointed as the savior, he bears the weight of the world and lives freely. No one can force him, only his own can restrain him. Heart.

"It seems inappropriate for you to say this to me, an ordinary person..." Bai Jue said softly, "Your Highness Mary, I can't empathize with you. After all, the world I live in is real, and the past you experienced is also real to you. Yes, we... are not the same."

Mary lowered her head: "Well, I know...I'm sorry to say that to you suddenly..."

"I'm also very happy to hear Yingling's gossip, although your troubles are very suitable for your current age." Bai Jue said with a smile: "It's like a high school student who wants to skip class and go online during evening self-study. It's all the same... But in the end, most people still sit in the classroom with yellowed pages, and continue to struggle in the endless sea of ​​questions, in the end, there is no freedom."

"Freedom...?" Mary shook her head, "I never thought about it."

"Then, do you want to experience it once?" Bai Jue asked her: "Experience the world outside the cage." He tempted: "It's very exciting, maybe it's hard for a little girl of your age to accept Maybe."

"You..." Mary chuckled, "I'm a heroic spirit, are you planning to elope with me?"

"It's a little bit wrong." Bai Jue shook his head: "I'm talking about may be a little bloody, a little violent, and it belongs to the eighteen forbidden plot."

"Right? Six friends who hide their heads and show their backs, looking forward and backward?"

The moment the voice fell, the warm atmosphere in the house instantly dropped to freezing point.

The power supply was cut off, and in the darkness, the ghostly figures of the six realms quietly appeared in the void. The gleaming dagger flew across the sky, and its deadly arc struck at the vitals of the two. The murderous assassin had been lurking for an unknown time... , has become a lore trend.

Bai Jue covered Mary's eyes calmly: "Good boy, don't look at it..."

Afterwards, he snapped his fingers—where there was no sound, he saw thunder.


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