Here comes the plot you want.

Chapter 88 The World Outside the Cage

Six double-A-level assassins, occupying a favorable location and people, launched a lore strike.

Except for the heroic spirits and subspecies of heroic spirits who are in charge, they are almost irresistible... So many literati and generals have died in endless assassinations. Mary consciously awakened the blood of heroic spirits, and the number of assassinations she encountered was countless.

For the sake of her safety, the French royal family specifically allowed her to accept Dion as a guardian knight. Only with the close protection of a heroic spirit can her safety be guaranteed.

Therefore, even if she was assassinated, she was not overly flustered. Apart from a slight change in her face, she quickly calmed down.

What really surprised her was that moment of thunder.

In just one breath, all six assassins fell to the ground, convulsed and paralyzed, unable to move. Although they were not dead yet, all their ability to move was deprived.

Mary couldn't help being stunned—what happened at the moment when her eyes were covered.

"Tsk... Even if I try to avoid trouble, trouble always pretends to be full of me every time. I'm not Kamijou Touma. The greater the ability to fuck, the greater the responsibility... The chicken soup for the soul has short-circuited the brain " Bai Jue looked at the six assassins, knelt down and poked their faces: "It's all right now, I've been pretending to be a salty fish for so long, and I finally revealed my identity. Are you all happy? CNM!"

"Master Bai, what is this...?" Mary tilted her head.

"Let's assassinate your assassin. In this way, it also makes sense why I can open any door to enter your bathroom." Bai Jue covered his face: "The black technology of space door can also be clicked out!" .”

"Spatial misalignment..." Mary frowned, and quickly came back to her senses: "No, no, this is not the point, why did they fall to the ground? Why are we still in peace now, why are you so calm? "

Bai Juexu squinted his eyes: "Your Highness Mary, let me just ask, what kind of tragic image do I have in your mind..."

"Because, because... that's unreasonable." The silver-haired Lolita murmured, "You don't look strong at all, you're not a heroic spirit, you're not even a warrior, how did you do it?"

"Are you curious?"

"Of course!" His blue eyes sparkled.

"Curiosity will kill the cat...don't ask yourself what you shouldn't know. Sometimes the answers are not as wonderful as you imagine." Bai Jue pretended to be profound: "I am indeed an ordinary person, so just treat me as an ordinary person." Ordinary people are fine."

To be exact, I was an ordinary person ten days ago, but unfortunately I became a savior after being appointed.

"Hmm..." Mary puffed up her cheeks, "No ordinary person can instantly kill six assassins, but... thank you anyway, if you weren't here, I'm afraid I would have fallen into their hands. Inside."

"Holy Sword?" Bai Jue was taken aback for a moment, and then he shook his head: "Forget it, I don't care about these things... I just don't want to see someone get hurt in front of me, let alone this group of people who clearly want to kill me Hand, I'm just protecting myself."

Mary looked at the group of assassins with lingering fear: "Will they come again?"

"If it is an ordinary assassin, maybe not, but if this group of people is not here to kill people, but to seize treasures, then it is not surprising that they come seven or eight times." Bai Jue pondered: "Speaking of it, I The commotion just now was not big but not small, according to the normal situation, Dion and Miss Ning Xiu should push the door in immediately, it is impossible for them not to notice these assassins."

"No, thinking about it this way, they should stay in the room instead of waiting outside the room. Originally...the moment I entered the bathroom, they should have noticed it, and then..."

"Push open the door."

Bai Jue speculated: "That's right, it was precisely because they pushed the door open that, like me, they were moved to other places by the misplaced space... resulting in the entire bedroom being empty, giving the assassin a chance to sneak in .”

"Speaking of which, I was also wondering why Dion wasn't here. It really makes sense to say so." Mary was not afraid at all, but urged with great interest, "And then? Then?"

"Then you, who lost the protection of the heroic spirit, became an excellent target." Bai Jue clapped his hands: "Even if we repelled the first wave of assassins, the opponent will definitely not give up. The target is you and the one in your body." Handled Holy Sword EX Curry Stick."

"It's not curry sticks, it's Joyeuse, the three holy swords! The sword of joy!" Mary retorted, "The sword of Emperor Charlemagne!"

"That's not the point, okay? It doesn't matter if it's Frostmourne or Fire's Joy, Sword of Joy or Mapo Tofu, it doesn't matter what you call it, the important thing is..." Bai Jue nodded on Lolita's forehead: "You are theirs now. The target of your current situation, how dangerous is your current situation, don't you know it in your heart?"

Mary tilted her head: "No... because I have never been kidnapped before, can I be redeemed by paying the ransom?"

From his innocent appearance that day, he knew that he had never read the insulting book of Kyushu Island.

Bai Jueyu patted her on the shoulder earnestly: "If you are kidnapped, what you may encounter is unimaginable. First you will lose [beep——], and then you will lose [beep——] , Secondly, you will be forced to drink a lot of [beep——], and then, you will encounter many people [beep——] together, until you show the same expression as [beep——], and then, you will be addicted to The above games are endless, and in the end, you have successfully been transformed into a Heroic Spirit version of [Beep——], and it’s still the kind that can’t be played badly.”

Mary half-knowledged: "So, what exactly is [beep——]?"

"... Well, it's better that you don't know for the time being, or I'm afraid that the French people will not be able to resist dragging me to the guillotine." Bai Jue coughed lightly: "In short, your current situation is quite dangerous, and your time is very valuable , once you are caught, your fate will become very miserable... Do you have any bold ideas about this? Don't be shy, please speak up."

Mary nodded, pointing to the dimly lit city outside the window: "There, I want to see it."

Bai Jue looked in the direction of her finger. Shen Hai Mingzhu stood among the buildings. In the brightly lit city, it stood out like a flock of chickens. Numerous lanterns are tied to thousands of meters of rope, moving with the wind, releasing colorful fires.

This night scene is very beautiful, and you can only see this unique beauty by sitting in a quiet room far away from the downtown area and watching it from a distance.

The silver-haired Lolita was attracted by this night scene at some point, and colorful neon lights were reflected in her azure blue pupils, like a sea of ​​stars rising and falling.

"I want to go there and see," she repeated.

"...Your topic is a bit jumpy." Bai Jue sighed, "I'm not your knight, Your Royal Highness."

"If you stay here, you will only become prey. Why don't you go to a place that no one can think of." She retracted her gaze, and her begging gaze was as pitiful as a cat with folded ears: "I may only have this chance in my life." .”

This kind of cute eyes like a small animal... Bai Jue swallowed a mouthful of spit with difficulty...

"I'm a very hard-hearted person..."

"Don't be cute, it doesn't work, really..."

"You look at me like that again, me?, me..."

After ten seconds of stalemate, Bai Jue lowered his head: "It's very dangerous, you should know better than me."

"For your safety, the place we should go is Miss Dion's side..."

"Even if I am willing to send you to the Pearl Tower, no one can guarantee what you will encounter along the way. Maybe it is an assassin who formed a group to open Wushuang, maybe it is a heroic spirit who came from across the country, or some unknown attackers... So , I can't boast, I will definitely protect your safety, all I can do is try my best to take you away... and no one will know the result."

"Hmm..." Mary's eyes dimmed...Of course she knew that as a heroic spirit, she did not have the happiness of ordinary people, nor did she have the right to freedom. The request at this time was so unreasonable, which made her feel ashamed.

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