Chapter 91 The Smiling Mask

The weather in the city near the sea is always changing very quickly. The quiet night sky has gathered huge black clouds at some point, and the thunder snake and lightning python are looming among the dark clouds, as if a storm is coming. As far as the city is concerned, there is no threat at all. Even if a tsunami hits, the barrier is enough to support the erosion and extrusion of sea water.

It's just too coincidental for it to come, and it happened to come quietly on such a night, in the middle of the night when the whole Shen Hai fell into silence.

When a ray of thunder pierced the sky, announcing the arrival of a storm, Bai Jue and Mary also came to the Pearl Tower.

From here, you can overlook half of Shenhai. Although the city is not clear under the night, it also has a unique beauty.

Mary jumped up and down looking at these fresh scenery. It is definitely not the first time to overlook the city from a high place, but it is quite new for her to overlook the seaside city in a foreign country. Looking at the happy expression of this little loli, white Feeling the tense nerves, he also relaxed a little unconsciously, at least he did a good deed, although the reward is only an innocent smile, but why is it not worth it?If it were a lolicon, I'm afraid he would have backflipped in excitement.

For some reason, seeing Mary, Bai Jue always felt that she was somewhat similar to Ba Mamei, but different.

Ba Mamei is lonely, but Mary is not lonely, nor is she lonely. What she loses is freedom.

What imprisoned Ba Mamei was her own heart, because of guilt and self-blame, and what imprisoned Mary was her status, because she was a heroic spirit.

The cage of the former is self-confident, but as long as someone is willing to give her a hand, it is not difficult to rescue her from the cage; while the latter, even if someone is willing to be this hero, cannot bear the importance of a heroic spirit.

Poor, but not pathetic... worthy of sighing, but not pity, otherwise, it would be an insult to them.

"Is it beautiful?" Bai Jue didn't think there was anything special about the scenery.

"Well, it's very beautiful, and it's different from the view overlooking the city from the palace..." Mary said softly, "Some people say that when you look down on the country from the palace, others look up, but we look down. The difference between high and low... But I don't like this sentence, at least the scenery here can be seen by everyone, I like this ordinary."

"Don't you like France?" Bai Jue asked.

"No, I like France very much. For France, I will do anything and everything." The girl said in a light voice: "Vive la France!"

"That's why you became an idol for France?" Bai Jue looked at the night scene: "For the support of the royal family."

"It's not just that..." She shook her head: "I just feel the responsibility, if I don't do this, I can't..."

The girl looked at the night quietly for a long time and was very focused. After a while, she stood there and whispered, "Hey, Bai Jue, can you talk to me?"

"...What is in your heart?" Bai Jue asked knowingly.

"Hmm." Mary's voice was very soft, thin and weak.

At this time, a flash of lightning pierced the night sky, and Mary's sapphire-like pupils were brighter than ever in the dense night. She mustered up her courage and carefully observed the boy's expression. Perhaps it was the first and last time in her life... Tell the secret that has been hidden for a long time.

Bai Jue could see fear and anxiety in her eyes, cautiousness and contradictions, she wanted to talk and approach, but she didn't dare, for fear of being rejected and ridiculed.

Like a cat abandoned in the torrential rain, shivering in a cardboard box.

At this time, he walked up to her with an umbrella, held the umbrella to cover a piece of rain, and stretched out his hand to her. The cat poked its head out and looked at him cautiously. Should I trust this strange kind person... because a moment of kindness will cause more harm.

Bai Jue didn't know whether he should listen or not. If he heard some words, he couldn't ignore them, but if he refused, Mary would hide her face and run away.

Bai Jue let out a sigh of relief, and rationally told him that he should take her away at this time, return her to Dion, and then walk away, leaving all responsibilities behind, and continue to be his own coffee shop manager However, when the words were spoken, they changed.

"Go ahead, I'll listen."

He closed his eyes, silently blaming himself for being too soft-hearted.

"You are very gentle..." Mary's tense expression relaxed, and she said with a smile: "I was just thinking about what to do if I was rejected, but you still agreed, thank you, you are a good person."

"Send me a good person card at this time?" Bai Jue shook his head and smiled bitterly: "What do you want to talk about?"

"About the past of Heroic Spirits, do you know? Many people will not choose to inherit the memory of the previous life, as long as the will is strong enough, they will not inherit... But there will be exceptions."

Mary explained: "A very small number of heroic spirits have no right to choose. One is forcibly parasitized by the will of the heroic spirit, and the other is that the awakening time is very early and the blood is extremely pure... This kind of heroic spirit is also called a saint. Sons and saints, without exception, are high-ranking heroic spirits, they are born with knowledge, and completely inherit all the memories of the heroic spirit's previous life, such as Charlemagne, Ramses II, Himiko..."

"You want to say, you too?" Bai Jue quickly denied his speculation: "You are not a high-ranking heroic spirit."

"Well, I'm not a high-ranking heroic spirit, and my blood is not pure, awakening time was three years old."

"Isn't it seven years old?"

"It was announced by the royal family. In fact, I am a heroic soul awakened at the age of three, so I inherited the memory of my previous life semi-compulsively. The opportunity is that I have touched it with my own hands..." Mary stroked her neck: "I once beheaded my head. level guillotine."

Bai Jue was silent without words, which can be described as a tragic awakening.

"At that moment, it was as if my head was cut off one moment, and I traveled through time and space the next moment... It's really incredible." The girl whispered: "Originally, when a heroic spirit awakens, the whole country of France will celebrate, and the church bells will ring loudly." , but I disappeared for four years... Do you know where I was during these four years?"

"Palace of Versailles?"

"No, it's in the prison...I asked for it myself, no one else is allowed to enter there, only I live." Mary hugged her arms tightly, like a panicked little animal, she trembled slightly: "I'm very scared... …Afraid that he will be sent to the guillotine again; afraid that the mob who don’t know the truth will rush into the palace; afraid that he will be pushed out as a nobleman and politician as a scapegoat.”

"Of course, there's resentment ... against the country, against the people."

It is natural to be afraid... It is understandable to be resentful.

After all, Mary has not committed any unforgivable mistakes in history... Although she spends money lavishly and extravagantly. The chief culprit of emptiness and poverty.

Which one of the royal family spends a lot of taxpayer money?What's more, she has done a lot of good deeds.

In her last life, she thought she had done nothing wrong, but she was pushed to the guillotine for no reason and lost her life; Once...repeatedly.

"However, I know that I can't hide for the rest of my life, and I don't want to spend my life in prison. After four years have passed, I finally mustered up a little courage... This time, I hope to rewrite the ending of my previous life." Mary turned Turning around, facing the night sky with my back, the silver hair reflects the light, but the facial features are hidden in the darkness: "So, I decided to become an idol..."

"Public image." Bai Jue didn't complain off-line, but heard the meaning of her words.

"If it was my poor public image that caused me to be guillotined, then in this life, I only need to maintain this image... Even if I get hurt, even if I am resented, I will not stop smiling, as long as I can make people like me Me, I will always be the smiling Mary...and only in this way can I feel at ease." She raised her head and maintained the usual smile.

But the smile at this time is sad and helpless.

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