In order to become the perfect idol in the hearts of the French people, she hinted to herself thousands of times, forgetting everything, trying her best to contain these chaotic emotions, while showing an innocent and sweet smile, so that she seemed to have really become perfect.

Only at a certain time when people are alone in the dead of night will the most fragile memory in my heart be awakened.

In the end, this is just pretending to be strong. How can she be so strong? Facing the betrayal of her subjects, her subjects, her country's will, and even her flesh-and-blood relatives, she trembled and feared in the dark for four full years. , finally plucked up the courage to get out of the prison...but still couldn't get rid of the nightmare.

In fact, she is just an ordinary girl, no matter how she endures, there is a limit.

"So, you asked me to bring you here... not for anything else, but to be able to wear clothes and take a breather without continuing to play the perfect idol." Bai Jue finally understood why she had such a look before: "Then you now... ... Are you satisfied?"

"At first, a little bit, but soon... I knew it was just an escape." Mary looked at Shen Hai: "There has never been freedom. The farther I escape, the more empty I feel in my heart, until I see When the group of retired people, I didn't realize until I looked down at the whole city from here... I forgot that I didn't love France or the people of France, but fear, fear, and resist!"

"What Vive la France, do I have the qualifications to say this sentence? I'm just borrowing this slogan, holding the flag of France, telling lies, pretending to be cute, and the false smile is gradually disgusting even myself."

"Then what am I now?"

"An idol, a heroic spirit, or just a liar... I finally became what I hated the most."

The girl was like a cub trembling in the cold wind, and made a hoarse voice: "I am now... am I ugly? Is it, very sad? Please say something, even if you call me ugly! I I can't tell the difference anymore!"

The lightning flashed across the sky, and a drop of rain fell on the glass window of the Pearl Tower, leaving a winding track, like the tear stains on her cheek.

Faced with her questioning, Bai Jue couldn't answer, no matter what he said, it was a kind of harm to her, gentleness was regarded as hypocrisy, and ridicule was even a sharp sword.

He just turned around calmly: "We should go."

"...where?" Mary crossed her arms.

"Anyway, let's go to the safest place in the world first." Bai Jue suggested, "Would you like to come to my coffee shop for a while?"

"Coffee... Shop? Won't you send me back?"

"Why? I haven't fulfilled my promise. I will take you to see the world outside the cage, but you are still inside the cage." Bai Jue stretched out his hand to the girl: "Don't say this is an escape ...You know, escaping is shameful, but useful, it can heal your heart and make you aware of your vulnerability."

Chapter 92 Fast and Fast

When the starry sky is covered by dark clouds, the dull air pressure brings uneasiness and heat, the dark sky is flickering with thunder, torrential rain falls from the clouds, and the whole city is shrouded in a rain curtain.

There were bursts of mist in the air. Standing in front of the Pearl Tower, Bai Jue cast his gaze towards the boundless sea. Ghostly figures emerged one after another on the pitch-black ground. Under the washing of the rain, the optical camouflage and the atmosphere covered The alchemy armed forces were also disturbed to a certain extent, which exposed the group of assassins in advance.

It's just that they didn't have the idea of ​​retreating when they were discovered, because of the number of people.

"Entanglement, it's good to know how to give up once in a while, a group of iron-headed children." The savior sighed, he was too lazy to count, at least there were more than thirty people, and there might be more people on the way.

"I have the illusion that I'm playing Assassin's Creed Wushuang..." Bai Jue rubbed his eyebrows: "Anyway, they're all trash, just kill them."

The heavy rain was pouring down, and for him, it could be said that he was on the right battlefield... Rainwater conducts electricity.

He took a step forward and stepped into the rain. The azure blue lightning instantly spread along the rain to a distance of [-] meters. However, when the lightning touched the ankles of the assassins, it disappeared into nothingness.

"Insulation... Could it be that they are wearing rubber shoes?" Bai Jue's vision is subtle, but that's not the point. The point is that the distance is too far. His lightning is the additional ability generated by the white tiger. About one-fifth of the white tiger is currently unable to summon Tianlei to strike in a large area. It is precisely because the strength is weak that he can finely control the change of power.

However, since this group of assassins came wearing cloaks and boots, they were clearly guarded against his abilities, and the report of the execution of those assassins came really quickly.

Bai Jue walked into the rain, thinking about countermeasures.

"It's a little troublesome. It's not difficult to summon the white tiger to kill this group of assassins in one move. However, with my current mental strength, it can only last for three minutes at most. Unlike Ultraman, it is not enough to replenish energy by basking in the sun." ...The most important thing is Mary's safety, victory or defeat is not important, as long as I can return to the cafe, I don't have to panic when Solomon comes, so the best solution now is..."

He raised the corners of his lips happily, and took Mary's little hand: "The wind is blowing."

"Huh?" Mary was stunned for a second, and the next moment, she couldn't help but let out an exclamation, her petite body fell into a warm embrace that was not wide, and because of her shyness, she struggled subconsciously a few times: "Wait, wait Wait……"

"Don't move around." Bai Jue patted her on the head calmly: "Otherwise you will get hurt."

Hearing these words, her flustered mood suddenly calmed down a lot.

Bai Jue hugged the girl, and walked into the night like a stroll in the courtyard. He took a step closer, and the assassins took a step back. They maintained the encirclement and refused to relax. Several assassins looked nervous, probably because they were shocked by the electric shock before. The unlucky one who passed.

In this way, after advancing and retreating, Bai Jue walked into the underground parking lot, and the assassins disappeared into the air, keeping a certain distance at all times.

Ordinary people can't see them, but in the eyes of a certain white with strong soul perception, they are like fireflies in the dark night, huskies among wolves, as long as they exist, they are destined to be extremely dazzling.

There are only a few cars parked in the huge parking lot, but even poor children who don't understand cars can see that the prices of the cars here are not ordinary, and they can only be seen in the most expensive car shows.

When Bai Jue was worrying about which car to choose as a mount, a well-dressed young man came around the corner, frowned, and cursed in a low voice: "What happened, the car turned here as soon as it turned... What a shame! Unlucky, everything is really not going well tonight."

Situ Qing was in a very bad mood, he ate up in the ball hall, and Laner used it as air to play, and he didn't feel like staying on the cruise ship to flirt with his sister, so he drove out for a drive to relax, but wandered around After several laps, he lost his way. After passing a corner, he came directly to the parking lot. He opened the car door to ask someone for directions, but when he passed the corner, he saw a familiar figure.

"Huh? Bai, you..."

At first glance, it seemed that Situ Qing was angry for no reason.

But at the second glance, he was stunned.

The one lying quietly in Bai Jue's arms...isn't Her Royal Highness Marie, the number one idol in France!

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

how can that be!This is absolutely impossible!This is fake!

A million grass-mud horses laughed and galloped past his mind. Situ Qing stood there dumbfounded, with an expression of confusion, suspicion, horror, madness, and bewilderment. the point.

"Old Tie, you came just in time." When Bai Jue saw Situ Qing, to be precise, he saw the car key in his hand, his eyes lit up, he walked over, and took the car key from him without saying a word , waved his hand: "Let me borrow your car."

"... Huh?!" He was stunned for three seconds before he came back to his senses, and shouted, "Stop it, my limited edition Bugatti Veyron is very expensive, and I bought it after twenty years of hard work with the New Year's money what!"

"Please don't worry." Mary poked her head out of Bai Jue's shoulder, her face flushed slightly: "I will return you a new car later...I promise it on my honor."

Situ Qing choked for a while.

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