It's really Your Highness Mary, but why is she here!He will be held in the arms of that surnamed Bai!

World, what happened to you, has the distorted karma reached such a sinful level?My eyes are in trouble!

After his brain trembled for ten seconds, he finally realized: "Wait, why did you return me a new car?"

Immediately, amidst the roar of the engine, the pitch-black Bugatti Veyron, like a jet of jet-black streamer, shattered the steel railing and 'flyed' out of the parking lot under Situ Qing's expression of tearing eyes and heartache that was about to vomit blood. field!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

There was a cry like a pig being slaughtered, and the voice-activated lights from the first floor to the tenth floor were all turned on.


The Bugatti Veyron crashed into a piece of rain, walked onto the avenue, and left in the dust, leaving red residual light and shadow in the night. No matter how fast the assassins were, they would never be able to catch up with this steel horse with a speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour. .

"Take the highway around the city." Bai Jue said, "The space in that area is relatively stable."

"En." Mary nodded in agreement, breathing slightly short of breath, her face flushed slightly, she had never been in contact with a strange man since she was a child, but she was about to explode from her frivolous shame in this short night.

It wasn't Bai Jue who drove the car. As a child from a poor family, even with a driver's license, he couldn't drive such a high-end car. What's more, he didn't have the skills.

On the contrary, Mary can drive, and has quite skilled driving experience. It is said that she taught herself through simulation software during the four years of living in the prison tower... However, due to her height problem, she had to sit on Bai Jue's lap to drive. See ahead, hit the brakes and gas.

It's nothing to Bai Jue, after all, it's just a twelve-year-old loli, and unlike Ba Mami, her appearance is not mature at all; but for Mary, such close contact, even between brothers and sisters, is not that mature. There are many, only between lovers.

Bai Jue didn't notice Mary's familiar cheeks, but flipped through the text messages. Not only did Altair not make trouble this time, he didn't ask for a salary raise. Instead, he took the initiative to take responsibility and worked very hard.

"The Ring Expressway is very close to the outskirts of the city, and it takes about half an hour to get there... Even the space nodes are temporarily stabilized, huh? Is Altair changing his nature? He is so active in cooperating... Go back and ask Give her a little more overtime pay, I blamed her wrongly, after all, she is still a kind and good girl."

Bai Jue was very pleased.

Of course he didn't know how wronged Jun Ji was in his heart at this time, and Bao Bao felt so bitter that Bao Bao didn't dare to say it.


At the same time, the old gentleman in the central area of ​​the city raised his eyes slightly: "Interesting, I didn't expect Shen Hai to have such a powerful warlock who is capable of stabilizing space nodes, but how long can you stabilize?"

"It's the fact that those subordinates are really incompetent. They have created such a good opportunity, but they missed it again and again... The Assassin Order is also gradually going downhill."

"There are also two heroic spirits and famous officials under Jixia. Although this formation is good, it can't trap these three people for too long... It seems that even if there is a big commotion, I have to do it myself. It's a pity that Tibetans After many years, it still has to be exposed.”

"However, for the holy sword of the seat lord and a heroic spirit with pure truth, this deal is really worth it!"

The old gentleman laughed lowly, a sharp color flashed in his eyes, the lines on his palm changed again, and the spirit of the heroic spirit reversed.

From the indigo gleam to the deep darkness, the dark lines spread all over the earth park, and also soaked half of his arms. The hideous black bloodstains are like veins under the skin, and the venom and magma flowing in them, It shone with a coquettish luster, rising and falling like breathing.

Looking at his right arm that had turned into pitch black, the old man smiled sarcastically: "I'm a wicked person, so even if I get infected, it's just assimilation, and won't I degenerate further? Hahahahaha... It seems that I was originally It's hell."

His eyes were far away, and the rain was falling under the sky, and the whole city was extremely quiet at this moment.

After a long time, he sighed softly: "It's a pity that this city...will be destroyed in the same hell."

However, a footstep broke the tranquility of this moment and blocked the old man's words.

A famous official from Jixia, dressed in a Confucian shirt, arrived unexpectedly, and he looked straight at the peak heroic spirit in front of him, fearlessly.

Zhou Sangyu's gaze was like a sword: "Really? Then you might as well let me see what kind of scenery the so-called hell is like!"

Seeing the visitor, the old gentleman was not surprised, instead he laughed and said, "I didn't expect that you were the first to come. It's amazing that you have deduced the core technique of the eight-door golden lock array in such a short period of time... It's a pity that you don't know what to do. You should come, young man... If you want to stop me, at least you have to be a heroic spirit, you are just dying in vain."

"Hi..." Hiccup came from behind the old gentleman, and the sleepy-eyed boy yawned: "Then, how about adding me?"


ps1: Thanks to Mr. Situ for painting a sports car.


Chapter 93 Fast and Fast

"You are?" Zhou Sangyu vaguely remembered that the young man seemed to be a certain passenger.

"I'm the Navy... I just came here for a vacation. I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing. I just planned to go to the bathroom, but when I pushed the door, I got lost. I wandered around a few times and came here. " Zheng Wenqian rubbed the back of his head and laughed a few times.

Zhou Sangyu: "..."

Old gentleman: "..."

You? Lost and got lost here, this is too nonsense!

Well, here we need to expose another attribute of Zheng Wenqian, student Zheng, actually a European Emperor, or a seal.

At such a young age, he has the secretary ship Zhenyuan, and his subordinates manage more than a dozen other battleships. His halo of the European Emperor has been on for a long time, but he has not explicitly stated it. After a little thought, he understands... Therefore, Bai Jue is very concerned about this damage. Friends have always been in extremely complicated moods, calling him more than once to explode soon, pitting him without pressure is in a sense envious and jealous of this seal.

"Although I don't know what's going on, but this old man seems to be a heroic spirit, and he is not from the Shenzhou Empire. I can't ignore you messing around in other countries." Zheng Wenqian said Roll up your sleeves.

"... this, you better stop joining in the fun." Zhou Sangyu said with a dry smile: "Although he is subject to the formation, he is not something that ordinary warriors can handle. You should leave quickly and protect your own safety. .”

Zheng Wenqian's expression stiffened, and he sighed: "Although I don't practice hard enough on weekdays, and I often lazily watch mobile games, but... I was called a child prodigy when I was young. to make……"

He opened his palm, and indigo-blue true energy gushed out from all his limbs. He gripped his five fingers, and the muscles and bones all over his body made a crisp sound. In an instant, the lazy temperament faded away, leaving only the condensed inside, just like a husky who has lost his stupidity. As majestic as a snow wolf.

Hold the Yuan and keep the One, practice Qi to become Gang.

Student Zheng's expression was complicated: "Although I don't want to say it, I have already stepped into the innate realm three years ago."

Zhou Sangyu restrained his contemptuous mentality, clasped his fists and cupped his hands: "I'm being rude, you are innate, please take action with me, the identity of this heroic spirit is unknown, but it must be trying to do something wrong to Shenhai City and disturb the eight-door golden lock Even if we work together, we are no match for him, but as long as we can destroy his heroic spirit and unlock the space maze, he will be immediately locked in place by the two heroic spirits."

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