"It's not the first time I've fought with a heroic spirit...Although I would be beaten up by Sun Tianchu every time, I've already gotten used to it. You don't have to worry about my safety...Go ahead." Zheng Wenqian said Taking a deep breath, and posing the martial arts starting gesture, there is a bit of Yue Zhiyuan's grand master spirit.

"excuse me!"

Zhou Sangyu held his palms in vain, and two illusory ancient swords emerged in his palms. The invisible sharp energy turned into sharp swords, and within three feet, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal.

The old gentleman lowered the brim of his hat: "I thought it was two little dolls, but I didn't expect that they were still two little tigers, but they didn't have all their teeth, but they roared at the lion. Although they have the spirit of the king of the forest, but... After all, it’s still too young.”

He held up the jet-black heroic spirit in one hand, and the jet-black lines engraved in the earth formation became even darker. The blood under his skin released the power of Pei Mo Nengyu, demonstrating the power of the peak of the world's pyramids, and the invisible storm blew The rain curtain was torn apart by a water curtain, and the water droplets were suspended in the air. Even gravity lost its effect under this suffocating pressure.

The old man's deep voice was a little hoarse, like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, resounding in the ears of the two of them, making their blood boil.

"Come on, let me see the talents you are proud of, how long your backbone can last, and let me see whether the talents and military spirits of this generation of the Shenzhou Empire are safe!"

His eyes were full of heaviness and joy, with the loss of the past and the expectation of the future. The conflicted expression finally disappeared, leaving only a steely voice: "You have successfully awakened my interest in the son of heroes, come on , the younger generation of fighters!"

"Accept the trials from the previous generation!"


When the peak spirit was beating two children, Bai Jue, who was running on the highway, heard a piercing sound, and turned into a dark off-road vehicle at the intersection. It had no license plate and no lights, and it was running at an extremely fast speed in the night. , came in pursuit.

"I caught up in just five minutes. I really don't know what to give up. These assassins are really professional." Bai Jue said in shock: "I don't want to show the speed and passion of the Shenzhou Empire version, Can you get rid of them?"

"No, the ground is wet. If we accelerate again, I'm afraid we will be hit by the car first, and we will be killed. This car has not been modified, and it is not strong enough. Even if it is only a slightly stronger impact, it will disintegrate during the acceleration process. Possibly." Mary looked at the approaching pursuers through the rearview mirror, and she whispered, "I'll try to get rid of them, you..."

"Shh... grit your teeth, don't talk, and follow my instructions." Bai Jue pressed her shoulders, his voice was very soft, but Mary could hear the heavy pressure. She wanted to turn around, but held back her fear Feeling uneasy, he chose to trust the young man behind him, and nodded slightly: "Yeah."

After the opponent narrowed the distance to twenty meters, he stopped approaching.

In the middle of the expressway under the torrential rain, the only noise came from the empty street.

On the main road of the city, a dark Bugatti Veyron galloped like a beast, soaring the speed to the limit without any scruples. Wherever it passed, the rain was drawn into a line, like a bead curtain, and the road set off a hurricane. The water vapor was stirred wantonly, causing layers of waves.

And just behind, a heavy off-road vehicle followed closely behind, like a lurking poisonous snake, following its prey with cold killing intent.

Bai Jue clearly saw the other party's intentions from the rearview mirror,

They didn't intend to rely on the speed of the car to catch up. First, they were afraid of Bai Jue's direct detonation of the vehicle's engine through lightning. Second, they didn't need to rely on close combat to catch the prey, so there was only one way. It's crude, but simple and effective.

Even though he had expected it, when an assassin with a howitzer stood up in the off-road vehicle, Bai Jue couldn't help but swear: "This? What kind of Assassin! What about your stealth! Your What about Wushuang! What about your pride in close combat! God? You still use hot weapons!"

Tucao returns to Tucao... When the Bugatti Veyron was locked by the black gun barrel, Bai Jue suddenly felt a strong palpitation in his heart, as if he had stepped on an ice cone in the twelfth lunar month with bare feet, and the cold was rushing up his back. He knew that , if you don't give it your full strength... As a result, there is no other possibility except to be blown to pieces.

The power of the howitzer is enough to tear apart light armored vehicles, and it is concentrated in the front. Maybe Mary has a heroic soul to protect her, so she will not die, but she will undoubtedly turn into a cloud of fly ash. The unscrupulous clerk knew that he was afraid that he would die of laughter.

At this moment, the other party's killing intent was clearly revealed, not only wanting to rob someone, but also wanting his life.

These people are not assassins at all, but terrorists, lunatics who regard human life as nothing.

"Bai Jue, we have nowhere to go..."

Mary's words made Bai Jue turn his gaze from the rearview mirror to the front. At the intersection of the expressway, a car was lying in the middle of the road, blocking the exit. Several assassins stood on top of the street lights, watching this scene indifferently. .

They have already arranged the location of interception and the location of ambush, and they are waiting for the two to take the initiative to send it up.

No matter whether you speed up and hit it, or stop and be bombarded by howitzers, the result is the same.

There is an interception in the front, and a tiger in the back...how to choose?

Bai Jue has never been so silent like this moment.

He has always thought of himself as a good guy.

At the beginning, he also had the opportunity to strangle Altair, or watch her disappear indifferently, but he did not do so, instead he rescued her like a saint, gave her the motivation to live, and helped her make up for her regrets; he also You can completely refuse Mary's request, turn around and ignore her fate, and spread your hands at the assassins. If you want to take her away, take her away. I don't care, long live our friendship.

In fact, he was driving this frail girl along the expressway, avoiding pursuit.

Even if the assassins showed their fangs at him twice, he would only injure but not kill. He could easily cut off their breathing by simply increasing the battery...but he was stingy and didn't do it.

——After doing so much, Bai Jue thinks he is really a good person.

At the beginning, Bai Di was worried that he would lose himself because of the inflated power, and thus become conceited and inflated, and despise others. However, he made a mistake. Bai Jue did not collide with him. Instead, he was too determined and stubbornly suppressed the use of power. Don't want to cross that line - don't want to take someone's life with your own hands.

He generously forgave Altair because he could only do this, otherwise what should he do...kill her?

He couldn't be so cruel, and no one forced him to do multiple-choice questions between the two dilemmas.

But even if you escape once, you can't escape the second time.

What should come will always come, at least for now... When the opponent shows his sharpness, should he continue to be a good person who does not kill?

That is no longer a good person, but weak.

Bai Jue broke the silence. He held the girl's palm and said in a low voice, "Speed ​​up, trust me..."

Mary held the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. The Bugatti Veyron roared like a raging beast, and the speed soared to [-] miles per hour in just a few seconds. The rain was torn apart at this crazy high speed .

Seeing that the distance between the Bugatti Veyron and the vehicle blocking the road was still tens of meters away, the poisonous snake that was chasing after it also spit out apricots, and the trigger of the howitzer launcher that had been locked for a long time was pulled... At the same time, an assassin also pressed the detonator, Detonate the explosives inside the parked car.

The dazzling flash of light flashed away in the rain, and was swallowed by darkness in an instant, and the steel fragments within a radius of twenty meters were filled. The shock wave swayed the rain to a further distance. Instantly engulfed the pitch-black beast of steel, and the pitch-black fog rose into the air.

The entire process of the devastating scene took less than a second.

The shadows on the street lamps jumped down and exchanged messages with each other: "The mission is over, we are ready to recover the heroic spirits, and the freezer is ready to ensure the survival of the target."

Everything seems to be over.

In the ultimate tranquility, a golden iridescent light shines from the depths of the dense fog, dormant in a pair of pupils, quietly burning with anger.

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