Chapter 94 Fast and Fast

At that moment, the moment the cannonball flew out, Bai Jue's black hair was dyed silvery white, and his dark as ink pupils released a bright golden red light.

Time stopped abruptly at this moment, like a stuck tape film. In the almost stagnant silent world, there was only a thunderclap, and a grand symphony was played deep in the soul.

In his eyes, the extremely dangerous grenade passed through layers of rain curtains, making a weird low sound in the air, and landed head-on on the back seat of the Bugatti Veyron, releasing a violent wave of heat. The steel fragments set off a ring-shaped flame storm, and the air pressure changed suddenly. The heavy car was like a light fallen leaf, and it was easily thrown into the air!

The car "slowly" flew up, overturned, and rotated involuntarily in the shock wave, just like the sky and the earth were spinning endlessly like a kaleidoscope.

The tempered glass of the vehicle shattered countless times in an instant, and Bai Jue could even see a crystal shard of glass cut off one of his eyelashes, and sharp pain came from his back and arms, and the blood melted into the thick smoke and flames, but The will in those golden eyes has never been shaken.

The silver hair danced with the wind, and during the lingering time, Mary's petite figure was enveloped in all directions and tightly protected in her arms.

The roaring sound was deafening, the girl opened her eyes uneasily, looked up cautiously from the bottom up, and could only see an indifferent profile, in the raging fire and storm, his brows were sometimes clear and sometimes blurred .

She should have been terrified.

But at this moment, she seemed to be in a harbor, and she felt extremely safe in her whole body.

Even if there is hell behind, as long as he is there, it is a pure land.


The expensive sports car was spinning and speeding in the impact wave, and after drawing an arc, it slammed into the car in front, causing a terrifying secondary explosion. In the end, the scorched wreckage fell on the road and rubbed against the road , At the same time violently rolled four or five times.

When it landed, the Bugatti Veyron could no longer see its original handsome appearance, it was miserable like a tattered can with air leaking from all sides.

The doors on all sides have been completely broken, and the steel skeleton is also distorted and deformed by the rolling and impact. The rear compartment of the car seems to have been bitten by a Tyrannosaurus rex, and the rear half of the car is shattered into countless iron pieces, which are everywhere. The leather seats exude burnt. The smell of paste, heavy rain, trying to extinguish the flames, water and fire trying to touch, making the smoke more choking... No matter how you look at it, neither of the two people here can survive.

The assassins in black robes approached cautiously, for fear of encountering a dying counterattack.

They waited for the smoke to clear.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... By the seventh second, the smoke dissipated, but there was no residue in the dilapidated carriage.

If it's dead, it's supposed to leave some residue when it's blown to pieces and charred, but here, there's nothing.

The assassins seemed to realize something, and hurriedly turned their heads to look at the off-road vehicle that barely stopped.

Unfortunately, it's late.

The boy with silver hair and blond eyes was holding a girl in his arms. He stood motionless under the rain curtain, with the water soaking his face.

The assassin in the off-road vehicle hurriedly reloaded the next shell.

Bai Jue sneered contemptuously: "At this time, if you run away, I won't chase after you... It's a pity."

A majestic beast emerged from the void. The pure white monster raised its head in response to the anger in its master's heart. The golden eyes of the beast overlooked the earth. Just standing there, it propped up a sky.

The cold killing intent lingered in everyone's heart like cold air.

At that moment, indescribable fear appeared in the eyes of all the assassins, and they finally realized that what they provoked was not a harmless orange cat, but a fierce tiger that had the strength to kill them at any time.

"White Tiger." The cold tone issued a declaration of death: "Leave no one...kill."

The white tiger responded with a low growl,

The thunder roared, the divine beast white tiger leaped lightly, its huge figure was as fast as thunder, and the tiger's claws fell, and the seemingly tough off-road vehicle was directly smashed into a meatloaf by its meowing punch, together with the assassin inside who had no time to escape. Inside, everything was crushed into slag.

Dark red blood flowed from the steel, and the white tiger turned its head, revealing its ferocious fangs, as if it was excited, but it also seemed to be grinning.

It swung its sharp claws, leaving five parallel arcs in the air, and everything it passed was shredded. They only felt the severe pain from the chest or neck, and their thoughts were frozen in that moment forever. The moment the pale giant beast swung its claws, it fell apart. Moments later, the broken human figure cracked along the scars, and blood spurted out, like huge blood-colored flowers blooming in the night.

The white tiger seemed to be having fun, bit the crushed off-road vehicle and threw it away. At the same time, it released a thunderbolt, detonating it in the air. The car rolled and burned in mid-air, and the flames illuminated Bai Jue's unruly back , he watched all this indifferently, watching the crowd die humblely.

The feline is very playful. It could have used lightning to end the battle in an instant, but it chose the most primitive and cruel way to carry out unilateral slaughter.

Looking at the prey that tried to flee in all directions, but were bitten and killed one by one like a mouse in the hands of a cat, Bai Jue's eyes showed no emotional fluctuations, no scruples, and no concern.

The white tiger is originally a weapon created for destruction and killing. Its power comes from Bai Jue's anger and courage. It has a strong desire to destroy. When he, as the master, loosens the chain, the beast will come out of the cage. when.

They can only be blamed for pushing a good man to the limit.

Amidst the blood and flames, the ferocious beast finished its killing and walked towards Bai Jue step by step, its leisurely posture was still full of meaning.

Bai Jue looked at the white tiger, and the white tiger looked at him. This was a monster-to-monster gaze.

He raised his hand and gently stroked its blood-stained fur: "Very well done."

The white cat rolled its eyes in a humane manner, let out a low growl, and bent down.

Mary watched this scene, for some reason, she was a little scared, is Bai Jue the same as before?

In the girl's eyes, he was already an executioner whose hands were stained with blood. His bright golden pupils were no longer as gentle as before, but filled with indifference to life.

He was the emperor who ruled the world... This thought flashed in the girl's heart.

Afterwards, Bai Jue sat on Bai Hu's back and reached out to the girl.

"Let's go."

Looking at his outstretched palm, it was stained with rain and blood.

Mary shook her head lightly, expelled the redundant thoughts from her mind, and held his palm: "Hmm..."



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