The air became heavy, every breath became difficult, and the ground trembled, as if walking in the desert, with difficulty.

The moment when the peak heroic spirit stopped restraining his fighting spirit and exposed the fangs of the top predator, the two young men knew what fear is!

The old gentleman held up the principle of the heroic spirit, and was always under the huge pressure of the entire enchantment, like carrying a hill on his back. However, he lifted the weight lightly, and just took a step. At that moment, the whole earth seemed to boil, and cracks appeared. Spread along the pace.

A ghostly figure suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Sangyu, grabbing his collar with his arms, such a straightforward movement, but without a trace of flaws, it was purely fast, breaking through his fragile defense.

Clutching his neck, he lifted the young man up with only one hand. His arm was like casting copper and iron. Immediately, Zhou Sangyu was pressed into the ground, and his whole body sank into the bricks. The heavy force was transmitted through his body. In all directions, a little soil burst out from the cracks.

Seeing this, Zheng Wenqian released his gangster energy and wound it around his arms, and charged at the heroic spirit, trying to knock him away, lest Zhou Sangyu's neck would be pinched directly.

However, he took the initiative to bump into it, and it was like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. The old gentleman let go of his left arm without a trace, and instead of advancing or retreating, he raised his arm and collided with it head-on... The seemingly weak flesh and blood turned out to be tough. Shengsheng's physical strength tore apart the qi, and Zheng, who watched this scene, seriously suspected that the family martial arts he had practiced for more than ten years might not be fake.

The qi was torn apart, so he stopped fighting hard and tried to move and dodge. Movement is the martial art that Zheng Wenqian practiced the most. In order to avoid Zhenyuan reading the book, he made up his mind to practice hard for a year. However, this familiar body and lightness kung fu was seen through at a glance.

There was only the shadow of a fist imprinted in his eyes, and his whole body was like a baseball. He flew over, was hit back again, and barely stopped after breaking three trees hugging each other.

After defeating the two of them in three or two moves, the old gentleman did not continue to launch an offensive, but said coldly: "Low actual combat experience, no ability to cooperate."

He took a step forward, with sarcasm in his eyes: "It's a waste of talent, a waste of time..."

"Not only that, but you have to come here to die's even more stupid." The old gentleman shook his head: "It's extremely disappointing!"

"Don't talk to me, it's just a fist. I'm still alive. When the surname Sun hung me on the mast for seven days and seven nights, I survived. What is this?" Zheng Wen Touching the tree trunk, he got up and spat out a mouthful of blood: "What is disappointing, you, a peak hero, bullied our two juniors, can you beat yourself without any b points in your heart? CNM, drive a full-level car Are you confident that you came to Xinshou Village to kill people?"

Classmate Zheng raised his middle finger and coughed up blood: "If you have the guts, let me call you a heroic spirit!"

Zhou Sangyu also pulled himself out of the ground: "Scholars are not good at fighting, but when their family and country are in trouble, they will never retreat... I am dull, so I will ask for advice again!"

"Even though they are weak and dull...but only their fighting spirit can be called good." The old man said indifferently: "The people of the Shenzhou Empire would rather break their bones than bend their backs... since hundreds of years ago, they have never It has changed. Unfortunately, you are too weak. Facing a peak heroic spirit, you have no chance of winning. What's more, I have no intention of continuing to play with you two juniors."

He grasped his left arm, and the dark heroic spirit bloomed like a lotus flower, peeling off the cocoon, and shedding layers of coats. With the continuous increase in strength, the old man's arm was like a burnt dead wood, gradually turning into fly ash , Dissipated into nothingness... All the dark lines covering his arms were also withdrawn, merging into the palm of his hand.

It was a pitch-black Rubik's Cube, which seemed ordinary, but as if it shouldn't exist in this world, the moment it emerged, the space began to distort.

"It can even devour the flesh and blood of a peak heroic spirit, what the hell is that!" Zheng Wenqian was terrified.

"This, you should be very familiar with it..." The old gentleman said with a deep smile, "It's called the black core—it's the key to the outside of the world."

Chapter 95 Anti-Heroic Spirits

World Outer, i.e. the domain of locations outside the world.

What exists outside the main world? This is what countless people want to know. In the First World War, the powers of the heroic spirits were intertwined, tearing the real space, and flowing out of the cracks was the black flame of destruction... For several centuries, the heroic spirits tried their best to eliminate these continuous cracks in the demon world, and even sacrificed countless soldiers.

The Battle of the Six Paths Demon Survey ten years ago was also the outflow from the outside of the world.

No matter what is outside the world, it must be a huge disaster for today's human beings, and it should not be touched or explored.

Just keeping yourself safe is exhausting.

But at this time, the dark core held by the old gentleman devoured light and darkness, distorting the space, as if it should not exist in the world... The crystal crystals released shocking fluctuations, from which, it seemed that something was filling the world. overflow.

It's malicious!

Pure malice, pure greed, pure lust.

The darkness that seemed to swallow up the entire world, it escaped from the palm of the old man, slowly rose, flew to the highest point of the city, and drifted towards the moon.

"Behold, soon, destruction will come."

The old man's heroic spirit returned to its normal color, the indigo light flickered on and off, but as a price, he lost an arm, but he looked up at the night sky indifferently, with a fanatical expression like a selfless martyr .

"What on earth are you planning to do!" Mingshi Jixia tried to get up, but the overwhelming pressure oppressed his shoulders, making him unable to move.

"I'm just calling for a storm. A storm that will sweep across the entire city, no... will eventually cover the entire world. This is just the beginning." The old gentleman looked up at the night sky, and the dark clouds suddenly dissipated, covering Shen Hai's The torrential rain receded quietly, replaced by a bright moon shrouded in the sky, the clouds scattered and the moon was seen, and the bright moon was in the sky, this scene was magnificent.

However, the next moment, the mutation began, and a small pitch-black dot emerged in the center of the silver moon. This small dot expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, continued to spread, and finally swallowed the entire moon, covering the moonlight. The city Shrouded in oppressive darkness.

"You plan to...recreate hell here?"

Zhou Sangyu trembled and shuddered, he finally recalled the scene ten years ago, the dark crack that once tore the sky, like a lingering wound, from which crazy monsters gushed out... overwhelming , unstoppable.

Shenhai is different from the inland land. There is no army stationed here, and the front of the Demon Realm Rift has not yet ended. Even if the army of the Shenzhou Empire returns to defense, it will be difficult to arrive in time. A ruin.

No one has time to rescue, even if there are two heroic spirits here, they cannot close the opened door, all they can do is try their best to cover the evacuation of the people... But how many people can they save?one million?five million?

"Isn't your goal Your Royal Highness Mary and the Holy Sword!" Zhou Sangyu gritted his teeth, his eyes were about to burst into flames: "Why..."

"Mary has already succeeded. I have controlled the eight-door Golden Lock Formation. The Assassin Order also dispatched [-] elites. In addition to the support of my subordinates, with her weak body of a first-order heroic spirit who cannot awaken the heroic soul, , Can you resist for a few seconds? Whether it is the Holy Sword or the Heroic Spirit, it is already in our pocket, and now I just need to evacuate safely, everything is going according to plan, but I changed my mind."

The old gentleman said in a low voice: "In the end, the plan is just a plan. I am not such a conformist person... Originally, this black core was intended to be left as a gift for the Hall of Valor, but the timing and location of using it are up to me. Give the Shenzhou Empire a big gift first, lest the world forget us too simply, feel honored, you will witness the arrival of a new era!"


Zheng Wenqian stared at the old gentleman: "Who are you? Most of the peak heroic spirits in the world are recorded, and my authority is enough to check a copy, but I have never seen you... If you are not the Hall of Valor You can only be a heroic spirit of the dark dynasty in North America, but with the background of North America, the possibility of giving birth to a peak heroic spirit in just ten years is extremely low, and it is impossible to send you to other lands to cause trouble at will."

"You don't remember me... of course." The old gentleman narrowed his eyes: "The world itself has forgotten us heroic spirits, no, to be precise, we are no longer heroic spirits."

"Not a heroic spirit?" Zheng Wenqian curled his lips: "Is your theory of a heroic spirit fake?"

"It used to be, but it is no longer. Is a Heroic Spirit who once fell to the outside of the world and was abandoned by the principles of civilization, still a Heroic Spirit?" The reverse body of the Heroic Spirit."

"If the heroic spirit is the guardian of the world and the warrior who defends the principles of civilization, then I am destined to exist to destroy the world and smash the principles of civilization." He took off his hat and said in a low voice: "My name is Alfred "Russell Wallace."

"A naturalist who was robbed of academics, deprived of merit, forgotten by history, belittled by the world, and finally fell into the abyss."

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