No one has ever heard of this name, and no one has ever remembered it.

He did exist, but the traces of his existence have been erased.

Even the well-read official of Jixia can only vaguely remember a few words about him.

——A naturalist once as famous as Darwin.

The old gentleman spoke eloquently.

"Everyone in the world knows Darwin and his theories, which also allowed him to become a heroic spirit and be favored by the principles of civilization."

"But who knew, it was he who shamelessly plagiarized my theories, robbed my research results, took away the laurels of the master's degree, and took away all my personal honors and merits!" He clenched his five fingers and floated. The breath made the earth tremble and boil.

"The hateful thing is that all of this is also recognized by the principles of civilization..."

"So I hate this world, I voluntarily abandoned the principles of civilization, and fell into the opposite of the world... Finally, I found the truth. If the principles of civilization are unfair, then deny it and create my own. fairness."

Listening to everything the old gentleman said, both Zheng Wenqian and Zhou Sangyu couldn't believe it.

To be promoted to a heroic spirit is a supreme honor for every human being. A heroic spirit like Darwin who was promoted before his death is respected by tens of thousands of people...and the arbiter is the principle of civilization.

The principles of civilization are based on history, and history is the crystallization of civilization created by human beings. It represents absolute justice, and there has never been a misjudgment.

But from the words of the old gentleman, it is not that there is no misjudgment, but that the principles of civilization do not record those losers.

If it is said that Darwin obtained honor through plagiarism, then he is also eligible to become a heroic spirit. This is a pure theory of victory and defeat, which has nothing to do with right and wrong, good or evil, and has nothing to do with morality and ethics. In a word-the winner is king, and existence is reasonable .

Through Wallace's words, Zhou Sangyu thought of a horrifying possibility—why has it been twenty centuries since Heroic Spirits appeared, but it is only now that Heroic Spirits are reversed?

In the history of mankind, there is far more than one buried person, and the appearance of a Wallace means that there may be dozens or even hundreds of heroic spirits behind him who have the same experience!They resent the world because of unfair treatment, and question the principles of civilization. Those great people who stand in the shadows but have incomparably terrifying talents.

If these heroic spirits abandon the principles of civilization at the same time, enter the outside of the world, and then return to the main world from the outside of the world.

This will be a terrorist force capable of overturning the entire world, far exceeding any country today.

This is not idle speculation.

In fact, Wallace has mastered the black core that can open up to the outside of the world. This is a technology that no country can master today. It is only possible to master it after in-depth research and even entering the outside of the world.

And he just turned his back on the principles of civilization, fell into the outer world and returned to the present world!

The most important point is that he mentioned before - us!

Cold sweat soaked his back, and Zhou Sangyu opened his mouth with difficulty, but the pressure of Qianjun gave him the illusion of paralyzing his tongue, and he couldn't speak a word at all. If this hypothesis becomes a reality... The second world The great war will come unexpectedly.

Guardians versus Destroyers, Heroic Spirits versus Anti-Heroic Spirits, the principles of civilization and the outside world.

In this battle, the flames of war will not cease until one side is completely burned... I am afraid that by then, mankind will return to the Stone Age and start again.

"You have already noticed it." The old gentleman replied without asking: "Since I went here alone, it means... I am far from the only heroic spirit who betrayed the principles of civilization! We are an alliance, in order to subvert civilization The reason is to reshape the world and exist!"

"Now is the best time!"

"Five Lords of the God Throne, two are asleep, and one is seriously injured."

"The Battle of the Six Dao Demons has killed half of the world's great powers. In the past ten years, they have only barely recovered their vitality, and there is no way to talk about progress."

"And our understanding of the outside of the world is far ahead of the heroic spirits in this world... The destruction of Shen Hai today is just the beginning. It is an announcement of the return of us who have been forgotten! It is a warning to this world! Yes A wake-up call to the principles of civilization!"

He raised his arms, facing the dark moon in the void, and slowly clenched his five fingers: "The time has come! Let's open!"

Accompanied by this solemn declaration.

The black moon against the sky suddenly spread, eroding the surrounding night sky, devouring the starlight, engulfing the clouds and rain, distorting and smashing the space, and being incorporated into the void.

From a distance, it looks like there is an eye that is about to open above the sky. The dark core emits purple-black light, tearing the curtain of the sky little by little with difficulty. Every time you open it, the darkness will be closer to the earth. .

The storm blew up, rolling up smoke and dust in the sky, and the glass of high-rise buildings could not withstand the subtle high-frequency vibrations in the air, and they cracked one after another.

On the streets and in the houses, the residents opened their eyes and looked up at the sky.

Countdown to doom - three minutes.

At this moment, a loud bang suddenly rang in his ears, and the old gentleman looked sideways. Not far away, a large-caliber floating cannon released deadly tongues of flame.

The Zhenyuan ship unfolded its ship outfit, its black hair untied, and moved with the wind. The woman gently opened her thin lips: "Please return the commander to me... Otherwise, I will bury you at sea!"

Chapter 96 She said, no refund

Originally, Zhenyuan took Zheng Wenqian to the bedroom to rest. Although Bai Jue said that she can do whatever she wants, she is a good girl after all. Using force at this time can be said to be of extremely poor quality, so she did not intend to go directly to the bedroom. home base.

But I still have the desire to steal a little bit.

So she took a change of clothes and walked into the bathroom, but as soon as she opened the door, she came to the beach without knowing it.

As the ship's mother, she was keenly aware that something was wrong, but she couldn't find a solution for a while. After being lost for more than ten minutes, she still couldn't return to the cruise ship and put it on Zheng Wenqian. His tracker showed that he was awake and moving.

This made Zhenyuan very anxious... She tried to get in touch with the head of the nearby navy, but the signal was blocked and she couldn't communicate with the outside world. The only person she could get in touch with was a man who added friends.

She instinctively sensed that this friend whose ID was Fireproof Girl was a woman who was about the same age as her and even in a similar situation. She is an excellent listener, and talking with her will make people feel that their opinions are fully respected, which makes her very happy. Although the two have not met, they have an inexplicable understanding.

Zhenyuan opened the chat window with the idea of ​​giving it a try, and explained the situation as if complaining.

Surprisingly, the fire-proof girl quickly pointed out a way for her. Zhenyuan didn't believe it at first, but she tried it anyway, and then...she believed it.


Zheng Wenqian looked at the Zhenyuan Ship, which was already deployed not far away, and let out a suppressed voice from his throat: "Why are you here?"

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