"Where the commander is, no matter where it is, I will follow." Zhenyuan smiled gently, and immediately his eyes became extremely sharp, and three floating cannons were suspended in the air, brewing flames: "Heroic spirits from foreign countries have entered Shenzhou without authorization." The territory of the empire has seriously violated the international security regulations and the Heroic Spirit Management Law. Depending on your behavior, we have the right to detain you or even kill you..."

Wallace picked up the hat that was blown off by the blast, patted the dust on it, and glanced at Zhenyuan: "Mother of the ship, the dominant combat force at sea, but unfortunately this is on land, the machine you are most proud of There is no way to use power and sea combat capabilities, not to mention, even on the sea, with a mere ship girl facing a peak heroic spirit, do you think you have any chance of winning?"

The old gentleman sighed: "It would be nice to just stay where you are and watch the end of the world. The old man is in a good mood today, and I don't want to kill too many people."

Zhenyuan took a step forward, the floating cannon spit out deadly tongues of flame, and the energy charged to the extreme turned into an orange-red light, falling on the chest of the old gentleman. However, this was enough to melt the steel instantly, and the shelling that penetrated the safe was isolated in the half a meter away.

When the beam of light hits the barrier built by Heroic Spirit, it is like a stream of water hitting a rock, and spreads out in all directions. Some hit trees and cut them in half, some fell to the ground, and some cut off the street lamps. The hot fire ignited the trees , The night view of the park was instantly lit up.

Under the light of the fire, Wallace's face was reflected, one side was as black as ink, and the other side was as red as blood.

The principles of heroic spirits unfolded slowly under their feet, and the light purple light seemed weak, but in fact it was indestructible.

"The ship equipment of the fourth generation, I thought it was just a conceptual drawing, but I didn't expect the Shenzhou Empire to have some capabilities... It is indeed a big killer in the battlefield, but if you want to kill me, you have to spend at least three times more." The old man The gentleman said indifferently: "If you know, just kneel down for me..."

The invisible power oppressed the earth, and at that moment, it seemed that the entire ground boiled.

The masonry trembled and the earth rose and fell.

Zhenyuan's shoulders sank, bearing the weight of a thousand jun, his feet sank into the ground, and the traces of cracks spread along the bricks and stones to a distance of three meters.

However, she didn't fall down, instead, the heat of iron and fire burst out from her eyes, and her beautiful eyes were full of murderous intent.

The next moment, Jian Niang touched the ground with her toes, the floor collapsed, and the dust flew up. She took a light and heavy step, making her leap tens of meters like a nimble swallow. Juli smashed down in the air!

With this kick, even a tank will be turned into a discus!

The old gentleman raised his right arm, and the spirit of the heroic spirit built an indigo barrier in the air, and the hastily built defense was cracked with a single kick.

Zhenyuan jumped into the air again with the help of the anti-shock force. In this short gap, the floating cannon struck across the air, erupting tongues of flame, piercing into the crack of the barrier like a sharp sword, piercing through it abruptly, even slashing Injured Heroic Spirit's arm.

The next moment, Zhenyuan had landed again, and she raised her right fist, and the azure blue light condensed on the right fist, and the fist that fell from the sky smashed the barrier built by the spirit of the hero, and at the same time, with a slight difference, It deflected the old gentleman's body and landed on the ground.

Just when Zhou Sangyu thought it was a pity, suddenly, the heavy force that was pressing him on the ground disappeared, and he was slightly taken aback. Before he could react, Zheng Wenqian had already opened his mouth. He leaned against the broken tree , adjusted his breathing, and coughed up blood from the corner of his mouth: "The reason of the heroic spirits that imprisoned the eight-door Golden Lock Formation invaded the formation through the eyes of the formation. The space labyrinth should also be lifted now."

"It turns out that her original goal was here..." Zhou Sangyu understood, and immediately looked at the cheongsam woman in the dusty room, with a corner of her mouth twitching: "By the way, what kind of ship girl is this, this physical skill is probably more terrifying than a congenital warrior .”

"This is the art of gun fighting. Only a very small number of ship girls are gifted and can learn the martial arts against heroic spirits. It can further exert the super strong physical ability of the ship girl to the extreme... This is imitating the blood circulation of warriors. The comprehensive application obtained after Heroic Spirit's Theory of Heroic Spirit can only be used by the ship girl who has mastered phantom energy." Zheng Wenqian said in a low voice: "However, this technology is not mature, and it is too heavy on the body."

The so-called Cannon Fighting Technique is to use the body as a fortress. Every punch, every kick, and every attack is equivalent to a cannonball, but the human body is not a gun barrel. Even if the ship's mother has a strong physique, it will cause the body to collapse due to excessive use.

Zheng Wenqian really wanted to join the battlefield, but he knew that going in would only add to the chaos.

Today's space labyrinth has been destroyed, and the next thing is to wait for the heroic spirit to arrive.

He looked at Zhenyuan, whose arm was stained with blood, and silently clenched his fists—just delaying time is enough...

Unfortunately, this is also a luxury.

The space labyrinth was released, which also liberated Wallace from the eight-door golden lock formation. He originally used less than [-]% of his strength to deal with these people. Now, he is in his prime... The old gentleman touched his cheek He said in a low voice: "You did a good job. It hurt me and destroyed my heroic spirit. Although it is only a few fragments, it is really amazing... As a commendation, I will let you see it, my treasure. .”

Noble Phantasm, Heroic Spirit's strongest weapon.

The third-level heroic spirits hold the treasures, and the fourth-level heroic spirits hold the powers... The powers require [-]% release of the heroic spirits, but the treasures only need [-]% to [-]%. It seems that there is no difference in the ratio. There are too many, but the power is very different.

To put it simply, this mage has only used level a and defensive skills to fight against a few people so far, but now he said - I am going to use fireball.

Both Zhou Sangyu and Zheng Wenqian broke into cold sweats, neither of them dared to lightly say that they could not die under the blow of a treasure... Even a heroic spirit could not [-]% defend against another heroic spirit's treasure, and was severely injured or even killed. The Fallen have been seen in countless ancient wars.

The old gentleman raised his right arm, the power of the heroic spirit circulated in his hand, and fatal danger overflowed from his palm, the indigo purple power of the heroic spirit spread, and invisible waves set off, as if a vast symphony was played in everyone's ears .

The essence of the heroic spirit is composed of two parts: the heroic soul and the principle of the heroic spirit. The heroic soul is the soul, and the principle of the heroic spirit is the law recognized by the principle of civilization. The concept of reality, this is the Noble Phantasm.

The treasures of each heroic spirit are completely different, and Wallace, as the peak heroic spirit, has more than one kind of treasure.

The treasure he activated right now is pure destruction!

The torrent of gravity is released from the palm of the heroic spirit, and the invisible ripples spread, pushing forward in a destructive manner. Wherever it passes, everything is crushed into dust, the flames are engulfed in smoke and dust, and the rocks are turned into dust. Only the dark brilliance pours down, Like a dragon that chooses to devour people.

The legs of several people were deeply buried in the mud, and the terrible gravity pressed on their shoulders far more than before. The blood flow rate in the whole body became slow. For a moment, it seemed that the world was upside down and distorted. enlarge.

The entire park was destroyed in an instant.

Zhenyuan's pupils shrank to the size of a pinhole in an instant, and he gritted his teeth: "All cannon ports are released... energy overload, [-]% self-destruct bombardment!"

The energy bombardment started, and the hot light turned from orange red to true red, as if a hot fire spewed out in an instant, and the floating cannons also burned into ashes in just a second, and the moment they self-destructed, they crashed forward, roaring Amidst the sound, it still couldn't stop the pace of the treasure.

This treasure, she can't resist... No ship girl can stop it.

Zhenyuan sighed inwardly, she moved her steps, walked in front of Zheng Wenqian, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

Zheng Wenqian was stunned, and then he roared angrily: "Get out of here, this is an order! I don't have the habit of letting women block death for me!"

"I'm not going...I'm not going anywhere." Zhenyuan shook his head: "I'm right here..."

Seeing her back, the boy's heart seemed to be held by a hand, and the pain of suffocation engulfed him like a wave.

——It was this scene again, the same as ten years ago... I was still as weak as ever, and I could only hide behind and watch the girls fighting desperately, watching them stain the sea with blood, watching them disappear forever, I can only stay here, unable to move...

——Why, why can I only watch here, why can I only hide behind others, why am I so weak!

——Didn’t you understand it a long time ago?I am doomed not to be the hero I aspire to be, and I am doomed to not even have the qualifications to save them...

—Because I'm not Daddy!Because I have no strength!Because I... am not a Heroic Spirit...

——So I gave up... I have already given up on it... I don't have any extravagant hopes...

——But at this moment... I am willing to give everything in exchange for her leaving!

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