"Come with us," said the man in the military overcoat. "You'll soon get used to another place where there are lots of girls your age."

The girl stood there without moving. She bit her lip, squatted down slowly, hugged her knees, and cried quietly.

She didn't trust these two people, she felt like a burden, even if she went to a new place, she would be thrown away.

The two men looked at each other, and saw sighs in each other's eyes. If she would be noisy, as long as she vented her emotions, she would be calm afterwards, but...she was neither noisy nor noisy, just sitting here, her lonely back made people feel distressed .

The two soldiers were also worried in their hearts. They didn't want to do this kind of work either.

At this time, the car door was pushed open, and a boy with a bit of baby fat moved out of the car. He breathed out a white mist and looked around curiously.

When the two men saw the boy, they immediately said respectfully, "Master, why did you come out?"

"I want to see her." The eyes of the seven-year-old boy were full of curiosity. He walked up to the girl, squatted down, and patted her on the head, pressing his warm palm against her cold forehead: "You Is it my ship girl?"

The girl raised her eyes, her eyes were red: "Huh?"

"Why are you crying?" The boy tilted his head because he didn't understand.

Maybe it's because they are similar in age, maybe it's because they are innocent children, the girl sobbed and said, "Because they don't want me anymore."

"Who doesn't want you anymore?"

"Mom doesn't want me anymore..."

"Mom." The boy scratched his cheeks: "I have several mothers... They always like to hug me, and I can't breathe every time. If they don't want you, you can also don't want them."

"I, I don't know... Am I annoying, no one wants me, I don't want to be thrown away." The girl couldn't stop her sobbing, she finally cried softly, but she was still suppressing her voice .

Girls want things that are simple and unpretentious.

She doesn't want to see the backs of those close to her going away, the cold smiles—don't abandon me, don't leave me alone.

At this moment, the girl does not long for the whole world, but only longs for someone who can hug her and not let her stay alone in the world.

The snow fell, and the girl shivered in the cold wind.

The boy smiled innocently, took off his gloves, held her hands, and breathed a sigh of relief at her cold little hands.

It was as if someone opened a door in the dark, the light shone in her eyes, and the sun shone through the clouds on the boy's cheeks, reflecting his immature face, shining brightly, and he said seriously: " I want you."

The girl raised her tearful eyes and stared blankly at the strange boy. The warmth came from her palm, and her heart that was occupied by the cold also got a little warmth.

He held the girl's little hand as seriously as a little adult.

"I'm here, and I'm not going there."

The girl's hazy eyes finally saw his appearance clearly, and she cautiously asked: "Really?"

"Of course it's true. My father said it. The Zheng family always promises what they say. I mean it!" The boy nodded heavily: "From today onwards, you are mine!" He took out the With a handkerchief, he wiped away the tears and snot from the girl's face: "My name is Zheng Wenqian, and I will definitely become an indomitable man in the future. Admiral, just like my father! What about you?"

"My name is..." After the girl's cheeks were wiped clean, her pink and jade-carved face was very cute: "Su Yuaner."

"I remember." The boy took her hand: "Come with me, I will take you to my house."

The two men in military uniform smiled bitterly and said, "Master, this is against the rules."

"What's the rule, can't I bring someone home? She is my mother-in-law, I'll take her home to meet my father! What is this called..." The boy put his hips on his hips: "Uncle Sun said, dare to take the girl Bringing it home directly is pure manly style!"

The two men smiled even more wryly, and they were already cursing their mothers in their hearts - Damn Sun Tianchu, what did you teach our young master!If he rushed home so directly, he was afraid he was going to be spanked by General Zheng, and he knew how to rob women at such a young age!

The girl was held by the boy, and in the sun and snow, the two of them seemed to be heading to another world.

She closed her eyes and put all the emotions she didn't understand into her heart.

But she knows that as long as he is still there, it doesn't matter even if he is abandoned by the whole world, as long as he is willing to hold her hand, even if the world ends, he will have no hesitation.


At this moment, Zhenyuan dragged her stumped body, her broken left arm was hanging down feebly, and the gaps like wind and frost covered her whole body.

Blood dripped down the skin, forming pools at the feet.

But she still stood there, guarding the commander, guarding her one and only, not retreating a step, even though her body was covered with bruises, even though there were many scars.

"Why..." Zheng Wenqian clenched his fists, nails piercing into his palms: "For a trash like me..."

"Because." Su Yuan'er looked back and smiled: "I'm yours..."

Chapter 98 Selection

When the torrent of gravity finally disappears, the hellish scene slowly unfolds before the eyes like a scroll.

Zheng Wenqian stood there dumbfounded, watching Zhenyuan collapse in a pool of blood with his own eyes.

Just like a broken doll, the gentle woman who was looking back and smiling at the last moment quietly closed her eyes.

His throat was so dry that he couldn't even make a sound.

The breathing was weak, and the iron and blood slowly spread.

His eyes were red, like an angry cub.

He straightened up from the gravity that was enough to crush the bones, stretched out his hand, and stretched out his hand as hard as possible.

He wanted to hold the woman's hand, but the distance of the slightest difference was like a natural moat.

- What a joke!

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