——Why did you die like this!

——Stand up, and smile at me like before!


A hoarse roar resounded through the sky... for a long, long time.

A pair of eyes that seemed about to shed blood and tears stared at the heroic spirit through the blood and fire.

He murmured in his mouth: "Kill you...I will definitely kill you! I will cut you into pieces with my own hands..."

The azure blue qi lingered on the body, stained with blood and flames, and slowly transformed into a dark red like blood.

"True Qi goes retrograde, trying to force out all the potential in this way... After using this trick, either the meridians will be broken, or there will be no bones left." Wallace watched this scene indifferently: "It's just that one of the cloth is lost. It’s still too young to launch such a deadly move, as a superior, in order to save one’s own life, the necessary sacrifice is worth it.”

"The former emperors of Shenzhou made great achievements in battle. They stopped wars with war and stopped evil with killing. All their meritorious deeds were built on mountains of corpses and seas of blood. It has only been ten short years, and the younger generation has become so naive."

"She took the initiative to sacrifice herself to save your life, but you are wasting your life now, really..."

Zheng Wenqian growled, "Shut up!"

"What right do you have to talk about China's thousands of years of history here... What right do you have to pretend to be high above and overlook all living beings... What right do you have to judge the world for destroying the world..."

"Is it because of the injustice you suffered in the past? Is it because you lived long enough? Or is it because you are strong enough to be arrogant?"

"You are just a coward, a loser, a pathetic person who has been abandoned by history and exiled himself."

"One more thing, these issues are none of my business, what have I to do..."

"I'm not a hero, and I can't be a Heroic Spirit."

"But you hurt my people, so...you have to pay the price, even if you bite, I will tear off a piece of your flesh!"

Wallace lowered his face: "I originally wanted to save your life, but it seems unnecessary. If you want to die, I will help you!"

Zheng Wenqian's eyes burst out with a thousand times the killing intent, and his true energy was about to complete the last step in retrograde.

At this time, a white palm was pressed on his shoulder.

"It's enough..." The woman's voice was very soft: "If you do this, you will only hurt yourself, and your mother-in-law will not want you to do this, not to mention, she is still alive, saving her is more difficult than saving her." Killing the enemy is more important."

Zheng Wenqian was taken aback when he heard the words, only to see the red dress dancing with the wind, Princess Pingyang Zhao with her black hair curled up, holding an ancient bronze sword that had not been sheathed in her palm.

The sword was not out of its sheath, but the bright red blood gleams from the scabbard. This is the demon-slaying sword that has killed countless demons and ghosts.

Li Xiuning's words were gentle and unquestionable: "Next, leave it to us."

Zheng Wenqian's rebellious qi was easily suppressed, and his bloodshot eyes returned to normal. He picked up the seriously injured Zhenyuan, bowed deeply to Li Xiuning, and took a deep look before leaving. Wallace gritted his teeth and left.

Dion's blond hair fluttered, he was dressed in a dragoon uniform, and the heroic spirit's armor was realized.

The moment the Juggernaut Europa held the hilt, it gave people the illusion of being in an arena, and her eyes were full of anger.

The two heroic spirits finally arrived after a long delay.

"You are late." The old gentleman raised his eyes and sneered, "The door to the outside of the world is about to open, and no one can stop it."

"The space channel above Shenhai is indeed your fault." Li Xiuning squinted her eyes: "It makes people feel disgustingly familiar..."

"Of course you are familiar with it. This is a fragment of the Six Paths." Wallace lowered his voice, "Although only one path is connected, it is enough to completely destroy this city. What, are you satisfied with this gift?"

"Satisfied." Li Xiuning smiled happily, and the sword edge was unsheathed: "How about I return the gift?"

In an instant, Yin Hong's sword light crossed tens of meters of sky, leaving a transparent vacuum in the air, the ground riddled with holes was streaked by sword energy, and the criss-cross sword marks revealed a murderous intent, the old gentleman's heroic spirit The truth was instantly shattered, and he condensed his energy to fight against the sword energy.

In just three breaths, the sword energy penetrated the defense of Heroic Spirit [-] times!

Wallace squinted his eyes. He was also a peak heroic spirit. This kind of heroic spirit of pure martial arts was too terrifying. His well-professed fighting skills and the principles of a heroic spirit who had reached the peak were enough to completely suppress him even without a treasure.

Dion stepped forward: "Where is Your Highness..."

The old gentleman said indifferently: "She should have left the territory of the Shenzhou Empire by now and was sent elsewhere."

"Tell me the location!" Dion pulled out the knight's long sword: "Otherwise..."

Wallace shook his finger and said lightly: "Threats are useless to me. If I were afraid of death, I would not appear here."

"Next, you have to face a multiple-choice question, and there are two choices."

"First, fight to the death with me here, and witness this city turn into ruins under the impact of the Hungry Ghost Dao."

"Second, choose to guard this city, struggle hard for the tens of millions of residents here, and watch me return home with a full reward."

"No matter how you choose, I have already won."

"Three goals—heroic spirits with pure principles, Charlemagne's holy sword, and this economic and trade metropolis."

"You didn't protect the first two, and you don't have the ability to protect the last city. It's a pity... But with the strength of the two heroic spirits, at least one-third of the people can be saved, three million people. His life is not a small number."

"Now, choose."

"Fight with me, or struggle hard."

"Choose to vent your hatred, or choose the people."

"There is no third option." The old gentleman smiled, "Although it is too early to announce this, but..."

"I've already won."

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