what about now?Seeing that someone dropped a nuclear bomb on your doorstep, and if it detonated the whole city, everyone would be finished. Can you say "I'm not going to die anyway" and then dive into your own air-raid shelter, wearing a radiation protection suit Clothes, lying on the bed, watching live nuclear explosions while drinking juice?

If he really did this, Bai Jue would wish to slap this unworthy self to death.

It's easy to explain it with a word of kindness, but to put it simply... this good old man fell ill again.

Baihu stopped walking, raised his head, looked at the dark Niyue, and let out a low growl.

Mary also looked at the sky, and she asked, "Do you want to go there?"

"You don't have to go..." Bai Jue said, "I will send you to Dion and let her take you as far away from here as possible."

"What about you?"

"I can't go." Bai Jue said in a deep voice, "I want to prevent the opening of this passage."

"Can it succeed?" Mary pinched Bai Jue's collar.

"I don't know, how do you know if you don't try?" Bai Jue tried to lighten his tone, but he wasn't sure. If he could awaken one more holy soul, there might be a chance.

"Can you not go?" Mary raised her eyes and looked at him: "You said you would take me to the coffee shop..."

"I'll take you there later, I can't do it this time, sorry." Bai Jue smiled wryly.

Mary grabbed the hem of his clothes even harder: "It's shameful to escape, but it's useful...you said it."

This girl, use what you have learned now.

"Escaping is shameful but useful, but this time, I don't want to escape."

Bai Jue stretched out his hand unconsciously, stroked the girl's hair lightly, and said in remembrance: "I have lived a free and undisciplined life for more than ten years. I have made no special contributions to the family, society, or the world."

"When I was in school, I obviously just wanted to study hard, but I always thought about how to skip classes, how to copy homework, how to spare time to play games, and try to avoid my responsibilities as a student as much as possible."

"As a member of the family...not only did I not give my family any help, but I always caused trouble for my uncle."

"I have been escaping for a long time. As an ordinary person, no one knows what real escaping is like better than me."

"Close your eyes, see but not see, plug your ears, hear but not hear, get used to the darkness and defend the darkness, and feel complacent because of your hustle and bustle."

"True escape will constantly change a person, making those who have the ability to shine humble like dust, and those who dare to love and hate are distorted like maggots."

"This time, I may finally be able to do something, but I didn't do it, that's called escaping..."

"I also dreamed of it. I wanted to be a brave and enthusiastic person who dared to love, dare to hate, but in the end, I was also lost on the road. Now that I have the opportunity to face up to myself, I certainly don't want to continue to be a silent fake. blind."

"I don't believe in the stupid saying that with great power comes great responsibility, because this is a kind of moral kidnapping."

"But I believe—heroes will never escape."

"I want to be that hero."

Expressing his inner thoughts in one breath, Bai Jue realized what he had said eloquently... Maybe he was too relaxed, so he accidentally uttered all his inner monologues, and it is only for children like heroes It's a bit shameful to say such a naive idea openly.

But compared to Emiya Coyote who wants to be a "partner of justice"... the definition of a so-called hero is much broader, so it shouldn't be so despised.

He secretly glanced down at Mary... Oh my god, what a shame!

I saw this loli staring at him with a smile on her face. That half-smile look was cute and weird.

"Heroes? What you yearn for are not heroic spirits, but heroes... and the so-called heroes often don't have a good ending." Mary said softly: "In Greek mythology, there are only a few heroes who end well. A few, but, I understand... I will not stop you." But she changed the subject: "However, I want to go with you."

"The other party's target is you, and you will be in a very dangerous situation." Bai Jue wanted to persuade her to give up.

"You won't escape, so I don't want to continue to escape... I am a heroic spirit! I am more qualified than you to stand on the battlefield." Mary looked at him seriously, and said in a sentence: "If you are a hero, then Let me protect you too."

My hero will not lose to anyone.

I believe you.

Thinking of this, the girl blushed slightly. She secretly looked at Bai Jue's side face, and the more she looked, the more she couldn't look away.

At this moment, she suddenly thought of something: "That's right...wait a moment."

Mary took off the necklace around her neck, took off a crystal-clear pearl, and stuck it between Bai Jue's eyebrows. The power of the heroic soul was released from her fingertips, and the pure truth hidden in the pearl responded to it, and quickly melted away. It became a mass of silver-white liquid, covering his face, solidified and transformed into a mask.

The mask is only attached to the skin, it looks hard, but it is actually very thin, like a mask, without any discomfort.

The mask completely covered Bai Jue's face. From any angle, he couldn't see his original appearance. It only showed golden eyes. Apart from that, there were no extra facial features, even if the heroic spirit wanted to detect him. , and cannot penetrate the protection of the 'Purity Principle'.

Mary's principle of purity is unique and cannot be used to attack, but it can see through all disguises and isolate all heterogeneity... As long as the mask is not broken, or Bai Jue takes the initiative to take it off, even the lord of the throne can only stare blankly .

"That's good." Mary put her hands together and smiled in satisfaction: "Now you don't have to worry about revealing your identity."

Bai Jue touched his cheeks, his breathing and vision were not disturbed at all, this mask was as light as a veil, and he was very satisfied with it: "I will give you a five-star praise later, but I don't have to worry about being judged by anyone." I have recognized my true identity."

Now the fireproof girl will be relieved, I have kept my promise, and no one will recognize me if I haven't transformed in person.

Bai Jue suddenly smiled, this feeling is not bad, he suddenly understood why the heroes in the comics like to wear masks.

With this mask off, he can no longer be that hero.

But if he wears a mask, he can face the despair of the whole world.

Bai Jue caressed the mask lightly, with a faint smile in his eyes.

"lets go."

"Let's go……"

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