"Fulfill a hero's dream!"

Chapter 100 He's Back

In the imperial capital, the sky listens to the earth and sees the star tower.

The Shenzhou Empire has a foundation that is not easy for thousands of years, and its root is nothing more than the word inheritance. Although countless cultural treasures have been lost in history and wars, the existence of heroic spirits has made it possible for these treasures to be reproduced and continue to be upgraded. sex.

The so-called Heaven Listening and Earth Viewing Observatory is a super-generation observation device that integrates the secrets of stargazing by the Yinyang family, divination by alchemists, calculation of heavenly secrets, quantum calculators, space-based satellite observation systems and other core scientific and technological secrets.

It was first formed hundreds of years ago. It was built by the first emperor of the Shenzhou Empire with all the efforts of hundreds of schools. It has been constantly updated for hundreds of years and has been advancing with the times. The power of the stars can observe the flow of the earth's veins in the land of China, and monitor every move of monsters and ghosts within the border. In fact, its longest observation range is enough to cover the entire earth, and every earthquake, tsunami, typhoon and other natural disasters can be calculated clearly.

Under normal circumstances, Tiantingdishiguanxing Building is directly under the Jixia Academy, and those who are not in important positions are not allowed to enter. It is closed and managed all the year round, which is the key place of the institution.

Today, the Great Hall on the top floor of the Observatory of Stars welcomes the Saint and the Emperor.

Xunzi was the first one to come. She stood in the hall and watched a huge globe slowly operating.

After her, a gentle woman also dressed in plain clothes appeared in the hall, walked on the void, and stopped at a corner.

If Xun Sheng is the ice that never melts for thousands of years, then Meng Sheng is the mountain spring that flows.

The two came from the same source, but went to two completely different paths.

They looked at each other silently.

Meng Ke wanted to say something, but before she could speak, Xun Qing had already looked away, so she had to give up her words and sighed softly.

After a few short breaths.

The melodious sound of the dragon chant came from the top of the Forbidden City, and the stars sprinkled the starlight, embellishing that beautiful figure with brilliance.

The emperor controls the sword, and the dragon veins take off.

A golden dragon looms between the clouds, the dragon sees its head but does not see its tail, and auspicious clouds are vaguely born and extinguished.

Emperor Guangwu came with his sword and built a bridge of clouds in the sky.

Meng Sheng greeted him with cupped hands: "Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Xun Sheng's attitude was slightly indifferent: "Your Majesty is welcome."

The status of the two saints is not inferior to the emperor. Before Emperor Guangwu ascended the throne, he worshiped the two saints as his master. He was a teacher for one day and a father for the rest of his life. Snub to the Emperor.

Emperor Guangwu walked into the hall from Yunqiao. At the age of twenty-eight, her face was still a little immature, and there was a little wine red in her black hair. Although she had a bit of imperial majesty, she was mostly cute. I believe she just needs to look where A website can attract countless fans, which can be described as a natural idol group.

"You're welcome, Xun Sheng, Meng Sheng... I... um, I sensed the changes in the earth's dragon veins, and I watched the changes in the stars. The brilliance of the Suzaku and Qinglong in the Four Elephant Pavilion was dimmed, so I came here to listen to the earth. Check out the star tower to find out."

She tried to show a little majesty, but the lack of majesty was exposed as soon as she opened her mouth.

This is also impossible.

Ten years ago, the former emperor was physically and mentally exhausted in the battle of the six realms of demon investigation, watching half of the Shenzhou Empire be destroyed, starving and dying everywhere, and mourning everywhere... Most importantly, watching someone disappear at the end of the heaven, she His heart also died.

On the second day after the end of the war, when everything was waiting to be done, she took off her dragon robe, took off the purple gold crown, put down the Heshibi, and walked out of the Arctic Ziwei Palace, announcing her abdication without giving any response to the officials. The time is not given to others to save the opportunity.

In this way, the Emperor Tang, who had once decisively killed and ruled the Shenzhou Empire for an entire era with bloody means, abdicated.

Although she has abdicated, she is a member of the royal family. She proclaims herself in the Yihua Palace, spends the whole day with flowers, researches the brewing of flowers and nectar, and has been producing the most expensive wine and the most priceless incense in the Shenzhou Empire for ten years—— Thousands of flowers and a branch of incense.

Tang Huang left in a chic and poetic manner, leaving a group of ministers looking at each other in bewilderment. In desperation, Liu Xiu, who was still six years old at the time, could only be pushed to the throne like a duck.

In the past ten years, even if Liu Xiu is talented and talented, it is inevitable that some places will be ostracized, which also leads to the delicate situation that she is not majestic enough to be cute.

Once her opinion is not taken seriously, she will not be like Emperor Tang, who will directly pull out the emperor's sword and stick it on the Golden Luan Hall, saying domineeringly, "How dare you not listen to what I say?" ', she would only stare at the minister with those big watery eyes, seeing him bow his head guiltyly, blushing, and finally bow his head to beg for forgiveness.

Being cute enough to kill people is also a skill.

As she grows older, Emperor Guangwu has acquired enough talents, and she is more and more proficient in handling government affairs, but she is still a child, and occasionally sneaks out to play in the name of Weibo private visits, which makes left and right Work overtime day and night.

Emperor Guangwu's personality is very detached, he seldom cares about small things, he assigns things to others to do well, and he doesn't worry at all. Only big things can make her care, which is also deeply related to her heroic spirit.

The name of Liu Xiu's theory of heroic spirits is - Destiny Returns.

She is a born ruler. Under her rule, it is destined that all people will return to their hearts, the land will be fertile, and the world will be peaceful and prosperous.

In just ten years, the Shenzhou Empire has been restored to its current state, and her heroic spirit has also achieved considerable results. At least the drought and flood disasters have been reduced by at least [-]% compared to before... Many times, it is this light Emperor Wu dozed off for a while, then bristled in a daze, and had some kind of wonderful reaction like the radar, and then she woke up, patted the table, issued an edict, and the matter was settled in advance.

—Where there will be a flood in another month!

——Where there will be hail in a few days, and the residents are informed to travel carefully!

——Where there may be a drought, find a heroic spirit of the dragon king attribute to rain it!

Therefore, this time she took the initiative to show up in the Star Observation Building, which proved the seriousness of the situation.

Meng Sheng nodded slightly: "I have also noticed it, so I need to use the Star Observation Tower to detect the specific situation of Shenhai City."

Xun Qing said bluntly: "Let's start."

Accompanied by this announcement, the main hall on the top floor of the Star Observation Tower suddenly fell into darkness, and then it lit up again, and blue-purple runes were written in the air, transforming into bright spheres dotted with pitch black, like thousands of miles away. starry sky.

The star power in the sky is concentrated in this macroscopic and microcosmic star map, and it projects a ray of light, which lands on the globe in the center of the hall.

Photons are combined into a three-dimensional environment, the spirits of the three heroic spirits are covered by the power of the stars, and the information flow that is infinitely close to reality turns into a real picture scroll that is slowly laid out in front of your eyes.

The three of them are in the image space embodied by the Star Observatory, and everything here is happening in Shenhai City in real time.

"That's...the heroic spirit?" Emperor Guangwu noticed the stalemate in the park: "Sister Xiuning, and the French dragoons...then who is the remaining one?"

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