"The unnamed peak heroic spirit is either the Hall of Valor or the Dark Dynasty. No matter which one he is, everything that happens in Shenhai City cannot escape his involvement." Xun Sheng's voice was cold and without emotion.

Meng Sheng looked up at the sky without saying a word. This is infinitely close to the real fantasy space, even the breath can be simulated.

She sensed a disgusting sense of familiarity from the dark moon.

Meng Ke's eyes were full of astonishment and fear: "Hungry Ghost Road... How is this possible? Charlemagne's burning power has already sealed it, and the closed crack will never be reopened within a hundred years."

"But the reality is before us. We have witnessed a new history." Xun Qing looked back: "It seems to be just a fragment. If you want to close it, it should not be difficult for three peak heroic spirits to activate their powers, but..."

Liu Xiu held the hilt of the sword and let it go helplessly, and sighed: "From the imperial capital to Shenhai, even if I use the dragon vein to shuttle, it will take at least half an hour, and it seems that it will open in a minute at most. ...There is not enough time. When I arrive, I am afraid that half of the city will be destroyed. I can only see sister Xiuning. Her power may be..."

"Princess Pingyang Zhao's power can only be fully exerted with the help of the Great Wall. This is a border land. Even if she summons the phantom of Niangziguan and forcibly seals it down, it will not last ten minutes... and ten minutes is not enough. Residents evacuate." Xun Qing said coldly: "Even if she puts all her strength into protecting her, she can only save one-third at most... three million, the limit."

"Where's the other Heroic Spirit?"

"Dion is not the heroic spirit of the Shenzhou Empire. She came here to escort Her Highness Mary. Now that Mary is gone, I'm afraid...the holy sword and her were both taken away by the other party's scheme. In this way, the relationship between Shenzhou and France is afraid. It's..." Meng Ke stopped talking, she couldn't bear to say any more.

They were one step late, if they could have noticed half a day in advance, they would not have let the situation develop to this point.

"Hateful." Liu Xiu said unwillingly: "This is the first time I have tasted the feeling of being calculated by others, and it really hurts enough."

"Your Majesty, please calm down." Xun Sheng's attitude is still calm, or as cold as snow: "The matter has come to this point, instead of complaining to yourself, we should consider how to reduce the impact. We are already a little behind, and we can't fall behind... In the future, just pay back a hundred times, the sage said—repay the grievances directly.”

"...I know." Liu Xiu said so, but of course she was not reconciled in her heart, not only making troubles, but also wanting to kill those troublemakers.

Meng Ke gave a faint sigh, and she shifted her gaze from the sky to the ground, just as she was about to see the escape routes of the residents.

Suddenly, from the corner of the eye, a ray of thunder flashed across her eyes.

"...What's that?" Meng Ke's heart skipped a beat, and he raised his right palm subconsciously, mobilizing the star power of the observatory to track the illusory flash.

"What did you see?" Xun Qing followed the target she was following, and Liu Xiu also followed her.

At the moment when the illusion of star power is formed, the illusion is lit up like day.

There was a young man with white hair and blond eyes driving a fierce tiger galloping in the thunder light, wearing a mask, holding a girl in his arms, and went straight to the darkness against the moon.

This scene caused Meng Ke and Xun Qing to fall into terrible silence for a long, long time...

Meng Ke's gentle eyes were full of splendor, and his words were like a dream, and he stretched out his hand into the illusory illusion, unaware that it was just a mirror image.

"He is back……"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The night sky was as deep as a pitch-black curtain, and a round of black moon hung high in the sky, exuding a chilling aura.

The azure blue thunder passed through the urban area, galloping among the tall buildings.

The white tiger rode the thunder and ran, ignoring the shackles of gravity.

Bai Jue raised his head, looked at the dark moon that was getting closer and closer to the earth, connected the phone, and asked, "How long is it?"

"One minute at most." Altair also looked up at the night scene in another place: "I know that no matter how much I advise you, it's useless... Just tell you the way to close it, destroy the space channel itself, the crack There is a core inside, as long as it can be destroyed, the crack will disappear, but its shell is very strong, even your white tiger may not be able to reach the inside."

She paused: "So... if you want to destroy it, you have to go inside."

"Enter the space channel?" Bai Jue nodded slightly: "It doesn't seem to be very difficult."

"I don't know what's in there, but there are a lot of them, and they are very dangerous." Altair said in a low voice: "And, once you destroy the core of the rift, there is a high probability that you will be sucked into the space turbulence , there are too many uncertainties.”

"But..." Bai Jue raised the corners of his lips: "We can successfully save this city, right?"

Jun Ji was silent for a long time before she said helplessly: "I really convinced you, you should give priority to your own survival probability, you are really, really, really..." She sighed softly as if complaining but also admiringly : "Good old man..."

Bai Jue smiled: "I'm a straightforward person, I don't know how to beat around the bush, and I do whatever comes to my mind... Besides, I have the right to be willful."

Altair said softly: "Then... I wish you a smooth journey, the night is windy, go home early."

"Well, I'll be back when I go."

Bai Jue put the phone back in his pocket.

The white tiger stood tall, and the two stood on the tallest building in Shenhai City, only one step away from the sky, as if they could grab a handful of clouds with their hands.

The so-called difficulty of ascending to the sky seems to be nothing more than that.

Maybe it was aware of the provocation from mortals, and the dark moon slowly opened a gap, as if the eyes of the gods were opened, and the empty eyes looked down on the world, there was no mercy, no redemption, only the tyranny and darkness full of destruction .

"This scene reminds me of an idiom." Bai Jue looked at that eye and spit out four words: "There are eyes but no pearls."

With the sound of ridicule, the black moon's rift suddenly widened, like a sleepy eye suddenly replaced by the bloodshot and immortal eyeballs of a cultivator. In the dark space rift, crimson meridians criss-crossed and criss-crossed. Like a pool of blood, like magma, a disgusting bloody smell flows out of it, overflows, and finally turns into a rain of blood, floating down.

The drizzle turned bright red, and the entire city was shrouded in a blood mist.

The rift was finally fully opened, the path leading to the outside of the world was unsealed, and the Hungry Ghost Dao came back to the world!

The blood rained all over the sky, and countless evil spirits crawled out of the pool of blood, and stretched out their greedy arms to the world, with hideous expressions and distorted limbs, like horrible souls who could not be redeemed in hell and wanted to rush out of the gate of hell.

They have no reason, but the embodiment of pure greed and desire, they exist to devour, and they will not hesitate to eat the earth to death.

Ten years have passed since the last time they came. The creatures of the Hungry Ghost Dao want to occupy this rich main world all the time. Their crazy desires are ups and downs in the sea of ​​blood. They roar and crowd like a tide. into the world.

Tens of thousands of hungry ghosts are engulfed in the dark red blood river, gushing out from the black moon like a flood, calling for death and destruction.

This scene was reflected in everyone's eyes. At that moment, the inner despair filled the whole heart.

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