But not all of them are terrified all day long, and some people challenge the millions of hungry ghosts.

"finally come……"

Bai Jue said, "Mary, if you are afraid, close your eyes."

"I'm not afraid." The girl shook her head lightly: "Not at all...it would be a pity not to watch it now."

Bai Jue was startled for a moment, and then laughed out loud: "Then you should be careful, don't blink...Bai Hu, let's go!"


The holy beast roared, the white tiger stepped on the wind and thunder, and the thunder turned into wings. In an instant, like an arrow leaving the string, it only shot into the sky.

The dazzling thunder light divided the sky into an insurmountable boundary line, lighting up half of the city as if it were daytime.

Then... the clouds were pierced.

The black cloud is pressing down on the city and the city is about to be destroyed.

The sky-shaking thunder rushed to the sky, and the overlapping rain clouds were forcibly torn apart, revealing the covered bright starry sky, and the brilliance of the stars and the moon were also reduced to embellishments, only the roar of the tiger and the thunder spread throughout a hundred miles.

At that moment, everyone's eyes in this city were drawn to the rising thunder light.

Piercing through the black clouds, rushing towards the inverse moon.

The thunder light soaring in the sky, unbiased, soared straight up, and collided with the hundreds of thousands of hungry ghosts brazenly.

Afterwards, the river of blood was torn apart, and the hungry ghosts fell down in pieces. The thunder light was like a sharp blade, cutting off despair, bravely going up against the current, and forcibly opening a path with the desperate situation , went straight to the crack.


In Shenhai City, countless people looked up at the scene in the night sky.

Mortals don't know who that figure is, but there is hope in him.

As for the heroic spirits, the sense of unreasonability and disobedience they feel is far more than that of ordinary people.

Wallace stared at the night sky in shock, his pupils contracted for a while: "That... who is... There should only be two heroic spirits in Shenhai City! It is impossible to tear the blood river head-on and control the thunder... ...this heroic spirit..."

"Who told you that he is a heroic spirit?"

Li Xiuning lowered her eyes, there was joy and complexity in her eyes.

What should come will always come, what should come can't be avoided, he finally woke up, that dazzling thunder light, that roar of a tiger is undoubtedly the best proof of his return, and it won't be long before the heroic spirits of the five continents and four oceans They will all be boiling for it.

"Not a Heroic Spirit? Are you kidding me? If it wasn't a Heroic Spirit, how could it be possible to have that level of power..." Wallace couldn't allow his plan to be destroyed at this point, or be broken by an uncertain factor: "This is what you have nothing to fear The reason? There is such an unnamed heroic spirit hidden as the backing... The Shenzhou Empire is really deep enough."

"He's not a heroic spirit..." Dion looked up at the dazzling thunder light, suppressing all kinds of emotions in a tone as calm as possible, she retracted her gaze in time to avoid losing her composure: "He's not from the Shenzhou Empire either...he just once A hero who saved the world."

"Hero?" Wallace frowned: "Saved the world..."

Princess Pingyangzhao looked at Wallace sarcastically: "You probably don't know, the nameless person who once ended the battle of the Six Paths Demon Survey by himself."

"!" Wallace took a breath, but immediately denied: "Impossible, he has already been wiped out with Tiandao..."

"But in fact, he appeared here again..." Li Xiuning looked at him coldly: "You forced him out with your own hands... If you hadn't opened the Hungry Ghost Path, how could he have shown up? What he can't forgive the most for having sealed the six realms with his own hands is your behavior, how could he allow the land he had guarded to be devoured and destroyed by hungry ghosts again, you have touched his reverse scale!"

A chill ran up Wallace's spine, and wordless terror and shudders welled up.

The back figure that has traveled all over the world is the object of all heroes' longing.

He is not only a spiritual symbol, but also has a terrifying actual record. Otherwise, how could such arrogant spirits as Charlemagne, the Lion King, Ramses II, and Catherine the Great be willing to serve him? He is an ally, listen to his command, and let him order.

A fragment of the Hungry Ghost Realm couldn't stop Wuming.

Not only can't it be stopped, I'm afraid it will be smashed into pieces, and it will never be able to recover, and the space nodes will be wiped out.

No, I have to run...

Wallace is not afraid of death, but once he falls into Wuming's hands, it will be much more tragic than death. No one knows where his bottom line is. If he reads any information, I am afraid that the Dark Dynasty will be destroyed. Break through abruptly.

The moment this idea appeared in his mind, he was ready to escape, however... Li Xiuning drew his sword out of its sheath, and the vertical and horizontal sword energy sealed the direction of his escape. Emerging out of thin air, covering her body.

Tier [-] spirit foundation? Heroic spirit armament.

Like a landslide and tsunami, the aura of iron and blood poured out, which made people change their faces. She was as strong as a peak heroic spirit. A whole army!

"Now you can't leave even if you want to." Princess Pingyang Zhao said coldly: "Don't you like to give people multiple-choice questions? Then listen carefully now, you have two choices, first: You obediently give up resistance, and you will be caught without a fight .”

Wallace said indifferently: "I choose the second."

"Spine." Li Xiuning smiled faintly: "Second, I cut off your limbs, made you into a human stick and brought you back. There was no difference in the result."

"...Then I will try my best to struggle." The old gentleman's right arm is covered with the spirit of the hero, and he is ready to activate the power... This is the killer of the hero, once used, it will lead to a period of weakness , can't be used easily, but now, it doesn't seem to make any difference whether to use it or not.

Either die, or life is worse than death, fight desperately, maybe there is still a chance of life.

Seeing that the war is about to break out.

At this moment, Dion exclaimed in astonishment, "How could it be..."

The two heroic spirits followed her line of sight, and saw that the thunder light soaring in the sky was struggling in the blood river. Compared with the previous brilliance, it was now dim.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"How could it be..." Dion looked at Lei Guang who was struggling in the river of blood, if it was really the nameless deity, the hundreds of thousands of hungry ghosts in this area were not his all-in-one enemy at all.

A solemn look flashed across Li Xiuning's eyes. From her point of view, even if Bai Jue awakened hastily, he would not be able to fully recover his previous strength, which was reasonable.

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