Princess Pingyangzhao shouted: "He may not have recovered from the injury he suffered back then, no matter what, the time he bought us should not be wasted, Dieng...Facing the enemy in front of you, all we can do now is to take down the current enemy as soon as possible." This Heroic Spirit!"

When Dion heard this, she came back to her senses. She held the knight's long sword and took a deep breath: "I lost my temper. No matter how the situation changes, the enemy is right in front of me. I have no reason to let him go. For His Highness, and for myself ..."

She silently made up her mind that after this battle, Wuming must not be allowed to leave, and she must ask clearly where he has been for the past ten years.

Wallace looked at the two female heroic spirits with true murderous intent, and then glanced at Thunderclap in the sky who was entangled with the blood river.

——It seems that the situation is not that bad. It is reasonable for Wuming to be attacked by the Heavenly Dao, and his serious injuries have not recovered. These two heroic spirits are obviously more worried about his safety. They might as well continue to wait and see and look for opportunities to escape.

He made up his mind to focus on defense.


In the imperial capital, the main hall of the Star Tower.

"I can't stand it anymore." Liu Xiu wished she could pull out the Son of Heaven Sword, looking at the gradually fading Thunder in the illusion, her brows were full of anxiety: "Ten years ago, he was not as weak as he is now."

Although Liu Xiu was only six years old back then, she also saw Wuming with her own eyes, and the impression was indelible. It is undeniable that Emperor Guangwu had a strong longing for this nameless savior, even more than respecting the previous Tang emperor.

"If he still has the strength of ten years ago, it's no longer a problem, but...under Tiandao's sniper calculations, it is extremely difficult for him to survive, and I am afraid that he has not recovered from his serious injuries." Meng Sheng's eyes There is a look of worry: "I am afraid that there is no one in ten."

"Maybe... he is reincarnated." Xun Sheng's tone was cold, but his expression was not as calm as his words: "So his power has been greatly weakened, so he can't deal with the hungry ghost by himself..."

Liu Xiu asked: "What if we cooperate with space-based weapons to strike?"

"This will involve him, and even half of Shenhai will be destroyed. Unless this city is destroyed by the Hungry Ghost Dao, don't use it." Xun Qing closed her eyes: "What we can do now, I'm afraid the only thing left to do is pray."

"I don't believe in God, it depends on human effort." As the son of destiny, Liu Xiu doesn't believe in destiny.

Meng Ke remained silent, she silently stared at the mask in the illusion, those golden eyes, already... that unshakable will.

Suddenly, the sorrow and worry between her brows disappeared, and her troubles turned into a gentle smile.

"Meng Sheng?"

"It's nothing... I just suddenly felt that our worries were unnecessary." Meng Ke said softly, "Did we forget who he is?"

"He traveled all over the world, chasing the six realms..."

"He held high the banner of fire, shining brightly in China..."

"He did not hesitate to sacrifice his life for benevolence, and severely damaged the way of heaven..."

"He hasn't changed from the distant past to the present. From the moment I met him, he has always been the same, sticking to his bottom line."

"Even if he doesn't have the power to penetrate the heavens and the earth, or the strength to laugh at the heroes, he is still him..."

Sister Sage spoke, seeming to be recalling the distant past, and there were a few strands of joy and nostalgia in her words: "So..."

However, before she could finish speaking, Xun Qing interrupted her coldly: "So, if you burn Jixia, you ignore it, and when Jing Ke assassinates Qin, you go away... It's ridiculous to talk about trust now. Your holy way and his holy way have deviated too far after all."

Meng Ke did not choose to be silent, and counterattacked in a calm tone: "...What about you? I am running against him, so can you walk side by side with him?"

Xun Qing sneered: "You really know him well."

Meng Ke nodded and smiled, but said nothing.

Liu Xiu's face was full of confusion.

Meow meow meow?Why did you suddenly enter the Baixue scene?It still has something to do with the past. These two are both saints before BC. Could it be that Wuming is also a saint before BC?Suddenly very curious!

The two saints looked at each other coldly, the grievances and grievances from many years ago had already been buried, and there was more than one tit-for-tat confrontation.

After all, they were saints, so they quickly sorted out their thoughts, and after a few breaths, they looked away and focused on the thunder and flash again.

Meng Ke said, "Is this scene somewhat similar?"

Xun Qing nodded and replied: "In the Ji Wen fight between him and Xu Sheng Lu Buwei back then, that ten-thousand-meter-long sword energy..."


In the river of blood, Bai Jue struggled to hold on. The strength of the white tiger might be strong, but it was far from enough.

What he has not mastered is the complete power of the white tiger. It is unimaginably difficult to break through the blood river of hundreds of thousands of hungry ghosts and go upstream.

But the rush has rushed to the sky, can I still retreat!


Can't go back!

You can't fall, and you can't look back!

Bai Jue was bathed in the thunder, and countless hungry ghosts roared in the river of blood, he narrowed his eyes: "Give me some strength, Baihu... At this moment, tens of thousands of people are staring at our backs. "

When he stepped forward, what he was carrying was no longer the safety of one person. The life and death of thousands of people in this city were on his shoulders.

There is an old man sitting on a chair, looking up at the night sky, and holding his teacup tightly.

A young man stood in the street, clenched his fists, praying for safety.

A child was lying on the edge of the window, ignorantly looking at the sky.

Thousands of people's prayers are tied to a thread.

There are no heroes in the ordinary world. For the vast majority of ordinary people, heroic spirits are gods on high. They look down on all living beings like gods and are the patron saints of the land of China. But through the screen, they always feel their existence. itself is not real.

Even in the event of a disaster, the first thing people think of is the army and the police, not the heroic spirits.

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