Cracks quickly covered the entire black moon, like a mirror that had reached its limit, crumbling, one step away from being broken.

However, at the moment it was about to break, a wave of invisible fluctuations spread, and the cracks all over the black moon were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye under the mysterious energy fluctuations. The cracks seemed to go back in time, quickly returning to their original in good condition.

Bai Jue's pupils contracted, and he continued to punch and bombard.

Black Moon was shattered, then repaired, shattered, then repaired, and repeated several times... When the time reached the [-]th second, Bai Jue finally stopped the berserk combo, and his arm was already infected Even with the protection of the white tiger armor, the force of the shock still hurt himself.

This space barrier is far stronger than he imagined. Even though the cracks are everywhere, even if it is crumbling, it is still not broken, and it is even slowly being repaired.

As long as the black core in the center is not destroyed, it can be continuously regenerated.

The overload state of just [-] seconds has already caused Bai Jue to tear the blood river, but it is not enough to defeat the black moon, he needs a trump card to win with one blow...

"Is this forcing me to magnify my moves?" Bai Jue narrowed his eyes: "At this time, I really hope that I can have an extra skill. The only thing I can think of now is-"

With a loud roar, "Lei Gong" helped me, and introduced the sky-filled thunder into the body, using myself as the medium, and released a move of Baimiao's billion volts.

It's just that it's hard to control the power of this move. If it's not done well, it will turn itself into a human-shaped fireworks.

Bai Jue gasped, he was not a clerk, and he didn't have the habit of self-exploding and perfunctory.

And the time passed by one minute and one second, and the remaining time was only the last ten seconds.

Ten seconds... Bai Jue was still thinking about countermeasures.

Nine seconds... Bai Jue clenched his fists, still hesitating.

Eight seconds... Bai Jue lowered his arms, let go of his hesitation, and determination flashed across his eyes.

Seven seconds... Bai Jue mobilized the golden thunder, and the energy in his body began to condense to a high degree, and the prototype of a huge thunder vortex formed in the night sky.

six seconds...

"Wait." Mary cupped Bai Jue's cheek with her little hand: "There are other ways..."

"Other ways?" Bai Jue shook his head: "I can't think of any, even if there is, there is not enough time."

five seconds...

"Why do you think I must follow?" Mary's eyes curved into a sly arc: "Is it just to see how handsome you are?"

She said softly: "At this moment, I am your sword..."

She unbuttoned a button on her chest, and the clothes slipped down along the fragile skin, revealing her small shoulders, delicate collarbone, and a sword-shaped imprint in the center of her breastbone. She resisted her shyness and said softly Say, "Please, use me..."

Four seconds...

At this time, maybe it would be more gentlemanly to decline a little.

But Bai Jue is not a gentleman, he is not so hypocritical, and his answer is very straightforward.

"Okay... your soul, I accept it!"

three seconds...

Bai Jue's palm sank into the girl's chest, and in the brilliance of the heroic soul, his consciousness was tightly embraced by the truth of purity.

A golden holy sword slowly emerged, emerging from the scabbard made of pure truth.

Awe was written in the boy's golden eyes, and his five fingers slowly clasped the hilt of the holy sword Joyeuse.

The moment he held the holy sword... a huge flow of information flowed backwards into his mind.Awaken the vivid memories of the holy sword that has been sealed under the memorial tablet for ten years, and the souls of those heroes who died in battle.

When he opened and closed his eyes, Bai Jue seemed to have traveled through time and space.

He saw that the emperor holding the holy sword stood under the setting sun and looked at the scorched earth for thousands of miles, his back was lonely.

He saw that those heroic souls who died in the battle were returning and sleeping under the comfort monument.

He saw the thousands of days and nights that this holy sword had witnessed with his own eyes in the Shenzhou Empire.

A person is mortal, and he is heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather... If I fail to cut through the black moon, if I fail to save the tens of millions of people, will I end up sleeping under a stone tablet like these warriors? Day after day, year after year.

The bones are buried in yellow sand, the corpse is shrouded in horse leather, no one knows...

At that moment, Bai Jue's soul was pierced by something, he seemed to understand something, but he didn't seem to understand anything.

Holding the holy sword, he stood in the night sky, as if he was in a frontier full of yellow sand, heard the flying of horseshoes, and saw the shadow of swords and swords.

If you want to express your mood at this moment, this sentence is the most suitable one.

[Qinghai Changyun Dark Snow Mountain...]

Bai Jue closed his eyes, and recited a poem that no one but him could hear.

[Lonely city looking at Yumen Pass...]

two seconds...

Bai Jue held the girl in his arms and pulled out the holy sword. Joyeuse was as light as a feather in his hand, and the golden sword reflected the golden thunder. The sword of Charlemagne was obedient in his hand like a cat with folded ears. , he flicked the holy sword lightly, the sound of the sword chant was extremely clear, and the golden holy sword glow was reflected on the battle armor, coating the young man with a layer of brilliance.

He opened his mouth and read the third seven-character quatrain.

[The yellow sand wears golden armor in a hundred battles...]

one second...

The dark moon is still indestructible, and the surging blood river is still flowing endlessly, and countless hungry ghosts flow out of it, greedily coveting the land of China.

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