But Bai Jue had no anxiety, no fear, and no worry in his heart.

This black moon, this hungry ghost, and this million evil spirits are nothing more than that.

He followed the scenery in his heart, touched what he felt and thought at this moment, without being able to condense his momentum, adjust his breathing and tense his nerves.

Just swing this sword... In the world, nothing lasts!

【Do not break Loulan...】

The verse is the last!

The savior opened his eyes, and the golden pupils reflected the scenery outside the Great Wall of thousands of miles of yellow sand. Thousands of heroic souls were sleeping under the stone tablet. At this moment, it seemed that there were thousands of troops forming an army under his command. Also unstoppable.

【end!Do not!return! 】

Hunting in white, the young man wields a sword...

With a sword out, the wind and clouds move, the galaxy splits, and the world is shocked!

The dark moon is divided into two, and millions of hungry ghosts are buried with a sword——!

With a flick of lightning, the sword is majestic and majestic——!


ps1: With a flash of lightning, the sword is majestic in the Pacific Ocean - from Liang Qichao's "Pacific Songs of the Twentieth Century"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A sword slashed the black moon against the sky.

The night sky was also cut in two.

The clouds in the sky separated accordingly, and even if a meteorite fell, it would probably be chopped into pieces.

The space channel dissipated and turned into black fragments flying all over the sky, like broken glass after a mirror surface, eloquently.

Standing in the night sky, Bai Jue returned the holy sword to the pure truth.

After finishing everything, a sense of superiority arose in his heart that 'the sky and the sun stand side by side'.

However, before he can read the poem "Holding the sun, the moon and picking the stars, there is no one like me in the world" to improve the force.

The countdown reaches zero, and the countdown is over.

[Holy Soul Fusion status removed...]

The golden thunder wings dissipated, the battle armor was removed, and the silver hair that grew to the waist also returned to normal black.

The power faded away in a short moment, and a strong sense of weakness came from the depths of his soul.

"Pretending too much... I'm afraid I'm going to fall into Bai Juejiang..."

Bai Jue's eyes went dark, and his consciousness sank into the darkness immediately. He also started a free fall from an altitude of nearly [-] meters, falling from the clouds.


This scene caused a drastic change in the expressions of the heroic spirits who were far away in the Star Observatory.

But the next moment, his falling figure stopped.

A woman caught his fall, hugged him tenderly from the back, rested her chin on his shoulder, and her cheek against his cheek, caring for him tenderly so that he would not suffer any harm.

"That's..." Meng Ke was about to mobilize his star power to find out who this woman was.

However, she raised her eyes slightly, her gaze seemed to span thousands of kilometers, reaching directly to the star observatory. In the main hall, the instruments of the star observatory roared as if they were overloaded. It came to an abrupt end.

The spiritual consciousness of the three heroic spirits was also forced to withdraw. They looked at each other, and they all read consternation and surprise from each other's eyes.

"The instrument is overloaded. This is the overheating caused by the huge information flow. Forced stop is its protective measure. Even if it is cooled with liquid nitrogen, it cannot be used again within ten minutes." Meng Ke glanced at the red-red high-temperature globe , pondered: "Is she..."

"It's someone he knows. His strength is not inferior to ours, or even stronger..." Xun Qing said coldly: "In the past ten years, he may have been wandering outside the world. No matter who he sees, it is not surprising. We are behind Too much."

Liu Xiu couldn't come to a conclusion after much deliberation, and finally said helplessly: "No matter what, the chaos in Shen Hai has been settled, and the Shenzhou Empire owes him another favor. I'm afraid it won't be clear for the rest of my life. How to thank him."

Meng Ke smiled quietly: "He doesn't ask for anything in return. If His Majesty really wants to thank you, why not..."

"Well, how about." Liu Xiu said slyly, "How about I make him a marriage?"

Hearing the words, Ersheng stared at Emperor Guangwu very seriously, and there was only one sentence in his silent gaze - are you serious?

"Fuck, I'm just kidding..." Liu Xiu said with a dry smile, "Zhen, I'm back in the palace... Ah, speaking of which, today's memorial hasn't been approved yet... Ah ha ha ha ha..."


In the night wind of Shenhai City.

There is a helpless and gentle smile on the beautiful face of the fireproof girl, Bai Jue's face is reflected in the deep eyes, the moonlight is shining, as if she has been covered with a hazy gauze, independent of the world, ethereal and out of the world .

On the side, Altair in military uniform glanced at Bai Jue: "...his soul power is overdrawn, and he won't be able to wake up for three to five days."

The fire prevention girl nodded slightly.

"You can stop him," Altair said again.

"The result won't change. Even if I stop him, Bai will still do it in the end..." The Fireproof Girl embraced the tranquility of this moment, and the wind seemed to have stopped: "If he is willing to save the world, then I will respect it." His wish, no matter whether he is wounded in the end, fails or returns triumphantly, I will wait for him to return, this is the only mission I have been given."

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