"In this way, he will kill himself sooner or later." Jun Ji crossed her arms, she didn't understand.

"But at least for this moment, he can sleep peacefully in my arms." The fireproof woman smiled.

Altair looked down, Bai Jue closed his eyes, with a little smile on his tired expression, very proud and very proud.

She looked away, her heart beating slightly faster: "Maybe..."

Jun Ji carried Mary, who was also in a coma, and she changed the subject, "What about this child? He has been protecting her carefully for so long, so he can't just throw it away, right?"

"There is a heroic spirit over there, just send her there. We don't need to interfere with the rights and wrongs of this world." The fire-proof female foot stepped into the void, and fiery red lotuses were burning in the air, and disappeared at the end of the vision in a short while.

She walked away gracefully, leaving Jun Ji with a helpless expression on her face: "So it's hard work to say that maids are hard workers. Obviously Yu was the final boss in the last volume."

Xiaoxiao complained a bit, and she launched the Myriad Universe, across the space and directly to the park.

At this time, the three heroic spirits were still fighting. Although the fight was extremely fierce, two heroic spirits from the fighting faction beat up an old scholar. Far.

Altair's direct appearance on the battle field really surprised several people. Looking at her strange dress, Li Xiuning, Dion and Wallace estimated that their inner thoughts were surprisingly consistent—how could her style of painting be the same? We are different.

"You don't need to put on such a surprised expression. Yu also has no intention of getting involved. He was just entrusted by someone to send someone over."

Regardless of the different expressions of several people, Jun Ji snapped her fingers, and a few sabers supported Mary and floated towards Dion. Dion immediately caught Mary, and after confirming that she was only in a deep sleep, he relaxed and was about to thank her. , but was interrupted by Jun Ji.

Altair said indifferently: "It's not Yu's credit, Yu is just responsible for returning her... But Yu still has a word of advice for you - since it is your own princess, of course you have to protect it yourself, don't cause trouble for others, and don't worry about it." Thanks to the fact that this little princess met a kind old man who hasn't been around for a thousand years, otherwise..."

Dieng was full of complexities, and lowered his head in shame: "May I ask who is that kind person?"

"Yu's employer, you don't need to know him...he hates trouble, and his original words are—it's never a good thing to have a relationship with a heroic spirit." Jun Ji smiled contemptuously, and her eyes fell on Li Xiuning. Or... her chest.

Next work!

Altair sneered twice, and finally looked at Wallace.

When the old gentleman saw that Mary was safe and sound and returned to Zhao, his pupils shrank and his head went blank. His whole body seemed to be exhausted and exhausted. He almost covered his head with his hands and yelled that his brain was shaking.

So... who told you to set the flag indiscriminately, old general.

After Li Xiuning saw that Mary was safe and sound, she was also relieved. From this point of view, although the old gentleman's plan was implemented in place, he got nothing in the end, and he even had to explain it here—although there is a kind of salty fish that is lying and winning. Visibility, but that's not the point.

Princess Pingyangzhao drank blood with her sword edge, and her killing intent was burning: "Little girl, please step aside, thank you for your assistance, the next battle belongs to the heroic spirit..."

"Yu Ye is indeed a little tired tonight. After being woken up, he has been forced to work overtime for a long time." Altair changed the subject: "But please don't get me wrong, Yu is not a weak little girl..."

She squinted her eyes, her silver hair moved without wind, and dozens of floating sabers appeared in her hands: "Although his actions are so stupid that it is unbearable to watch, Yu is also one of the people saved by his innocence... Yu It's not the person who sees his benefactor being plotted to such an extent and remains indifferent, if he doesn't get back part of the harm he has suffered, Yu's killing intent can't be appeased..."

She whispered, and there was a faint bloodthirsty desire in her eyes.

"Yu... is not a kind person."

"Yu... is a villain who destroys the world!"

"Let Yu try it, the power of this reformed myriad phenomena!"

"Everything in everything? The first new movement—"

The passionate music on the battlefield suddenly played, and the omnipotent power turned into ripples and spread out waves of ripples, the killing was full of strings, and death was approaching.

She played a fatal note: "Lanling King enters the battle!"


The long dark night came to an end, and when the first ray of dawn broke, the Shenhai Rebellion also ended.

What happens after that is as follows in order.

Wallace was sealed with the spirit of the hero, and Li Xiuning and Lan Er personally escorted him to the prison in the imperial capital.

Dion returned to France with Mary, who had fallen into a deep sleep due to the exhaustion of her heroic soul, her principles of purity had been strengthened, and her spiritual foundation was about to be promoted, which was a blessing in disguise.

The Zhenyuan was sent to a special ward and was out of danger.

Zheng Wenqian stayed outside the ward. After calming down, he tried to contact Bai Jue, but he couldn't. He was very worried about his safety, but he had no time to separate himself.

Zhou Sangyu was busy dealing with all kinds of troubles in the Shenhai Rebellion, and also needed to arrange for the Propaganda Department to compile fake news to appease the masses.

Altair went to find trouble with the heroic spirit, but he himself was slightly injured, and he was alive and kicking after half a day of recuperation.

The fire girl stayed in the coffee shop and looked after Bai Jue.

Bai Jue fell asleep for seven days without waking up, and even delayed the opening of the coffee shop once.

In this way, the time came to the end of the month.

Finally, on a clear afternoon, Bai Jue woke up like a dream...was woken up violently by the phrase 'sleep you are paralyzed and get high'.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A voice came, which seemed to be very close and yet far away.

That familiar tone, that familiar accent, that familiar tone made people feel very cordial...

"Zaima? Zaima? Get up, stop touching!"

Bai Jue sat up like a conditioned reflex, and raised his middle finger: "buzai, CNM! Only dogs fish!"

When he raised his head, he saw a familiar face with a familiar smirk.

"Why are you still here?" Bai Jue looked disgusted: "Shouldn't you have fled long ago, you poor clerk? It's interesting to cheat corpses over and over again?"

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