"Your identity is appointed by me, can't I come back after I leave?" Bai Di rolled his eyes: "Didn't I feel that there is a little problem on your side, so I came to help you sort out your muscles and bones? You Seeing that your soul is misplaced, without me, the master of the Stella world, to help you rectify it, you may have to sleep for ten or eight days, and who will save humanity by then?"

"I? Humanity burns, you still mention this to me?" Bai Jue stared: "Can you give me a vacation! Why do I always meet a group of heroic spirits in the main world who come to my door and release nuclear bombs! "

"It's a matter of luck." Bai Di patted Bai on the shoulder, and said sympathetically, "At least you still have a whole body, unlike me that was ashes."

"...You are not consoling at all." Bai Jue knocked off Bai Di's hoof: "So what's the matter with you coming this time? I always feel that there is a conspiracy."

"It's not a big deal, just take care of your physical and mental condition. If you accidentally go crazy, who will I find as a coolie?" Bai Di smiled maliciously: "By the way, I'll give you a gift bag for beginners."

"You are so kind?" Bai Juexu raised his eyes in disbelief.

"fnndp, I, Lao Bai, have a great reputation, so it's very famous!" Bai Di slapped his thigh: "Who doesn't know that I, Bai Di, have nothing to say about being good to my buddies? If it wasn't for me, he would have been killed by me a long time ago." Beaten like a dog with a broken spine."

"Is that why you trained your brother to be a husky?"

"What's wrong with the husky? Has the husky eaten your rice? Isn't it good to look majestic like a lonely wolf?"

"But Erha is Erha, and the essence can't be changed..." Bai Jue squinted, and muttered in his heart: "Why is this conversation a bit déjà vu... I always feel that this clerk named Bai is as skilled as me."

He coughed softly: "Forget it, don't talk about it, just give me the gift bag and you can go."

"Don't tell me, I think we can chat." Bai Di smiled kindly: "It's what seniors should do to care about juniors."

Bai Jue felt more and more strange, he squinted his eyes: "I said, Your Excellency the clerk..."


"Could it be that you were targeted by the debt collection company, and you purposely avoided the limelight with me?" Bai Jue speculated and used his skill - the gaze of justice.

Bai Di was in a cold sweat for a moment, his eyes began to drift, and he looked around and said to him: "Say, say, what are you talking about, what kind of debt collection company dares to collect my debts, not to mention that I am an imposing clerk in Vientiane who is clearly very rich It’s okay, what debt can’t be repaid!”

"I, I, I, I tell you, you can't say such things indiscriminately. You are spreading rumors and slander. If you are someone else, you will be responsible for saying this in the future."

"Stop friend, don't look at me with that look!"

The clerk was so guilty that he didn't dare to look at Bai Jue.

"Some debts cannot be repaid." A certain white smile gradually became vulgar: "For example--love debts or something."

Bai Di shivered suddenly, and said angrily: "Presumptuous, shut up!"

"Turned into anger?" Bai Jue said, "Tsk tsk tsk... If you deny it, you deny it. If you have the guts, don't tremble."

"It's not called trembling. It's a bit cold today, and I don't wear much." Bai Di sat cross-legged: "Do you think I will owe a love debt and be chased and killed for thirty thousand miles? It doesn't exist, it's impossible! It's just heavenly." Night tales! I'm afraid I'm not living in a dream."

"Your Daqin dialect is quite slick, but it's useless." Bai Jue rolled his eyes: "Seeing that you are so afraid, I really don't know how far you have provoked the other party? Could it be that you are pissing off the girl? Run away after getting big? Hey..."

"Shut up!" Bai Di covered his head: "I haven't done anything well at all, the most I can do is hold hands, the platonic spirit fell in love for a while, and the dick has never been hardened! Maintain the sage mode all the year round!"

"Then you are afraid, break up peacefully!" Bai Jue said casually.

"It's possible to break up, but peace doesn't exist." Bai Di clutched her head, her brain trembling: "She may remove my limbs at any time and throw me into a small dark room. Got caught absolutely pills! Pills!"

"What a disgrace." Bai Jue looked contemptuous: "Look at the Congxin you are afraid of."

"You do what you want!" Bai Di slapped his thigh angrily, "You don't know anything about Biaojiao!"

"You know you can't afford it, why do you want to provoke it?" Bai Jue spread out his hands: "Since you know the value of life, then stay away from it from the beginning, such as my wife Yuno, don't even touch her. "

"...You take it as I think." Bai Di rolled his eyes: "I made a mistake in the way I was raised, do you understand? God knows why a group of good girls suddenly turned black after they filled up their favorability. Caught off guard."

"Huh?" Bai Jue's voice raised eighteen degrees: "May I ask who are those?"

"I'll count..." Bai Di raised his fingers, and then smiled awkwardly: "I'm afraid I can't finish counting... I don't have enough fingers."

"Warrior, warrior." Bai Jue cupped his hands, then raised his middle finger: "Wait to be killed with a hatchet."

"So I came to you to take refuge here... I wanted to clean up the singularity, but I almost ran into it. If it wasn't for my cleverness, I pretended to be an NPC and looked around in time, otherwise I would definitely be killed. Discovered." Bai Di covered his face: "Flawless Valkyrie, it's unreasonable to be so strong after breaking away from the shackles of fate... The first time we met was so cute, why has it changed now?"

"Huh?" Bai Jue didn't understand why.

"It's nothing, anyway, just listen to my advice." Bai Di was inexplicably sad: "Alive! Don't mess with sick girls!"

Bai Jue squinted, and said carelessly: "Although I am a coquette, I also know that coquettishness is terrible, so you don't have to worry about this kind of problem. The girls I know are all good girls. If they are coquettish, I will watch them." Won't you come out?"

As soon as this remark came out, a venomous milk divine light flashed, Bai Di seemed to see the flags planted on Bai Jue's back, and immediately let go and backed away: "I will give you full marks for what you said, just like an old general on the stage. "

Naturally, Bai Jue couldn't see the pawns stuck behind him, and he forgot to turn off the poisonous milk aura again.

"Don't talk about what you have and what you don't have, just hand over the novice gift bag." Bai Jue glared: "I also want to say why I didn't even get a reward for clearing a singularity before!"

"You have kidnapped the final boss and become a maid, and you still need a fart reward." Bai Di was dumbfounded: "It's a shame to have such a good prerequisite and not know how to make good use of it."

"You made good use of it, so now you are being chased by Bingjiao all over time and space." Bai Jue's smile gradually became wicked: "Am I that kind of person, don't you have Hercules in your heart? Don't hurry up and give me the gift bag, Don't blame me for selling out teammates mercilessly."

Bai Di clutched his heart and took three steps back: "Hiss! You bastard!"

"Selling you is not considered a [-]-year-old boy. I am called a perfect lover. Just think about it for a while. A girl has traveled all over the world for you, across endless time and space, just to reunite with you. You still avoid her, you Are you still a human?" Bai Jue stared at Bai Di with the eyes of looking at garbage: "Beast!"

Bai Di's expression was indifferent: "Don't be complacent, have you forgotten that all the girls in the games you played have become real people? Did you forget that the Valkyries and Ship Girls who have maxed out your favorability and bond values ​​have been broken? Have you forgotten your heroes who have achieved level [-]? Have you forgotten the bucket numbers you used to move bricks for countless days and nights? Have you forgotten those who were once played by you as a love development game? Single-player masterpiece?"

A series of questions made Bai Jue's face pale instantly, his smile disappeared immediately, and the smile failed to load.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shameless old thief——!"

"I finally forgot about these things, why do you want me to remember them!"

"My heart hurts when I think of those girls, I will definitely be stabbed to death—!"

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