Mou Bai knelt down on one knee, pounding the ground, venting his hysteria crazily.

"Let you mock me? Make you feel safe, let me tell you—" Bai Di's expression gradually became evil: "Come on, let's hurt each other!"


"Don't worry, the fun is still to come. Don't you want a gift bag for beginners?" Bai Di smiled proudly: "It's ready, young man, this is your gift bag!"

He raised his palm and called out to the sky: "Come on! Justice comes from heaven!"

Immediately, I saw a stream of fire descending from the sky, creating waves on the quiet lake, and it fell into the lake, causing ripples. After the fire light dissipated, Bai Jue took a closer look: "Supply box?"

"Open it." Bai Di waved his hand, "Go and welcome it!"

Bai Jue secretly thought there was a conspiracy, but he still walked over with a sense of integrity, and pressed the button to open it.

I saw the golden light flickering in the supply box, and several golden lights shot into the sky.

"It's not bad, I issued three gold cards in one go, and this man's character is a thousand miles worse than mine." Bai Di said comfortingly: "Sure enough, strong luck is also a must-have skill for the savior, your luck! The value should not be low."

Hearing this, Bai Jue was certain in his heart: "Golden quality, it should be pretty good."

He reached into the magnificent golden beam of light and took out the first object. The moment he touched it, the dazzling flash almost filled the entire field of vision, and an extraordinary and strong premonition filled his mind.

It's coming, it's coming, it's coming, a consonant finger that enters the soul is about to appear!

Bai Jue opened his eyes wide in the face of the dazzling light, and shouted: "At this moment, I have grasped the future in my hands! It's my turn, draw a card!"

The golden light dissipated, the momentum stopped, Bai Jue withdrew his palm, his face was calm and calm, and he couldn't hide his joy when he looked at the golden quality item in his hand.

That's... Lanbai Fat Times.


goo goo goo goo goo

Dove today.

There is something temporarily... I can't say what it is.

Because the country entrusted me with a secret task to complete, in order to live up to the expectations of the party and the people, I resolutely chose Gu Gu Gu!

This is justice, this is honorable!

When you think I can dove, I really dove, which is also a kind of not dove.

- Pigeon philosophy!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"God? Fat time!" Bai Jue looked at the blue and white stripes in his hand, and his eyes burst into flames: "This is the golden equipment you promised?"

"That's right." Bai Di didn't think there was anything wrong: "Is this a divine weapon?"

"An artifact? What do I want to use the indestructible women's fat times?" Bai Jue's expression gradually twisted.

"This is an artifact that can make your treasures burst. How many dead fat houses dream of it?" Bai Di spread his hands: "Hatsune Miku Yuanwei Fatci, think about it a little bit, you can ejaculate with it. "

"Did Fatty eat your rice? I'm not that disgusting." Bai Jue threw the fat back into the supply box.

Calm down, calm down... three gold suits won't step on landmines three times in a row, right?

He stretched out his hand towards the second beam of light. When his palm touched the object inside, the golden beam of light shook suddenly, and countless pitch-black fluctuations came from it. He seemed to be holding the darkness from the endless void in his hand— —

Bai Jue's face changed slightly, such a wonderful touch!This, this must be high-strength equipment!

Emmmmmm... The strips of leather seem to have spikes, and have the texture of a hard object. It seems to be a complete set of equipment... This, this is!

When the darkness receded, Bai Jue looked at the equipment in his hand, his face distorted into the expression of Curator Jin - a pair of black leather tights, a jet black belt, two wrist guards, a steel thorn collar, a black cloak, plus several A black steel belt.

[Van-like philosophical combat uniform: New Nippori Underground World Dark Emperor van-like wrestling combat uniform]

[Effect: It can greatly improve the speed, agility, and strength of the individual, even if the body is weak, but once worn, it will instantly expand into a philosopher. After entering the philosophical wrestling posture, it can summon a VAN-like spirit to possess it, and learn a lot without a teacher. Philosophical wrestling skills, male special attack, critical strike, damage increased by 300%]

【Remarks: Boy next door♂】

"Your philosophy sister!" Bai Jue threw his suit angrily.

"I think it's okay, at least it's a male special attack, special attack!" Bai Di touched a banana out of nowhere, and said casually while eating the banana: "After wearing it, your three-dimensional attribute can be greatly improved."

"But at the same time, I'm afraid I will be regarded as a philosophical goblin. I would rather learn Arash than not wear it!" Bai Jue stared at the novice gift bag: "You definitely don't have any good things in it! I'm afraid I'll take out the next one." It’s not dark cooking or something!”

"Why, how could it be." Bai Di looked away: "Am I that kind of person? Don't delay, hurry up, kid, I'm eating bananas."

Bai Jue endured the throbbing veins, took a deep breath, and stretched his hand towards the third beam of light.

This time, there were no earth-shattering fluctuations, and there was no "I have a hunch that I'm going to get rid of it" flag, but I just drew... three cards in a very ordinary way.

"This is... a call sign?" Bai Jue was taken aback, and the third time was indeed much more normal.

"Call sign, this can't be used here. When you go back later, when you open the gate of the world, you can use it to summon new friends. No matter how you draw three cards, one or two should appear. You can see it." Bai Di smiled subtly and said: "You are lucky, young man."

"There is a conspiracy." Bai Jue put away the call sign, "But it is enough to have a helper... It is indeed too tiring to rely on myself to attack every time. How many helpers can fight, I will not be forced to open it this time. The second level of the white tiger."

Bai Di rubbed his chin: "Speaking of this question... your soul toughness is a little stronger than I imagined. Originally, I set up a system for you similar to a substitute, mind ability and sodium metaaluminate, right? There is a secondary upgrade, and now you have created a second-order fusion state by yourself, to be honest, I am a little confused... Maybe this is a kind of self-evolution?"

"Are there any disadvantages?"

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