"I haven't found it yet, but as your soul becomes stronger and your spirit becomes stronger, your physical body will also become uncoordinated...so you need to find a way to exercise yourself and strengthen yourself as soon as possible...I suggest you go to a teacher, But remember, don’t find a female master, or something will happen.”

Bai Di raised his finger, a ray of true red flame ignited out of thin air, and fell to Bai Jue's palm, leaving a red mark.

"This mark seals a small part of the soul power of my soul weapon. It will protect you when necessary, so that your soul power will not be exhausted or your spirit will collapse. When necessary, it will also help you , but only once.”

Seeing Bai Di's seriousness and solemnity, Bai Jue already noticed: "Has the second singularity already occurred?"

"Yeah, I originally planned to deal with it in advance, but as you can see, I'm being hunted down all over time and space, and I can't access the singularity. Otherwise, when you see me next time, I'm afraid there will only be a skull left here It's gone." Bai Di patted the back of his head helplessly.

"Why don't you go back and turn yourself in earlier." Bai Jue rolled his eyes.

"Things are not that simple." Bai Di shook his head: "I have no time to separate myself now, and the private affairs of my children's love will be left behind. After everything comes to light, they will hack me to death hundreds of times, and I won't even blink..."

"The truth came out?" Bai Jue was slightly taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"You don't need to worry about it for now. When the time comes, I will tell you." Bai Di patted the young man's shoulder, and his figure gradually faded: "Now, the singularity is entrusted to you to restore, come on, savior Bai Jue... "


Open your eyes, the familiar ceiling.

Bai Jue sat up, glanced out the window, the sun was shining brightly, and then glanced at the calendar.

"It's been a full ten days of sleep, but the body doesn't seem to be weak at all, but it's very bumpy... The soul power is also fuller."

He raised his arms, and the lightning in his hands wove into a net.

"The mastery of Thunder is also stronger... Is this an evolution?"

Looking at the true red imprint in his palm, he fell into a moment of confusion.

Bai Jue woke up, but Bai Hu seemed to be still sleeping, maybe because of the sequelae of fusion, maybe it was a blessing in disguise.

That's not good either.

When walking up the stairs, he could lighten his footsteps, and vaguely heard someone talking in the coffee shop.

Looking around the corner, I saw the fireproof woman wearing a long dress at home and holding a tablet in her hand. She was having a video chat with someone. female, and...

Is this sound familiar?

Bai Jue pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

"My body is fine. The ship's mother was originally very strong. Although the injury was serious, but with a special repair fluid, it can be restored to normal in just a week without any sequelae. The commander is nervous. I can't settle down, that appearance is so cute... I frowned a little and he would ask me if it hurts, and suddenly I felt that it would be nice to have a big break once in a while."

Emmmmmmmm... I am getting more and more familiar with this strong sense of déjà vu!

The fire-proof girl also replied: "You can take this opportunity to act like a baby. Once a woman who is too strong becomes vulnerable, it will easily make people feel protective."

"It's true, but I'm not used to it... I still prefer to take care of him, otherwise how can I cure his lolicon? Speaking of which, I'm also a little sorry for the very warm-hearted manager Bai before. Fortunately, I worked so hard to assist for so long, but in the end I didn't get any results." The other party said softly: "Well...the commander is coming back soon from buying oranges for me, I have heard footsteps, let's stop talking..."

The Fireproof Girl nodded slightly, and was about to hang up, when she looked back suddenly, and saw Bai Jue standing behind her at some point, staring at the screen with a look of astonishment on her face. A woman in a hospital bed.

"Zhenzhenzhenzhenzhenzhen...zhenyuan!" Bai Jue was startled.

Miss Zhenyuan also blinked, and said in astonishment, "Master Bai?"

"Eh?" The fireproof girl was taken aback: "Does Bai know her?"

Bai Jue wants to say that this is not a matter of recognition or not!Fortunately, I have sent her more than a dozen assists!

Wait, if she is in the hospital, that big whale...

At this time, the screen turned on and a young man rushed in with a bag in his hand: "Zhenyuan, I bought oranges, do you want to peel them for you... Eh?"

On the screen of the tablet, that silly face quickly zoomed in, and it was almost close to my eyes.

Zheng Wenqian was full of excitement: "Apple! You are still alive, great! I thought you had..."

However, after just three seconds, he reacted, opened the distance and fell into deep thought: "No, why are you connecting with Zhenyuan? When did you secretly exchange friends? Did you make a deal secretly and send me over His black history has been exposed?!"

Isn’t your way of thinking too out of the ordinary? I am also surprised why Fireproof Women’s Club and Zhenyuan are good friends!

Then Zheng Wenqian noticed the fireproof woman on the side of the screen: "This lady is also there, you... know each other?"

What's going on, what's going on, I can't understand it at all!

Bai Jue's face was meowing, he was very curious about what kind of wonderful chemical reaction happened during the ten days he fell asleep, which made the interpersonal relationship that was originally clear at a glance so complicated.

He glanced at Fireproof Girl and Zheng Wenqian: "You guys also know each other?"

The two couples on and off the screen looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless... they nearly held their hands and looked into their tearful eyes, and were speechless.

"It's a bit messy, it's a bit messy, I need to tidy it up..." Zheng Wenqian tapped his head.

"No, I don't think it needs to be cleaned up." Bai Jue sighed: "Zhenyuan is really scary. I didn't expect it to infiltrate Fireproof Girl... As expected of the military's ship girl, the intelligence network is so pervasive."

Zhenyuan tilted his head: "Huh?"

The fire prevention girl also blinked: "Huh?"

Zheng Wenqian took a deep breath and said guiltily, "Coffee, I hurt you!"

"Grandpa...call me Apple." Bai Jue covered his face: "Forget it, the matter has come to this, I guess I can't hide it anymore, it's better to admit it generously."

He said sternly: "Actually, I am... a leopard head zero red!"

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