The leopard's head is zero punched, a legend in the krypton gold world.

Without paying a penny, Ou Qi alone is enough to keep pace with or even surpass the existence of the big bosses in the liver world and Krypton Gold God.

After fooling Zheng Wenqian with a few words, Bai Jue ended the video call, took out three shiny golden call signs from his pocket, and prepared to leave Africa and enter Europe for a wave of smuggling.

The fire prevention girl tilted her head: "Is Bai going to call for new assistance?"

"Yeah, the next singularity is a bit difficult. I guess I can't handle it with my own strength." Bai Jue took a deep breath, silently condensing his European spirit: "Whether you can pass the level smoothly depends on these three single draws!"

This is different from the krypton gold in the game to draw heroic spirits, and you have to raise them slowly from scratch!

If you can get an SSR, it will be full of spiritual bases, full of skills and five treasures if nothing else!

Look, what a conscientious krypton gold system, what a conscientious card drawing system, this broken game gives me five SSRs, and I can pass the level!

"The business model of the coffee shop is closed, and the gate of the myriad realms is open!" Bai Jue ordered: "Load the command, a call sign!"

[The gate of the world has been opened]

Mysterious runes appeared on the main entrance of the coffee shop. Behind the closed door, there were countless information flows. Everything was random, and everything depended on luck. Once the Europeans fell into their souls, the Africans would never recover.

"Come on, the first shot!" Bai Jue clenched his palms: "It's my turn, draw a card, and the door is open!"

The Gate of Myriad Worlds hummed and shook slightly, and azure blue light spread out from the cracks in the door.

As the door slowly opened, a vague voice emerged from the light.

That graceful figure, that holy light, that slender figure...

Those white silk thighs, that black tights, that flat breasts, that glorious hair... huh?and many more!Why is this man's hair glowing!And so dazzling!This person is not inferior to me!

Bai Jue's eyes were dazzled for a moment, and he covered his eyes: "Who is pretending to be aggressive? It's so dazzling, I can't bear to look straight at it!"

The fire-proof woman looked forward, and saw a humanoid creature (?) who didn't know whether it was a man or a woman crossed the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms. She had a head of hair that shone incomparably brightly, exuding colorful brilliance in the sun.

The upper body is a black short-sleeved tights, and the lower body is white stockings and shorts. It does look like a woman, but... the chest is so flat, and it looks so hard!It doesn't have the life characteristics that human beings should have at all, just like a doll, like an inorganic thing.

"Diamond... came here in response to the call. Is this a coffee shop?" the girl asked, looking around with curiosity.

"Stop, my friend, turn down your holy light." Bai Jue covered his eyes and finally got used to the harsh light. He took a few glances at the visitor from another world, and then clicked on her data frame.

【Name: Diamond】

[Source: Kingdom of Gems]

[Introduction: Diamond belongs to jeweler, C3. It has the highest level of hardness, but its toughness is poor. It is not suitable for high-intensity combat and is easy to break. It is extremely popular in the works. A head of bright hair can also serve as a light in the dark. Although diamonds themselves are not rare, they still have a very high collection value because of their ornamental value]

[Remarks: I will always like diamonds—you can’t afford such a big wife in your life.jpg]

[Evaluation: two stars]

"Tsk, two stars, you can't hit it. Although it's very eye-catching, it's useless to keep it." Bai Jue rubbed his brows: "Speaking of which, this is a real gem...Only a true warrior dares to hit a stone with his flesh and blood... ...Hiss, it hurts just thinking about it."

"Huh?" Diamond tilted her head, how could she know that some people's inner desires would not let go of stones.

"It's nothing, welcome to the Clover Cafe, we are a special restaurant for different worlds." Bai Jue picked up a flyer and a coupon from the table very skillfully and handed them over: "We The store will only open once, if you are interested, you can bring your friends, but the number cannot exceed two, and all food and drinks are provided for free... Then, thank you for coming, and welcome to visit next time."

Before Diamond could react, Bai Jue snapped his fingers, a ray of light flashed through the Gate of Myriad Realms, and the gate closed.

Diamond held two leaflets and was sent back without opening his mouth.

"This first shot is a shipwreck." Bai Jue complained: "But I don't feel like I'm losing money, but I'm making a little bit of money? Sure enough, the desire of the dead house is very satisfying. Seeing the two-dimensional characters appear in front of me with my own eyes, Even a stone will be dark."

The fire-proof woman said softly: "There are many kinds of creatures in the other world. She just now is not even a human being, not even a creature."

"Well, after all, it's an inorganic substance. If it's disconnected and connected, it's fine. It's okay to go to the sea, and it's even more hard to do whatever you want." Bai Jue spread his hands: "It's a pity that the combat power is too poor, and there is no room for upgrading. It's better to change it." seat."

The fire prevention girl nodded slightly.

Bai Jue took out the second calling talisman card, stared at it, took a deep breath of European energy, and shouted: "Spell card? Extraction of European energy!"

The Gate of Myriad Worlds trembled slightly, and started to operate again. Countless glaring rays of light came from the cracks in the door.

This time, it is different from the azure blue before, it is the brilliance of purple!

A bright light flashed in Bai Jue's eyes: "Here we come! Open the door! Good luck, chicken dinner tonight!"

【--Wow!epic! 】

The Gate of Myriad Worlds opened, but there was no one there for a while. The empty gate made Bai Jue startled. Could it be that the one he drew was Air Man?

At this time, he suddenly heard a gust of wind, and Bai Jue subconsciously turned sideways to hide.

I saw an afterimage cut through the sky, galloped past, and created a storm.

Bai Jue looked back, the figure who was flying over had his head stuck in the wall, his head was broken, his tongue was sticking out, he looked like he was about to die, but even so, he was still struggling, alive and kicking, while pulling himself away from the wall. Pull it out from the wall, and put the severed head back together.

"There is no breath of life, this is, undead?" Mou Bai was even more confused, who exactly he summoned.

Then, another person finally walked out of the Gate of Myriad Realms.

The comer has sharp teeth, a one-horned head, sharp ears, fierce eyes, cold breath, and domineering momentum. He holds a mace as tall as a person, and wears a kimono with a black background and red border. A few will-o'-the-wisps.

——Hell ghosts and gods!

The visitor immediately looked at the ghost in front of him, waved the murder weapon, and said calmly: "Really, don't increase the work burden for others in vain, and go back to the trial obediently with me, otherwise, I will take your head off as a ball Kick."

"If you don't go back, hell is too scary! I should go to heaven!"

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