"Stop talking nonsense!" The ghost stared, grabbed the ghost with one hand, and threw it through the opposite door. The terrifying force created a gust of wind in the coffee shop.

Bai Jue was flustered in the wind, but the smiling expression of the Fireproof Girl was not moved at all.

With trembling hands, Mou Bai clicked on the information of this ghost.

【Name: Ghost Lamp】

【Source: Lengche of Ghost Lamp】

[Introduction: Hell's No. [-] cursed ghost, assistant officer of Yan Mo King, actual controller of hell, ghost and animal shaker, cold-blooded workaholic, dead house collector, snapdragon control, loves animals and children, is a gentleman who respects the opposite sex ...the age is over [-] years old, but compared to other ghosts and gods, they still appear to be young, advocating violence, and treating souls in hell, it is no nonsense to kill them]

[Remarks: This product is more like the protagonist than you]

[Evaluation: Three and a half stars]

Bai Jue almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, this is from a daily episode, right?Can the characters in the daily series be summoned?No one knows how powerful this ghost lamp is. Although he has a good management system, he is too subtle as a thug!My place is not hell, but a coffee shop that is open for business. Is it really appropriate to call ghosts and gods to help out?

After the ghost lamp sent the soul away, he did not leave immediately, but bowed slightly: "I am very sorry to disturb you. I also got relevant information the moment I passed the door. I will help you clear the obstacles as much as I can. There is no problem, but as Yan Mo's assistant officer, I have always been busy on weekdays, and I am afraid that I can only come to help on leisure days."

He rubbed the back of his head: "I'm not an S-type person either, so I'm not that good at fighting. I'm afraid I can't be of much help in terms of combat."

"It's understandable, after all, you're busy with work." Bai Jue squeezed out a subtle smile, but his heart was roaring--it's thanks to you for saying it out loud, you vile black ghost!Say you can't fight, obviously you are one of the most violent people in hell!

"Ah, I'm so sorry,

I still have work, so I'm going back for now, please let me know in advance if you need it. "Ghost Lantern waved his hand, carried a mace and disappeared into the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms.

It comes in a hurry, goes in a hurry, and is swift and resolute... The ghost lamp in the working state is simply a humanoid dinosaur.

Watching him leave, Bai Jue heaved a sigh of relief instead, and he sighed deeply: "What kind of people are these summoned... either an inorganic gem man who can't fight or..., or a trembling hell assistant officer?" Ghosts and gods, I'm afraid the third shot will summon a philosopher."

He lay on the table and sighed: "At least give me someone who can fight, why can't I perform designated summons like Altair?"

Speaking of this, Bai Jue suddenly realized: "Wait, I seem to have thought of something just now... Where is Altair? She should be a master of the summoning department. Thinking about it carefully, there are not many summoned by her in the first singularity." One cannot be beaten."

The fire-proof female juju said: "Altair is not here."

"She ran out to shop again?" Bai Jue picked up his teacup, "What a shopaholic."

"No." The fire-proof woman shook her head slightly: "She went back to her hometown to have a baby."



-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Go home...have a baby?!" Bai Jue's voice raised an octave: "Who did it!"

When did my cat get pregnant, but there was no sign at all, and when she woke up, she went back to her hometown to raise her baby, which is too unscientific!How come the wild boar actually stole our cabbage, you are asking for your own death!

The fire prevention girl shook her head slightly: "I don't know."

"A few days ago?"

"A day ago." The fire-proof girl thought for a while, and replied: "She hugged her stomach very happily at that time, pushed open the gate of the world and left, saying that she would come back in about three days. I saw that she was very anxious. I didn't stop it, but I guess it was because I was in a hurry to go back and have a baby."

"It took me three days to come back, so I guess I've already saved the world when she comes back. It seems that I have to draw the last call talisman myself." Bai Jue pinched the last gold card, then turned around: "I Go take a shower and change your clothes first, and use oriental metaphysics to bless your European spirit!"

At this time, the orthodox orthodox orthodox metaphysics needs to bathe and change clothes, burn incense and meditate until twelve o'clock at noon in the middle of the night.

Although it is too embarrassing for a European to borrow the method of oriental metaphysics, drawing cards with krypton gold is itself an evil way... Evil ways naturally have evil ways. Look at the gods from all walks of life for their favorite heroes. .

For example, some authors will write the heroic spirit they want into the book, and they will hit it in one draw, which is almost impossible... But if they don't write it in the book, they can only honestly spend money to buy crystals, Become a krypton gold sow.

For example, a certain Xingyue cartoonist and author, Shun Cen, a famous kryptonite maniac, once said that if he doesn’t kryptonite for a week, he feels uncomfortable, if he doesn’t kryptonite for two weeks, he’s like a skeleton, and if he doesn’t kryptonite for three weeks, Hades beckons, people live for krypton gold!The highest record is thirty-two orders in January (no three), let others consume his European energy, empty his pockets, destroy his spirit, and he can't stop, even if he is not full of energy, he will finally krypton out the five treasures. The sow of the krypton gold world, the fighting chicken of the sow world.

In addition, there are other types of metaphysics drawing cards.

Among them, the most effective is to draw cards from holy relics; the second is to wear cosplay costumes and kneel to draw cards; the third is to draw command spells or magic circles, offer sacrifices, and sing a bunch of shameful praises The heroic spirits will automatically run into your deck; then it is Baiouhuang again, inhaling European energy; finally it is the toilet or drawing cards in the early morning, this trick is sometimes not easy to use.

Bai Jue has no chance to become a krypton gold madman now, and other metaphysics may not be able to bless him, so he can only retreat and borrow the Eastern metaphysics to make a last-ditch effort.

After bathing and changing clothes, burning incense and worshiping Buddha, after everything was ready, Bai Jue walked to the Gate of Myriad Worlds and took out the last call sign.

"It's a showdown!"

The Gate of Myriad Worlds roared loudly.

Vaguely, Bai Jue seemed to see the golden light flashing out from behind the door!The light seemed to come out through the door!

At least a four-star card, maybe even a five-star card!

"Steady, steady!" Bai Jue clenched his fists.


Amidst the roaring sound, the Gate of Myriad Worlds opened, bathed in golden light, and a woman slowly emerged from the wash of water patterns.

His appearance is like an angel, and his temperament is comparable to that of a god. Under the white dress is an exquisite and graceful figure, which is full of temptation but inexplicably sacred. His long indigo hair dances in the wind, like fine silk and satin. The emerald European-style pupils are full of love, compassion and kindness for all things.

The golden gleam diffused, and the holy singing sounded, and she slowly opened her eyes. That Ling Ran posture was so high that it cannot be desecrated.

With this overwhelming sense of existence, she is not a human being, or even a fetish, but a certain will that is above the rules. I am afraid that what appears here is just a clone of her, but even if it is just a clone, it is still possible. So scary.

She lightly opened her cherry lips: "Brave warrior, please come forward, are you willing to be the warrior who protects me?"

Bai Jue stepped forward, as if attracted by the holiness.

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