"Of course I..."

He approached slowly, approached, reached out, and... grabbed the door panel.


Bai Jue forcibly interrupted this call, and physically closed the Gate of Myriad Worlds, blocking a certain goddess with a look of astonishment from the door.

A certain white firmly held the door: "Of course I don't want to, who wants to be a saint who will work hard for you? There are so many goddesses in the world, why should I choose you, the goddess who is the most pitiful subordinate in history! You have Go as far as you can! Goodbye, go well, don’t send me off!”

With the closing of the Gate of Myriad Worlds, the fluctuations full of divine aura finally dissipated.

Bai Jue wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said with lingering fear, "I was almost kidnapped into a pyramid scheme. It's really terrible."

The fire prevention girl said softly, "Who is she?"

Bai Jue clicked on the information smoothly: "She, the goddess of a generation of pyramid schemes, an unscrupulous boss who forcibly cheats employees."

[Name: Saori Kido (real name Athena)]

【Source: Saint Seiya】

[Introduction: The goddess is reincarnated, she looks so pitiful and weak, but she can actually fuck the upper gods of the whole universe with her fingers, swaggering around under the guise of love and peace, with an open-minded attitude on the surface, but in fact she is extremely black-bellied and proficient in power. His own charm fooled countless Xiaoqiangs to die for them, and he did not hesitate to go to war with his elders for the control of the earth. However, as soon as the war started, he rushed in as a hostage, and sold miserably together to trick his own men to save others. Live, live and die, blindness is cured, and blindness is cured again... It can be described as horrible]

[Remarks: Don't you still have life (Athena calls the face)]

[Evaluation: Four-star (originally five-star, but because she loves fishing and paddling, she lowered one star)]

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's scary." Bai Jue said, "Although it's a four-star star, it's not as good as the previous two? Bring her there, it will definitely add to the chaos. You lie down for a second at the beginning, and then the whole round is crazy." Paddle, I am afraid that I will be tossed to death in the end."

The Fireproof Girl also nodded in empathy: "It's really too much, gods really aren't good things."

The gods of the Black Soul world are all hunted targets... I almost laughed out loud when I said love and peace.

Bai Jue leaned back on the seat: "I used all three call symbols, and even though the oriental metaphysics worked, I dare not keep this goddess at all, so I would like to have Kui Ye. If there is something special, I will just brush it all the way." Alright... In this case, I still have to work hard on my own."

As a restorer of human nature, it is so tragic that the heroic spirit can't even take it with him!

"What you say about drawing cards is all fake..."

Thinking of this, Bai Jue's heart shudders, and he can't stop feeling sad... I really miss my full-level FGO account, my Beng San Valkyrie, and my dietitian The Bianhua, Yaodaoji and Bailang girls, I really miss Mrs. Guanghui in the green route, and I really miss the two-second seventeen shots in the girl's backline.

The world is already so cold, but fortunately there is a fire prevention lady who can comfort my wounded heart.

Although it can't be played, it's very eye-catching, and it feels good when hugged, soft and cute.

On this point, if you give me ten diamonds, I won't change them.

At this time, a slight fluctuation suddenly came from behind the Gate of Myriad Realms.

"Huh? Didn't Athena's coffin board hold it down?" Bai Jue silently picked up a folding stool. If there was Athena behind the door, he would be knocked unconscious and throw it back.

However, this time it was not the summoner.


[Warning, warning, warning]

【The second singularity has been born】

[The savior please rush to the singularity to make corrections as soon as possible, and it is limited...to start immediately within today]

"It's true, I don't give you any chance to breathe." Although Bai Jue was prepared, he didn't expect to be in such a hurry: "I just woke up and asked to go to work. Where is the singularity this time?"

[The singularity is located outside a completely independent space, and all information has not yet been ascertained]

"What's the use of keeping you? It's fine if you don't give me a heroic spirit. I don't even have a backstage support." Bai Jue frowned: "Or...the situation this time has reached a certain point? What did Bai Di say, Is there a message?"

[The clerk has left the main world and cannot be contacted]

"Tsk..." Bai Jue gasped: "He walked so fast, it seems that the debt collectors are about to follow. Does telling me to leave quickly mean that I should stay away as soon as possible? This is really a disaster for no reason. , Baidi, you bastard."

In fact, he didn't say anything else, I'm afraid Bai Di's sudden departure was not just to avoid illness.

This clerk seems careless, but he is by no means a half-way person. He hesitated before, but obviously there is something in his words. Although the birth of this series of singularities is inseparable from him, But it seems that the full responsibility is not with him, but with someone else.

If that's the case... there are some clues to follow in the singularity.

Maybe, he came here to warn him just to inform himself of this.

"It seems that this time, the visitor is not good." Bai Jue had already made up his mind.

[The second singularity, space-time coordinates confirmed]

[Humanity foundation value: B+]

[Do you want to carry out spiritual transfer? 】

Bai Jue nodded slightly, exchanged glances with the Fireproof Woman, and said apologetically, "Although I just woke up...I'm busy saving the world now."

The fire prevention girl smiled gently: "Bon voyage, I'll wait for you to come back here."

[Start the transfer of spiritual seeds... 3,2,1, [-], [-]... The transfer begins... I wish you good fortune and prosperity]

Fanwai Chapter 1 Subspecies Singularity

The night of that day...was deeper and longer than ever.

In the abyss of despair, former comrades-in-arms turned into demons...

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