They laughed wildly, cursed, twisted, and fell under the butcher's knife one by one.

Red blood rained down from the sky, looking up, I was alone in the whole world, with blood on my hands...

At the end of the sky, the upside-down witch sneered goldenly, overlooking the world, where everything fell apart...

Time is running out, and the doomsday bell announces the end of the world.

The countdown stopped at the end.

I failed again.

Is this the desired future?

Stretch out your hand, but you can't see the darkness of your fingers; you can't see the end of hope when you struggle continuously; the hell where no one can get salvation...

So you, longing for a miracle?

If you want a miracle...then offer a sacrifice...

One, the bond with everyone.

Second, the seven days I have spent.

Third, absolute humility to the gods.

After offering all this, miracles will happen.

The girl turned the hour hand again—no one can believe in the future, and no one can accept the future...

Countless results split into countless results, and countless results germinate countless choices again, and there must be a path leading to the final outcome.

So, this is not the end, I can't stop...

So, repeat... no matter how many times I will choose to repeat...

So, in the future that will eventually come... goodbye...


[End of spirit child transfer]

Bai Jue opened his eyes, and with the end of the transfer of the spirit son, he arrived in another different world.

Although it felt a little strange at first, as if suddenly coming from the water to the land, but I quickly got used to it.

Looking around, he was teleported to the outskirts of the city unlike the busy city at the first singularity.

The trees are overgrown and the grass is lush.

Looking around, it is full of greenery of nature.

Bai Jue looked at the blue sky and white clouds, and the first thing he did was turn on his phone to see if there was a signal... Very good, although there is only one bar, there is still a signal anyway, which proves that this era is not BC, that's good, that's it it is good.

Although we are the saviors, we didn't say we want to eat the wind and drink the dew. Without modern equipment, I really don't know how to live.

"Singularity, singularity, generally speaking, the Gate of Myriad Worlds will teleport me to a time point where it is easier to follow the plot." Bai Jue sat up from the grass: "Let's take a stroll around first, How do you trigger the plot to save the world if you stay still?"

He hummed a song and started to take a walk in the suburb with nice scenery.

"Looking forward to a lucky and a shock, what a wonderful encounter; over the top of the mountain and the layers of white clouds in front, the green light is there~ It's incredible like an electric shock, like a miracle, across my life; different from any meaning, you are the green light , so unique~"

Well, the song is called **is a green light.

Green is the color of health, come on, let's sing together and look for the green light happily.

Bai Jue's self-entertainment mentality is quite good, at least this singularity does not seem to be the kind of situation where the end of the world is imminent, if the sky is not the sun father-in-law, but the dark inverse moon, He probably couldn't be so optimistic anymore.

After wandering around the neighborhood for several times, Bai Jue looked at the sunny sky and stretched his waist: "It doesn't look like there is anything wrong~"

But as soon as this remark came out, suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew.

Bai Jue turned his head and looked in one direction. In the forest over there, there was a strange sound, and there was an extremely unpleasant aura spreading.

——It’s not so poisonous, is it?My tainted milk aura is clearly off...

With a sound of astonishment, Bai Jue walked towards the direction of the forest. As he approached, a hazy mist began to float on the ground, and the ground trembled slightly. There were streaks of dark green light beating like pulses in the mist, but the closer he got to the central area, The fog became thicker and thicker, and it was almost impossible to see five fingers... The light flickered in the cold air, as if the heart was beating, and the earth trembled accordingly.

The white tiger has not yet awakened... Without the help of the white tiger, the thunder that Bai Jue can use only has a small part of its power, which is enough to deal with ordinary opponents, but the singularity is B+ level difficulty, he dare not neglect.

Bai Jue slowed down and walked forward cautiously. The closer he got, the mist in the center was not only dense, but also had a little peculiar smell. Unlike the stench, this smell was similar to blood, but much stronger.

Although Bai was walking very carefully, he couldn't see anything under his feet. When he landed, there was a crackling sound under his feet, as if something had been trampled flat. When he looked down, it was a pool of dark green gel. The strange smell is coming from above.

Before he could take a closer look, there was a screaming sound in the mist.

With a subconscious jump, Bai Jue dodged a roaring attack. Although it was only a glimpse, the claw was as thick as his waist!

"Damn it—! What a monster!"

Moubai didn't intend to continue the investigation. The electric light spread all over his body, and the weak current stimulated his muscles, which temporarily increased his body strength. He turned around and ran away at a very fast speed, without turning his head, and went all the way.

It's just obvious that the monster doesn't intend to let him go, no matter how fast his two legs are allowed to run, it's not as fast as the opponent's four limbs jumping vigorously to chase him.

Fortunately, there are many trees in the mountains and forests as a cover. Bai Jue ran in an enchanting S-shape while burrowing around in the bushes. Although the other party was faster than him, he couldn't catch up, so he could only growl. stop.

"It's really perseverance. According to the normal situation, shouldn't this be out of hatred long ago?" Bai Jue still had the heart to complain.

About half a minute later, he finally ran out of the dense fog area, but at the same time he also left the forest area, and there was a flat grassland in front of him.

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