Seeing this, Bai Jue made up his mind. Hearing the roar from behind, he stopped suddenly and lay down on the ground. The speeding monster flew past his head, flew out of the forest area, and hit the ground on the ground. in the grass.

"Hahaha, be silly! You dare to show up in broad daylight, and now there is no fog to cover you up. See if I don't call you daddy." Bai Jue raised his hands, lightning flashed, and a loud roar: "Lei Gong helps me, feel Professor Yang Hugs of love!"

However, before he could laugh, the monster had already revealed its complete appearance in the sunlight.

"Ha! Ha, ha..." The smile on Bai Jue's face gradually disappeared, his expression gradually panicked, and finally his face could not be loaded, and it was blank.

Mom!What a big bug!One head taller than the white tiger!

It does look like a beetle, but its appearance is far more ferocious than a beetle. It has six limbs. The forelimbs are like sickle blades, and the hind limbs are thick and powerful. It can jump more than ten meters in one jump, and it is very easy to chase or escape.

With that powerful figure, I am afraid that the big tree embraced by three people is not enough for it to chop with a knife.

Bai Jue compared his little spark with the monster's size, then silently withdrew his hand, bent down and bowed: "Excuse me, excuse me..."

How could it be possible to beat it!Without Bai Miao, I will deliver food for ten more!

It should be useful to accept the Dafa in general situations, but the opponent is not a person, but a bug. The bug is a cold-blooded creature. There was a scream from its sharp mouthparts. When its hind legs stepped on the ground, the surface of the grass was blown away After reaching a height of more than ten meters, it jumped over with a jerk.

It looks like a flying mantis harvesting residual blood——!

Bai Jue saw the timing and caught the flaw in its movement very quickly. He was short and wanted to slip through the gap of this bug.

At the moment when he was about to show off a wave of extreme micromanagement, and the bug was going to harvest heads.

There is a whistling sound in the distance!

A flying missile landed between Bai Jue and Chongzi with incomparable precision. The moment it landed, a dazzling brilliance burst out. In those few tenths of a second, Bai Jue seemed to see humanity from Chongzi's expression. He turned into astonishment, as if to say——the script should not be like this.


"Ah-!" "Gee--!"

Chongzi and Baijue let out a scream at the same time, a bright red mushroom cloud rose from the spot, and the lawn collapsed by nearly half a meter, completely scorched black.

Because the insects are relatively large and the distance is very close, they have been blown up to the point where there are not even any left. However, Bai Jue was swept in by the aftermath and felt uncomfortable at all. He hung on the branch... as if he had lumbar neuralgia. Back pain, back pain, tinnitus, dizziness, vertigo...

This is also normal. Anyone who is hit by a missile will not die.

"Once it hits the soul, my missile is still as accurate as ever. This void creature hides really deep enough. This lady just sent it to pieces." A red-haired girl with twin ponytails laughed, and she stepped forward. Walking casually, two elves, one black and one white, flew around her.

"But you've got ordinary people involved!" The pink-haired girl on the other side ran over quickly, looked anxiously at the boy hanging from the tree trunk, and shouted guiltily, "Are you okay?"

Bai Jue raised his eyes reluctantly, and held on: "No, it's okay... I can still do it."

"Look." The red-haired girl spread her hands: "This little brother is happy, I saved your life, should you thank me?"

A certain white shook his head, waited until the dizziness subsided a little, then looked down, and finally saw the appearance of the two girls clearly. He gave a trembling thumbs up, and coughed up a mouthful of old blood: "Thank you Miss Jinx A rocket was sent."



Extra Story Chapter 2 Star Guardian

When Bai Jue woke up, it was already evening, and a gentle breeze blew through the window, dissipating the heat of the summer night.

"Are you awake?" came a pleasant voice.

Bai Jue looked around, and there was a pink-haired girl with twin ponytails on the side of the bed. She had exquisite features, a melon-shaped face, and pink eyes. She was wearing ordinary home clothes and smiled apologetically: "That, that... you Is your body okay?"

"My body is quite strong, even missiles can't kill me." Bai Jue sat up, except for a little tightness in his chest, there was no other abnormality.

"Ahaha..." The girl laughed weakly a few times: "I'm sorry, we didn't notice your location, I should stop Jinx first."

Bai Jue vaguely remembered the situation before he passed out, and he clapped his hands: "Is it really Jinx? Speaking of which, you are Lux?"

The pink-haired girl blinked and asked in confusion, "How do you know?"

Of course I know... I bought a full set of your skin, but I, the Brilliant Girl, unlocked the seventh level achievement... Back then, I used laser biubiubiu all the way up to the diamond rank.

Bai Jue smiled and said, "Jinx and you can be considered celebrities, after all, they are both magical girls..."

"Eh?!" Lux jumped up from the chair: "You, you, how do you know... We obviously kept it a secret!"

"No matter how good the concealment is, the bombardment came over just now, so how could it be considered exposed?" Bai Jue said with a smile.

Lacus sighed faintly: "That's what you said... well... please keep it secret, don't tell it!"

"It's not an identity to be ashamed of, is it?" Bai Jue said, but still nodded: "I'll keep it a secret... Speaking of which, where's Jinx?"

"I'm here!" A lively voice came from outside the window. A girl was lying on a chair enjoying the sun, wearing exaggerated sunglasses, earphones in her left ear, chewing gum, her arms resting on the back of her head, with a casual attitude. Extremely sexual.

She took off her sunglasses and said with a smile, "How is it, how does it feel to be shot?"

"I think it's okay." Bai Jue gave a thumbs up: "Almost coughed up three catties of blood."

"You two..." Lux covered her head and sighed with a headache.

Bai Jue looked around and asked strangely, "Why, just you two? Where did the other three go? Where are Lulu, Jana and Bobby?"

Hearing this, Jinx's smile disappeared, she put on her sunglasses, and fell silent.

There was a haze in Lux's eyes, and she forced a few smiles, and she said, "We...need to talk."


After a while, the evening fire and clouds faded away, and night fell.

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