The three of them sat at the table, and Lacus held a cup of vanilla tea in her hand. She took a sip, calmed down, and then slowly said: "I don't know where to start... After all, There's so much going on, I'm a little confused myself."

"First of all, it's our identities. Although Jinx and I are both human beings, we are somewhat different from ordinary humans. We were chosen by the stars, and we are warriors born to guard the peace of the universe... The monster you saw earlier is Our enemies, the creatures of the void."

"I know." Bai Jue nodded, of course he knew about this.

Magical Girl is not a series, but a concept in a broad sense.

In theory, as long as a girl with special abilities and in youth can call herself a magical girl... With the expansion of this concept, not only many works of magical girls have appeared in the fields of novels, animations, and manga, but also related themes in games.

As we all know, League of Legends, the research and development company of LOL, also known as Riot, is a company that gathers dead houses. It has a deep interest in Japanese ACG culture, and this interest is reflected in the game.

For example, Thresh, the warden of the soul lock, is based on the character Onozuka Komachi in Touhou Fantasy Township; another example, the equipment of Yumengling alludes to the sword of Soul Youmu.

Naturally, such an easy-to-use theme of magical girls will not be let go, so a series of skins - Star Guardian was born. So far, a total of ten skins have been released, all of which are full-effect skins.

Of course, skins are only used in the game, but in the settings of League of Legends, each skin represents a parallel world, just as Xingyue’s worldview can continue to expand through parallel worlds, the parallel universe of League of Legends It has also been expanded and extended among the constantly enriched skins. The Star Guardian and Yuan Project series are the most famous parallel universes among them. They even released MVs and CGs independently, and specially compiled corresponding extended readings.

It greatly enriches the worldview of this parallel universe.

The world view of the Star Guardian is different from that of the main world. There are not so many heroes and forces here. What exists is the opposition between starlight and darkness. The initial starlight sprinkled light into the universe, and the starlight gave the girl The fighting power of the teenagers selected them to become the guardians of the stars and shoulder the mission of defending the universe... This is indeed in line with the setting of magical girls.

Transformation, fighting monsters, friendship, fetters, magical creatures, all elements are gathered together.

Of course, the Star Guardian is not just a story about fighting monsters and upgrading the friendship of the team, its worldview has a deeper expansion.

When Bai Jue was almost certain that he was in the parallel universe of the Star Guardian, he heard Lux ​​whisper: "Secondly, this is not our hometown Valoran... We don't know what kind of world this is. clear."

A certain Bai was taken aback, what is the situation, there is a star guardian, but not Valoran?

"Are you time-traveling?"

Jinx twisted her fingers around her hair: "Didn't you realize it yourself? This world is different from the original world... Although there are cities, residents, and even void creatures here, it is not our original world."

Lacus went on to say: "This starts a month ago. At that time, the five of us were watching the meteor shower in the Targon Mountain summer camp, but then somehow, a void crack opened... After that, the big battle, although barely won , but then the ground caved in, and Jinx, me, and the other two were sucked into the Void Cavern, and when I woke up, I was here."

"It's really a clichéd time-travel story." Bai Jue's mouth twitched: "But, you said there are four people in total? What about the other two?"

"They, they are not in our team, and I don't know where they came from. They are the guardians of the stars. Although they helped a little, their attitude was simply too arrogant. They ignored us at all and left on their own. Already." Jinx snorted coldly, "The appearance of that fox is really annoying."


Su Tianzheng,'s Ali, she is also a star guardian in the parallel universe, and she is very powerful and experienced.

"That's the truth. We were separated from the original three teammates and were taken to a different world. Although we have been looking for a way to return, we have never found it... and there are often void creatures here, so we have been helping to guard City." Lux's attitude was better: "Although I suggested that Miss Ari form an alliance with us, she doesn't seem to approve of us... Maybe it's because I'm too weak."

Bai Jue rubbed his brows: "What's the matter... This is not only a different world, but also fighting monsters, and finding the way home at the same time?"

"Not only that, if you just defend the city, it's not difficult. The problem is... there are other enemies." Lux said bitterly.

"An enemy other than void creatures." Bai Jue pondered, "Tentacles or Cthulhu?"

"Neither." Jinx rolled her eyes: "It's a group of inexplicable crazy women... claiming to be magical girls or something, they say they want to save the world, they always come here every now and then to make trouble, asking us to join, ah, it's so annoying !"

Bai Jue's expression gradually became stiff.

What's going on, what's going on, I can't bear come there are other magical girls!

"The actual situation is like this." Lacus said helplessly: "This different world is not only this city, but there are multiple areas, and there are different magical girls in different areas... They seem to call us A magical girl, but both the fighting style and the energy system are completely different, but there is also an inexplicable similarity."

After all, magical girls all over the world belong to the same family.

Bai Jue murmured, "Let me just ask, how many are there in this area?"

Jinx thought for a while, and said carelessly: "One, two, three... I haven't been out before, but the forces of magical girls I met, there are... at least three, maybe even more."

Lux also said helplessly: "We don't want to be hostile to each other, so we don't care about it. Some magical girls are very powerful and not easy to deal with. Just defending the city is not easy... But I heard that Ahri Elder sister captured an enemy magical girl alive, if you are interested, I will let you visit her some other day, after all, it is a kind of luck to meet someone from my hometown."

The innocent girl's smile is heart-pounding, and the girl who is the leader always has a unique charm.

While Lux is far from mature, her cheerfulness and innocence are unique.

This kind of unreserved kindness may be called the Holy Mother on others, but for her, it tends to be instinct.

It's a pity that this kind of concept of good and evil is feasible in the singularity?

Bai Jue sighed inwardly, not expecting too much: "I'm sorry to trouble you... I'm very curious about the situation here, and I must get a clear understanding of it as soon as possible."

Jinx frowned slightly: "You don't have the power of starlight on your body, but you don't seem to be an ordinary person. You know the Star Guardian very well, and you are not surprised even if you know that you are in a different world. Who are you? "

Only then did Lux ​​come to her senses: "Yeah, you look like an ordinary person, but why is your attitude so calm?"

"Does it need to be said?" Bai Jue smiled proudly: "I am the savior of the world."

Jinx smiled: "It turned out to be a secondary illness, which is very natural... Hahaha."

Lux also chuckled lightly and said, "Savior, is it possible that this world is going to be destroyed?"

Maybe it will really be destroyed... Bai Jue knows that they won't believe it, but maybe Lux will take it seriously, so there is no need to put too much pressure on them.

"I'm actually a traveler, traveling in different worlds." Bai Jue said, "I've seen many Star Guardians, including many of your parallel worlds, so I know a little about you."

He continued: "You may not believe me when I say it, but I know you every minute and every second." (I remember all the skill CDs! Be confident!)

Extra Story Chapter 3 Please take me with you

Bai Jue found that he really had a wonderful fate with creatures like magical girls.

At the beginning of the first singularity, I met a magical girl, a [-]-year-old loli, and I accidentally increased her favorability, and in the end, I went through life and death for her, and continued to reincarnate... Although I rescued her Well, everyone should be happy, but for some reason, I always feel a chill on my back.

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