Now the second singularity starts, she is a magical girl again, and she took a big move from Jinx as soon as she met.

Maybe I'm a hit-and-miss magical girl... Bai Jue thought silently while holding a teacup.

With Bai Jue's past social experience and mustache ability, it is not difficult to gain initial trust from the two girls, not to mention that there is a kind girl like Lacus who can be called the benchmark in the industry. I can make up a rough idea by myself.

After a certain Bai personally reported Lacus's unknown measurements, she has completely believed Bai Jue's statement...

"Maybe in another parallel world, there really is such a me... Demacia, the shining girl, sounds really handsome, but as the only magician in the forbidden magic city-state, life is really hard Well, I'm struggling on the edge of survival all the time." Lux rested her cheeks, looking into the distance, and there was some yearning and emotion in her out-of-focus pupils.

Bai Jue picked up the teacup: "That's true. Demacia is a very contradictory city-state. It hates magic but needs to rely on a magical creature to protect itself. Without Galio, the Colossus of Justice, I don't know how many people will be killed or injured... But at the same time, Demacia It is also a very upright city-state, occupying very little territory, but able to confront a military power like Noxus, relying on strong national cohesion... If you are interested, I can give you another three thousand words on the water. "

Lacus smiled awkwardly: "I'm too excited, because... even if I become the Guardian of the Stars, I have never seen such a wonderful parallel world. What you said, I don't know why, I believe it is true."

Bai Jue squinted silently—you can be a ghost if you don’t believe it. To be precise, Lux of Demacia is the main body, and you are just an extended world. It was originally an ordinary setting file and skin, but you gave it to those dead nerds. The designer has come up with some decent settings. Is cuteness really the number one productive force in the industry... Just look at the group of fat nerds all over the world who are crazy about spending money to buy skins, and you will know how attractive it is .

Jinx also raised her hand: "Then what about me, what about me!"

Bai Jue stared at Jinx seriously, and spit out four words: "Rampage loli..."

"... Huh?!" Jinx jumped at the table: "I am a loli in another world? Why is Lux's title so nice, but mine is actually a loli? Are the people of Valoran out of their minds?!"

——No, no, this is the fault of the translation of the national server. I always think that Runaway Guns sounds better.

Bai Jue coughed: "You're not a loli, to be honest... What's the difference between you in the parallel world and your present...I think your current aesthetics are fine, and you in another world are a genius level The criminals, active in Zaun and Piltover, often make trouble for the police in Piltover. They sneaked into the vault but didn't take any money. They bombed the city building without hurting anyone. They caused a storm in the city but no one caught them. You, Piltover City of Progress weep..."

"And." Bai Jue looked at Jinx sympathetically: "You are a lunatic, you have a doctor's certificate, really..."

Jinx's beautiful facial features distorted into a weird look, but she returned to normal after a while, and she slapped the table again: "That's really cool! I've always wanted to do this, when killing insects, I always have a kind I can't control the feeling of destructive desire in my heart... Sure enough, this may be due to nature, the me in another world has fulfilled my indulgent destructive desire."

Speaking of which, she took a peek at Lux, who had a slightly serious expression, and added: "Of course, I'm the Guardian of the Stars. I won't do things like defend peace, protect peace, or destroy towns."

Although the credibility of what she said was almost zero, Lux nodded in satisfaction.

Bai Jue raised his eyebrows, the relationship between these two magical girls is really subtle...

I still remember that the settings of the Star Guardian were completed twice. The first time was the skin of the magical girl Lux. After Si's skin was sold well, four subsequent skins were launched, forming a Star Guardian team, and finally the five-member team of Ahri's team.

After the war team appeared, the character settings in Star Guardian were perfected one after another. Among them... Lux and Jinx had the setting of "childhood sweethearts". In the original Valoran continent, these two people had There is no relationship other than a 'X', but here, they are childhood sweethearts, and Jinx's pure girls never look back, except for the plot of Ji You.

——Jinx is a strong receiver, while Lux is a natural attack.

Saying no, no, I hate the Star Guardian, I hate this cute outfit the most, I want to use my power for myself, I don’t want to save the earth, and I don’t want to kill bugs and shoot cockroaches—but just look When Lux was in trouble, she still shouted "Ba La La Energy" honestly, changed her body, put on a miniskirt and ran to save the world.

"Tut tsk tsk..." Bai Jue smiled without saying a word, a real gentleman who watched chess without saying a word, quietly enjoying the lilies blooming.

This time it seems that I don't have to worry about Jinx making trouble for me, as long as I get enough of Lux's favorability, she will obediently follow.

When Jinx saw Bai Jue's faint smile, she instinctively felt that something was wrong, but after a closer look, she didn't think there was anything wrong.

At this time, Lacus asked again: "Since you know us, then... you should also know Sister Ahri and the others, right?"

"I know... They are all ruthless people in this team." Bai Jue said solemnly: "First of all, Ahri, the captain, is a veteran fighter in the Star Guardian world, and he is also the first-class among magical girls. As the captain, She has great leadership and decisiveness."

"Indeed, Sister Ari is so strong, she is far more qualified to be the captain than me, but she is not willing to lead us, I don't understand why... Obviously, cooperation is beneficial to both." Lux sighed softly.

"It's a fox after all, don't think too much about it." Bai Jue smiled, of course he knew why... Just as magical girls will eventually become witches, star guardians will eventually fall and reincarnate.Under such a dark and cruel worldview, what kind of normal people can appear.

A certain Bai changed the topic and said: "Speaking of which, you said, Ahri also came to this world, and brought a teammate with him?"

"Yeah." Jinx rolled her eyes: "It's also a troublesome master."

"Who?" Bai Jue asked curiously.

"You should know." Jinx said quietly: "Don't you know the members of Ahri's team very well? Just the blond one, who would raise his hand and shoot people in the face every now and then, jumping around like a rabbit The one that thieves make people upset."

Ouch?Explorer?Little yellow hair?

Bai Jue's face was filled with the look of Inbreus listening: "Of course I know, this person is also well-known in Valoran, after all, he is an explorer who has traveled all over the continent of Valoran... is also a A tricky little trickster."

"Tsk... It's really annoying that the reputation is still so loud." Jinx snorted coldly, she was inexplicably upset with the Star Guardian.

It's a matter of course——

Bai Jue thought happily that Lax and Jinx were childhood sweethearts, but it was mentioned in Star Guardian's official novel Starfall and the setting collection that Lax had an inexplicable affection for this little golden retriever, and little Huang Mao is also very concerned about this pink-haired girl.

Even when the official skin was released, an interactive video with Izerraven as the main perspective was loaded on the APP of the Handheld League of Legends, in which he directly asked Lux ​​to go out through the giant letter, and Lux ​​also responded— — This can be described as an official decision! (Because it is a different world view, the CP of Valoran Shield X explorer still exists, don't worry)

What is this for Jinx!This is NTR!This is NTR in person!This is the Heavenly Descent system hanging and beating young tame dye!

I think I've seen the scene where the little yellow hair is dragged out by Jinx and shot, that's really satisfying.

Bai Jue said happily: "Ezreal is the pride of Piltover anyway, and it's understandable that he doesn't get along with you. Don't worry... You in another world have beaten him more than once."

After Bai finished speaking, he picked up his teacup and was about to take a sip of tea to continue speaking, but he noticed the surprised and puzzled eyes of the two girls.

"What's wrong?" Bai Jue asked suspiciously.

"That..." Lux hesitated, "Can you repeat her name?"

"Izreal." Bai Jue was also stunned for a moment, and then... a possibility came to his mind, he felt a sense of righteousness upgrade from his back, opened up Ren Du's second channel, penetrated the Tianling Gai, and rushed straight Bullfighting!

Sure enough, the next moment Jinx followed suit: "Isn't her name called Ezreal?"

Fuck -!Fuck -!Fuck -!

Bai Jue covered his forehead and waved his hands, with a classic expression on his face: "Stop, friend! I'm a bit messed up!"

"What's so messed up? Isn't it normal?" Jinx rolled her eyes: "Is there a girl in Star Guardian, or is the parallel world you know a girl? It's really unimaginable .”

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