Lacus frowned: "Don't say that about Lil, she's a good girl!"

Girl... girl, what a ghost!That's a little yellow hair, the one with the handle is orthodox!The only female costume boss in Star Guardian!How can you just say it's gone!What should I do with the expectations I had just now!

Bai Jue put down his teacup tremblingly: "There seems to be something wrong in this world, please tell me, then Ezreal... is it..."

Lacus turned on the phone: "Look, this is her, isn't she cute?"

Bai Jue glanced, looked back, then glanced again, looked away again: "emmmmmm..."

Damn, I actually think she's a little cute!Can a generation of little yellow hairs have such a powerful lethality after being mothered?

Bai Jue took a deep breath and came to a conclusion: "This person must be a person full of support!"

Innocent girls like Jinx and Lux ​​couldn't understand the deep malice in these words, and Lax smiled happily: "Of course, she is a very cute girl. Speaking of which, she will invite me to go for a walk in the central city tomorrow. You... want to come together?"

Jinx said coyly, "I...I don't particularly want to go, but if you must, it's not that I can't promise you."

Bai Jue patted the table: "Don't take me with you! I'm good at inspection missions! My inspection power is as high as [-]!"


Extra Story Chapter 4 Ali

The central city area should be a rather prosperous area in the city. Its scope is already comparable to a small city, and it is also the center of the area where the star guardians live.

There are shopping malls, subway stations, skyscrapers, Kabuki halls and other buildings here. The commercial circulation is very convenient. Residents live in the city. At first glance, it seems that this place is just an ordinary scenery that can be seen everywhere.

There is also a little nostalgia in Bai Jue's eyes, the world he once knew was exactly such a scene.

But the pink double ponytails and red ponytails dancing ahead are a constant reminder of the fact that the world is not normal.

There are four people sitting in the private seats in the coffee shop.

In all fairness, they were four beautiful girls.

Lux's appearance is absolutely glorious. Although she is still immature as a girl, for men, she is no less lethal to women than a knight with a tear mole; The door doesn't even wear makeup, but she is born with fair skin and big European eyes of the Nordic people, coupled with the strange but not weird dress and willful attitude, she is also very attractive.

As for the remaining two, first of all is this Izériel. Bai Jue gave her a rating of "full of support", which is definitely not bad. She has bright blond hair and a slightly thin figure, but she has a pair of agility. His eyes, even when sitting down, give people the feeling of a restless animal, cute and playful, for men... especially mature men with an uncle's mind, they have an irresistible youthful charm.

The last was the most dazzling one among the four. The first time everyone on the second floor of the coffee shop set foot on the floor, they all turned their eyes to her position as if they had a sixth sense attack.

Ahri, this one is also a fox, but it's not Nine Tails.

She can be said to be the best at dressing up among the four girls, her makeup is light but carefully crafted, her clothes are decent, elegant, her long hair is of excellent texture, and it is extremely smooth after careful care. Compared with the black sesame oil in the shampoo advertisement The fox ears on the top of her head vibrate from time to time, which will naturally express her mood at the moment. The most charming thing is undoubtedly her eyes...

As for a fox, it is common sense to rely on eyes to discharge electricity, and she is best at formal charm spells.

In most of the worldviews, those who can take on the role of magical girls are rare and beautiful girls, and each has its own charm. From personality to attributes, there is no repetition... and the guardians of the stars, She is an extremely beautiful girl, without the nonsense setting of "not conspicuous before transformation" like Japanese magical girls. There is no difference between before and after transformation, and it is acceptable to say that she is ordinary.

The result of sitting with four dazzling girls is that Bai Jue no longer knows where to turn his eyes.

No matter where he looks in the north, south, east, west, there will always be a beautiful girl with seductive eyes who will cast a curious, flat, gentle or provocative gaze. It is also a strong point of view.

For a while, the young man who used to chat and laugh with the hero was also on pins and needles.

And the sights of the surrounding crowd are even more stinging, and the crazily clamoring resentment and rising anger in their souls can be heard clearly from a long distance away.

—Explode!You are about to explode!

——It’s noon, you still haven’t exploded yet!

— Jealousy makes me unrecognizable!I, Ding Dong, will beat you to death today!

"If eyes could kill, I think I'm riddled with wounds by now..." Bai Jue pretended to be an old monk in meditation, with an unfathomable Buddhist cultivation on his face, bearing the malice from all male compatriots.

So Bai picked up the teacup, turned his head, and showed a condescending look down on the group of customers with unfriendly expressions, his smile gradually became wicked, and his psychological activities were fully interpreted through rich facial expressions.

——I understand that a certain person is just joking, what's wrong?

——Why can’t you show off, and beat me to death if you don’t accept me!

——Am I a war scum who still wants to be honest in the face of other people's malice?

Before Bai Jue turned around, he saw someone rolling up his sleeves.

His small movements did not escape Ari's eyes, but she didn't say anything either. After eating the last bite of the ice cream sundae, she looked at the last cherries left in the cup and said, "So, come to me, Just to meet that magical girl?"

Hearing the serious business, Bai Jue's wicked smile immediately became serious: "Of course, I need her assistance in order to collect information about this world. You shouldn't have done anything to her, have you?"

"What do you think I can do to her?" Ari asked casually.

Bai Jue was taken aback: "It's true, as a woman, you don't have that function."

"How can you say such things in front of girls." Ezreal, a defeated golden retriever, suddenly exploded.

"What? What?" Lux tilted her head.

"It's okay if you don't need to know!" She said quickly.

Bai Jue squinted his eyes: "Huh? You understand?"

Ezreal's face turned red, and she sat down quietly immediately, covering her head and whimpering: "I don't understand! I haven't heard of it! I don't know!"

Jinx stared wide-eyed: "What charades are you talking about? Can you explain it more clearly?"

"emmmmmmm..." Bai Jue looked at Jinx with a strange gaze.

The red-haired ponytail was unhappy: "What's wrong?"

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