Bai Jue patted Jinx on the shoulder and sighed: "It's nothing, I suddenly feel that you, the Guardian of the Stars, are very successful. You really have a pure heart and are not polluted by the filth of the world!"

The implication of the words is that you have failed in being a rebellious girl, you don't even know [beep——].

"Why did I hear the deep malice when I said good things?" Jinx snorted softly.

Ari rested his cheeks and played with his taste: "You are quite interesting, I like interesting people, I hate boring and rigid, and I am not very patient... To be practical, I can help you, but I can help you. What did you get? It took me a lot of work to catch that restless little mouse, and I can't believe it with just a verbal promise."

"You can't trust me, or can't you trust Lux, who is also the Guardian of the Stars?" Bai Jue asked without answering.

Ahri's smile faltered slightly, and he said immediately, "Is there any difference?"

"It's understandable if you don't believe my position, but your position is similar to Lacus, and you know her from the beginning. You should know what kind of girl she is better than me. Under special circumstances, she is trustworthy, but time has passed. For a month, you still maintain a state of independence from each other, which makes me feel strange." Bai Jue crossed his fingers, and made the famous gesture of Commander Ikari: "And now she is actively asking for information sharing, to find the return to the original The way of the world, and you're looking for reasons to refuse and procrastinate..."

Ahri's voice remained calm: "What do you want to say?"

"Then I'll just say it straight." He looked directly at Ari: "Did you know something from that magical girl?"

"...It's just a guess." Ari smiled slightly: "I do know something, but it's just some insignificant news."

"I don't think so, maybe it's some important news, but you've confirmed that it's too dangerous, so you decided not to share this information and keep it sealed to avoid someone making a wrong choice on the spur of the moment." Bai Jue continued.

"Interesting hypothesis, if you write a mystery novel, maybe it will be very popular." Ari still pretended not to know.

"There are other possibilities. Maybe the information you got is not only important but also dangerous. In order to avoid others being involved, you chose to solve it by yourself, but it didn't go well." Bai Jue knocked on the table: "Let me just ask— —Does your wound still hurt?"

"Wound!" Lux horrified.

"Captain, why didn't you even tell me such an important matter!" Ezreal also hurriedly said.

"Wound? What kind of wound..." Ahri was also stunned for a moment, but she came to her senses three seconds later, frowned beautifully, bit her teeth, and said angrily, "You're playing tricks!"

"The trick is to be taken by surprise." Bai Jue smiled and spread his hands: "In fact, Miss Yi Ze's reaction also proves that you did not tell anyone the news, not even your own companions. It seems very Important and dangerous news."

Ahri is angry and helpless, this kind of rascal's words are useless against her, but against a little girl like Ezreal, who is not qualified enough, it can be used once and for all.

The words have come to this point, and it is useless to continue to conceal, she said bluntly: "You are provoking me, but I won't say it..."

Ari still shook her head and refused, and after she finished speaking, she was already planning to get up and leave.

How could Bai Jue let her escape? He didn't have time to waste persuading him. He got up first, pressed his palms on the table, looked down upon Ahri, and forced her to sit on the seat.

He paused and said: "If this continues, the destruction of this world is only a matter of time. I hope you don't test the patience of me and the world. Every moment is racing against time. I don't ask you to believe me, but blindly concealing it will only make the situation worse." Intensified."

Bai Jue may have gained a bit of tiger power after merging with the white tiger. The sudden movement of standing up and the solemn tone calmed Ahli for a while, making her fall into thought, her brows were furrowed, and she was extremely entangled in the battle between heaven and man. .

After a while, Ahri's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and she opened her eyes again, making a decision.

"Okay, I can take you to meet that magical girl, but..." She glanced at the other three Star Guardians: "Others can't come."

"But..." Lux was about to say something.

"Okay." Bai Jue agreed very simply, and he said to Lacus, "Trust me."

"...Come back, you must explain it to me." Lacus reluctantly accepted.

"Come with me." Ari took a deep look at Bai Jue, she lightly parted her red lips, and said in a low tone that only he could hear: "You will regret it..."

Bai Jue smiled proudly: "No!"


ps1: Is there a monthly pass... Is there a blade... The reward is offered for one month, until the end of the month!

ps2: The magical girls will make their debut, and the next chapter will be full of hot eyes and high energy.

Extra Story Chapter 5 Magical Girl World War

"I regret!"

A tear of regret flowed from the corner of Bai Jue's eye.

"I said you will regret it." Ari sighed faintly, and couldn't help covering her mouth and nose. This scene was so cruel that she recalled the exact same expression when she saw her for the first time: "Sure enough, No matter who it is, can't accept such an ending?"

"This must be a trial given to me by God." Bai Jue raised his eyes and looked up at the sky: "Who is it? I want to kill God!"

"Please calm down, I understand how you feel, but..." Ari sobbed faintly.

"How do you understand my feelings? Imagine that you have held on to the bottom line for more than ten years, and the precious things for so many years have been completely destroyed in just a few seconds!" Bai Jue sighed and couldn't help but let out a cry Shout: "Ah!!!"

In the quiet room, there was a roar.

"You guys are enough ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

A young man with silver-gray hair covered his head, knelt on the ground, and beat the ground frantically, with a frantic expression on his face: "Shut up, don't look at me with that kind of eyes!!! "

The boy's name is Ayumi Aikawa, he's a zombie, and he's a girl in magical costumes.

At this time, he was wearing a woman's outfit that was too cute...and a pink and white chubby...

After Bai Jue walked into the room, the first time he saw it, he almost coughed up a mouthful of old blood. He had seen a lot of big men in women's clothing, but he was the first one who dared to wear princess skirts to show off his fat without makeup and slovenly appearance. This is the first time I've seen... What's more, just now the girl in magical costume mistook him for an enemy, and even performed a magic girl transformation show that was almost not spicy enough to scare the dog's eyes.

The moral bottom line and integrity that have been adhered to for more than ten years are gone, and accompanied by the transformation special effects of the hot eyes, they are all wiped out.

"Pfft..." Ari covered her mouth and laughed until she shed tears. The first time she saw her, she almost didn't make a move to destroy this hot-eyed magical girl humanely. But after seeing it a lot, she accepted this setting and just wanted to laugh. .

"In short, she is a pervert in women's clothing." Bai Jue covered his eyes: "Please change back quickly!"

Ayumi Aikawa's hands holding the chainsaw were trembling: "I can't change back, I don't feel safe without a magic girl costume!"

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