"What sense of security do you want! I can't even turn my head to talk to you like this!" Bai Jue covered his eyes and couldn't bear to look directly.

"Once the transformation is lifted, I will become a clean yo!" Ayumi Aikawa shed tears of shame: "I don't want to become like this either! Is it forced to help me! What can I do, I am also very desperate! "

"Is that why you are hot on my eyes!!!"


【Name: Ayumi Aikawa】

[Source: Is this a zombie? 】

[Introduction: After being killed by someone, he was transformed into a zombie by the necromancer Euclid Wood of the underworld. He is immortal and has a strong regeneration ability. The refiner Mistedin transforms into a magic girl, and her defense, attack, and courage values ​​have been greatly improved, but because she is far away from the necromancer, the zombie's resilience and magic power have been weakened]

[Remarks: This person has a beautiful hip shape that is rare in the world...]

[Evaluation: One of the abnormal magical girl group]

Bai Jue rubbed his sore eyes, looked at Ayumi Aikawa who had changed into normal men's clothes, and felt terrified - the girl in the magic costume is scary, so scary!There are such creatures in the world...

"That..." Ayumi Aikawa scratched his cheek: "If you want to ask anything, just ask directly. I am a prisoner now, and I have no right to freedom. I will try my best to tell what I know, so please don't... bring up the question just now. It's over." He covered his heart: "Otherwise my fragile heart can't take it."

Bai Jue's vision is very subtle - I can't stand you and you still transform in public... What are you trying to figure out?

Perhaps reading the meaning in Bai Jue's eyes, Ayumi Aikawa explained: "Actually, borrowing Mistedin's ability in the past can erase ordinary people's memories of girls in magical costumes, so it doesn't matter even if they are seen, so... ..."

Bai Jue gasped - so you just transformed in public, scorching people's eyes everywhere, and you can even act as if nothing happened afterwards?

"No! I'm not, I don't!" Zombie Bu categorically vetoed: "I have no choice but to transform every time. In order to solve Megalo, I can only transform. If I don't go to someone to kill monsters! I can't just sit idly by Never mind!"

Bai Jue's face was full of disbelief—is this the reason why you are addicted to women's clothing?If I hadn't seen your intoxicated face, I would have almost believed it!

"Who looks intoxicated? I did it to increase my magic power, and I had to do it!" Zombie stepped on his temple: "Don't look at me with such eyes, your voice is echoing in my brain!"

Bai Jue's gaze gradually dislikes——CNM, who would be willing to spy on you, a pervert in women's clothing, are you excited?

"Who will be excited! Who will be!" Zombie walked and patted the table.

Ari tilted his head at the side: "How did your conversation come together... Is it just through eye contact that you can reach the point of soul-to-heart connection? Could it be that the two of you are very compatible?"

"Are you kidding, this kind of pervert in women's clothing, who is connected with him!" Bai Jue snorted: "Hurry up and tell me all the news you know, or I will take a picture and upload it to the Internet when you transform next time." , keep you popular all over the world!"

"I'll say anything! Don't just say this!" Ayumi Aikawa covered his heart: "I can no longer perform a large-scale amnesiac. If the truth spreads out, my life will be completely over..."

"What stupid things are you talking about..." Bai Jue gave a thumbs up: "Your life has just begun! Come on, I have a knife here... Just cut it off."

"I'm a zombie, and if I cut it, it will grow back!" The zombie step was a little suffocated.

"There is still this kind of operation." Bai Jue was shocked: "It really doesn't give you a way to survive. It seems that you can only be a pervert in this life."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Ayumi Aikawa coughed out a mouthful of old blood: "I finally understand that words hurt people more than blades..."

Ari said softly: "It's almost time to get down to business."

"That's right." Bai Jue said seriously: "Then, pervert in women's clothing, please tell me about this world, how much do you really know?"

Ayumi Aikawa's eyelids twitched, and he said, "I don't know much. The time I arrived in this world was actually similar to hers. It was also a month ago. I was just treating a Megalo normally, and then suddenly I was caught in the vortex of time and space, and when I noticed it, I had already come to a strange place.”

"The location where I fell was a high school area. There were many teaching buildings. It looked like a university town. There were many students in it, and there were also many unknown monsters. During the battle with the monsters, I encountered When it comes to other magic costumes, no, it should be called a magical girl, right? Let’s say I have met several companions, and they all come from different worlds like me.”

"Afterwards, while we were guarding the university city area, we tried to explore the periphery, and then we met another group of people, who called themselves magical girls, and they said who they were from the Space-Time Administration. Both come from different worlds, and they are all very cute girls, but they are terrible when they are angry, just like You... After eating a dozen magic cannons from that tea girl, I was convinced by her , agreed to form an alliance with them, and also learned other information."

"The girl named Naye is a magical girl from the Central Court area. There are currently more than five magical girls in the Central Court area. Each of them comes from a different world. The title of 'Magic Girl' is also what she told me. ... Although I am not a young girl, it is a collective name for these girls with special abilities, and the specific names are different."

"The central court area has a very efficient information transmission system, and can bring other areas under its command. As long as you send magical girls to guard an area, you can ensure safety and free up other people to conquer other areas..."

"Conquer?" Bai Jue played with taste: "That's a good word."

"Actually, it's all about a fight. I was sent to the central city to investigate information, but... encountered a monster on the way, subconsciously changed, and then..." Zombie Step sneaked a glance at Ah raccoon.

"Well, I just threw a set of REWQ combos over there, turning him into blood in seconds." Ari smiled sweetly, "Who made you scare me?"

"So, that's why..." Ayumi Aikawa raised his hand in surrender: "I'm just a scout, useless to fight the five scum."

"You are really proficient in selling your teammates. It seems that you are very confident in those magical girls." Bai Jue squinted and said: "Although I also know Naye's strength, when it comes to magical girls, they are orthodox, and you are just evil. "

A certain white rubbed his chin, and asked again: "Which areas have been explored in the central court area so far? In other words, it has such an efficient intelligence system, so it should know the specific situation of the current world. How many areas are there in total?" What is the specific distribution of regions?"

"This is a core secret, and I only know part of it." Zombie Bu rubbed the back of his head and said while recalling: "I didn't remember very clearly at the time, but there are a total of eight areas in all...the central court area, the college area , There is also an ancient Oriental Street in the central city.”

"Ancient Oriental Street?" Ari narrowed his eyes, "You never said that."

"Yes, when I was assigned to investigate the central city, I was selective. I could choose Dongfang Ancient Street or Central City. I chose here because I heard that the magical girls on Dongfang Ancient Street are very strong, and the area is very popular. Exclusive, not easy to enter." Ayumi Aikawa said awkwardly: "I really don't know the other maps... But in order to gather the magical girls as soon as possible, the central court should send magical girls over."

"It's a coincidence this time, it's a strong attack." Bai Jue pondered: "Why did the central court gather magical girls? For what?"

Zombie Step paused, and said: "To go home... If we don't do something, we may never find our way back. We can't stay here forever, and there are still people waiting for us at home."

Hearing this, Ari also recalled his oath and his teammates, and nodded slightly: "We must go back."

Bai Jue remained silent. Ayumi Aikawa might not have lied, but he didn't think that this singularity was not that simple... There was always something unsettling. He looked out the window again, and there was a huge giant hanging on the sky above the sky. The number—seven—is like the final countdown to life.

Leaving aside this number that others cannot see... Judging from the present, the singularity this time should be the World War of Magical Girls.


ps1: For the time being, Merry Christmas... Are you living alone again?


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