Fanwai Chapter 6 Real high-end players never read the strategy

After learning the general situation from Ayumi Aikawa, Bai Jue can basically determine the current situation of the singularity.

At present, this singularity is a completely unfamiliar world. For some special reasons, magical girls from various worlds are summoned here, and they are all assigned to different areas. There are a total of eight of these areas. Currently, there are four.

Among them, the number of magical girls in the central court area is the largest, and the strength may also be the strongest. The magical girls have actively started to contact other areas, and have brought the university area into management. Next is the ancient city of the East and the central urban area where the star guardians are located.

It is still unknown who these magical girls are, but according to the description, the white tyrant Takamachi Nanoha seems to be stable.

The origin of the singularity must have its origin of distortion. Just as FGO needs to take away the holy grail to correct the singularity, Bai Jue must correct the source of the distortion, that is, to find the source of the singularity to complete the correction, but it is different from the first world that encountered it as soon as it came up. Altair, this time the source of the distortion is hidden quite deeply, and the map scope this time is also very wide, and it is difficult to solve it within a while.

"It's not unacceptable to form an alliance. We do lack intelligence at the moment, but if you want me to be brought into management, it's a bit difficult to accept." Bai Jue thought: "I must retain the greatest degree of freedom of action... ...If this can be resolved through negotiation, I would like it, but the Star Guardians may not be willing to accept the magical girls in the central courtyard."

"And now Ayumi Aikawa has been captured by Ahri and lost contact for a while. I'm afraid the magical girl sent by the Central Court is already on the way. Even if he is handed over, it will be of no use. There will still be a fight...Magic The tradition of girls making friends with cannons and fisting hearts is here, and you will be my partner when I fire a magic cannon..."

Thinking of this, Moubai has a little headache. Could it be that this singularity is to collect magical girls to conquer different regions?

emmmmmmm... What is the déjà vu of this RPG game?

Is it possible that I am playing the version of the magical girl version of Romance of the Three Kingdoms Ji Wushuang?

No, no matter how you look at it, it is the Eight Females of the Warring States Period!

However, as long as you know this is a game, there is a perfect way to pass the level!

"Okay, I've seen the ending..." Bai Jueyi straightened his face, and pushed his non-existent glasses: "As a hardcore player, I used to attack the soy sauce party of the wasteland reclamation group, and I am proficient in all kinds of galgames. Strategies, high-end operations of various RPG strategy games, speed-passing methods of multiple action games, now, it’s time to show the real skills!”

Ari squinted his eyes: "Why are you crazy?"

"No, I have now seen through the truth of the current world." Bai Jue said confidently: "As a player, I will write the strategy of this game!"

Aikawa said weakly, "Huh?"

"You guys, naive, the pattern is broken, and you don't understand it at all, let me, a high-end player, analyze it for you." Bai Jue said one by one: "Think about it for a while, the current situation, assuming every The magical girls in a region are all guardians, and each region is a territory, haven't you considered why these regions are not connected, or even a regime does not exist?"

"Speaking of it, that's right... the residents here seem to be indifferent to these things." Ayumi Aikawa also suddenly said: "The students in the college area before, even if they saw a monster, they would just run away, but the next day they still didn't care about it." Come to school as if nothing had happened... Also, the damaged area will be automatically repaired, I accidentally destroyed a building before, and it was rebuilt the next day."

"That's right, these areas are fixed. These residents are all NPCs. They may look the same as ordinary humans, but they are different from real humans. They are randomly generated data."

Bai Jue thought of a very suitable metaphor. These residents are just like the NPCs in the afterlife world in Angel's Heartbeat. They look no different from ordinary humans, but this is a singularity...and different from the singularity of last time , is a different time and space completely independent of each world, how can there be real living people, they are just some temporary consciousness, vague like a dream.

"NPC..." Ahri continued, "Continue talking."

"I don't mind giving you a spoiler. This world cannot exist for a long time. It is caused by the continuous enlargement of a source of distortion. It will collapse sooner or later, so everything here may be unreasonable, except for you aliens. Visitors from the world." Bai Jue said.

"Then why are we here?" Zombie Bu asked.

"Then you need to ask the source of the distortion. It must be who created the singularity, who it is, and what its purpose is. It is not known yet, but... what I can be sure of is that the other party's current situation is the same as mine " Bai Jue said with a smile.

"The same means..." Ari speculated based on Bai Jue's previous remarks: "A player?"

"That's right, using an RPG game as a metaphor, if the residents are NPCs, then I, as an active intruder, is the player who controls the control panel." Residents of the world, who were summoned here, are themselves bound by the source of distortion, but have independent will, you... are pawns placed on the chessboard, chips for the game."

"The distortion source... is also a player?"

"Of course it is, but compared to me, it has a line of cheating codes... The singularity is produced because of the holder's wish, which is impossible to produce, and the consequence of forcibly achieving it is today's reality." Bai Jue said seriously: "There is only one chance to make a wish. It has already been used, and the wish has not been fully fulfilled. Next, it needs to clear the singularity, so it must sit in the player's position and play games with me."

"Treat us... as pawns, for such a boring reason..." Ari's eyes were vaguely filled with anger. Anyone who knows that he has been innocently dragged into trouble by others, and is even taken advantage of by others, will not be in a good mood. where to go.

"After all, everyone is selfish." Bai Jue sighed: "Wish itself is such a thing... Even a purely good wish without malice will invite disillusionment and distortion."

Emiya Kiritsugu is like this, Emiya Shirou is like this, Lord Chong is like this, Amakusa Shiro is like this, Doctor Roman is like this, and so is Altair.

Are they wishing too much?It's not too much... just praying for happiness, but the process of realizing it is too twisted.

"Who are you?" Ah Li raised his head slightly, his eyes filled with sharp scrutiny.

Bai Jue knows too much... Of course, she will doubt the identity of this young man, doubt whether his words are worth trusting.

Regarding her questioning, Bai Jue had nothing to hide, and there was no need to hide it. He smiled freely and introduced himself.

"I am a human reason corrector."

"I came here to correct the singularity."

"So I will type out this singularity clearance strategy by myself... I will do it whether you trust me or not."

Ari looked directly into Bai Jue's eyes, trying to find the lies in his eyes, and even vaguely used the charm spell to try to lure out the evil thoughts in his heart.

But Bai Jue was frank and sincere, and looked directly at her without fear, and the charm spell had no effect if it was thrown into the sea.

"..." Ari lowered his eyes, raised his thighs, folded his hands on his chest, and snorted softly: "I believe you once, I never thought that there are people like you in this world who will take the initiative to get involved in trouble."

"After all, I'm the savior. If I don't get the role of the strongest hero appointed by the government, who will get it?" Bai Jue said helplessly, but the corners of his mouth were raised, not only did he not complain, but he seemed to be enjoying it, like a trembling M.

——Heroes are not just talk, the consciousness of carrying the world has long been there.

Ayumi Aikawa opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, but silently gave a thumbs up, he was a little moved.

Looking at that bright smile, Ahri's eyes were suddenly clouded. Once upon a time, she thought so too. It is her inescapable responsibility and destiny to save the world and defend the universe, but...

She said, "Haven't you considered what to do if you fail?"

"No." Bai Jue shook his head: "I never think about my own death."

Ahri's pupils constricted, and her breathing stagnated: "...death is not such a pain that can be easily endured, you are so frivolous to talk about it so frivolously, it makes people angry..."

"No, maybe I wasn't qualified before, but after experiencing certain things, I feel that I am qualified to say that." Bai Jue's flat tone contained unquestionable will: "Some people say that I am weak because I dare not Kill people at will; say I'm disgusting, because I'm just a weak person with no power; say I'm like the protagonist in Japanese manga, indecisive and disgusting, without the aura of the protagonist, I would have died a long time ago, and no one will pity me..."

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