"But I have died... I have died more than once... I have saved the world so hard that I got a glimmer of life. Because of this, I think it is not easy to live. I don't want to use my own values ​​to Measuring the lives of others, this world is not so simple that you can tell right from wrong with a sword... I am a savior, not a butcher."

"Saving the world happily, or slaughtering villains with a knife in hand, of course I choose the former without hesitation."

"I am willing to carry out good deeds to the extreme, even if this road is destined to be full of thorns, I am willing to sing along... But I don't want to be contaminated with more evil, no matter how simple, simple and easy it is, because I am afraid that I will deteriorate."

"It's so easy to kill, who wouldn't know it? With a knife in hand, a human head falls to the ground, killing crows in three thousand worlds, and killing Tianming with a long sword. If this is to punish evil and promote good, in order to cut off evil and make oneself an evil , carrying a dark cloak and turning into a dark hero, that’s fine, well, it’s really handsome.”

"But I refuse! I would rather be a nameless savior than a dark knight who only enforces law in the dark."

"If this is also weak and disgusting, then let those people speak up, and I will watch their gorgeous performances."

"So, my promise to the singularity is only one sentence—" Bai Jue looked directly at Ari: "Win the winner with a smile, and lose together to die."

After finishing speaking, Bai Jue felt much better. He does not despise life, but there are always people who regard kindness as weakness. Are you tired in and out of the play?

Ari frowned, got up abruptly, and said furiously, "Since you value life, why do you gamble it so easily? You value other people's lives but ignore yourself? Putting others above yourself? Are you brainless!"

"It doesn't exist." Bai Jue smiled proudly: "I don't accept the choice between the two, I only accept the perfect ending."

The anger in Ari's eyes subsided like a tide, and she sat down decadently: "How can there be perfection in the world?"

"If there is no perfection, then create one yourself." Bai Jue said so easily: "Break the so-called dog's head of destiny."

Extra Story Chapter 7 Women's Perverted Appearance

Bai Jue's words of justice fell down, and Ari became quiet inexplicably, and fell into deep thought.

At the beginning, Moubai just talked freely, but accidentally got in the way.

As the guardian of the stars, Ari is a veteran fighter and captain. She has lost three comrades in arms. Although these three comrades have passed through the reincarnation of stars, they have lost their memories of the past forever, and they are no longer the companions they once knew... Because of this In this way, she is very unimpressed with the concept of starlight reincarnation, and can even be said to hate it, and has an extremely strong disgust and disgust for the theory of fate.

Because of this, she doesn't like reckless people who risk their lives.

But Bai Jue is an exception. His behavior is clearly no different from death in the eyes of others. The so-called singularity is essentially an extremely chaotic battlefield. He not only broke in without authorization, but also did not even leave himself a way out , like a crazy gambler who studs from the very beginning.

This should have disgusted Ahri, but he said - he does not accept failure, only accepts perfection - this sentence perfectly hit the desire deep in the girl's heart, so for a while, her attitude softened again.

I'm afraid the fox himself doesn't know how complicated his mood is now.

Bai Jue knew about Ari's past, but he didn't pay too much attention to Ari, but went on to talk about the situation at the singularity.

"Returning to the original question, as a benevolent RPG player, the first thing to do is to develop the basic forces steadily and steadily, click on the technology tree or something, but this kind of complicated setting seems to be abandoned here, and there is no need to click on the technology tree. There is a wave of violent soldiers, so the number of magical girls is the only criterion for determining the battle situation. The territory is not even important. At present, our number is not large, but there are still four magical girls. To be honest, it is not difficult to fight a defensive battle .”

"But there is a fatal flaw that we don't have enough intelligence. In strategic games, apart from resources, troops and the main city, opening a map is also very important. Otherwise, if someone calls, you don't know where the opponent's hometown is. And the information we lack, there is in the central court area, and they must also have information that we do not know, and even the other four areas and even the number of specific magical girls are in control, so..."

Ahri came back to her senses: "Do you want to form an alliance with them?"

Ayumi Aikawa immediately raised his hand: "I agree!"

"You are a prisoner and have no right to speak. Shut up, or I will send you women's clothing." Bai Jue said lightly.

"It's too inhumane!" The magical boy's heart was broken.

"It's not impossible to consider forming an alliance. Anyway, it's only temporary..." Ari said softly, "But the Star Guardians still have to maintain their independence."

"Once an alliance is formed, there are many ways to disperse the team." Bai Jue pushed the air glasses: "So I personally don't recommend forming an alliance. There are two basic elements in forming an alliance. One is interests, and the other is trust. The benefits are too long-term and not practical. Value and trust are even more nonsense—so, fuck the alliance, the real hardcore players, of course, choose annexation!"

"Hiss—!" Ayumi Aikawa gasped: "Are you crazy! You will be blasted to pieces by the magic cannon!"

"I'm afraid, don't you know that the magical cannon of the magical girl can't kill people!" Bai Jue said disdainfully.

"But it will hurt!"

"Okay." Ari's eyes were shining brightly: "Tell me, how to annex it?"

"Drive tigers and devour wolves, lure the enemy deep, praying mantises catch cicadas, and orioles follow behind." Bai Juewen said wryly: "The so-called art of war is nothing more than the preciousness of soldiers and speed, and the fisherman's profit..."

"explain more clearly."

"Okay, then I'll get straight to the point." Bai Jue cleared his throat: "Let's talk about the current situation, the central court area has annexed a high school area, and the magic boys who got a few weak chickens started to send troops to two groups at the same time. There are not many magical girls, and I don't know who gave them the confidence to challenge the two major cities at the same time, and Liang Jingru didn't have the extra courage to lend them the courage."

"Actually, the other party is not that stupid. He even knew how to send a pervert in women's clothes to investigate the information. Unfortunately, this scout was too stupid. Instead of finding the information, he came here and sent a bunch of free information. It's really a good job! And the other party Since we chose to investigate our intelligence, it is very possible to crusade against Dongfang City, and according to the intelligence, the area around Dongfang City is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it cannot be taken by force."

"Is there any possibility of forming an alliance?" Ari asked.

"Originally, but not now." Bai Jue shook his head and said with a smile: "If the magical girl Takamachi Naiha was in charge of the expedition, then the peace treaty that was guaranteed would also turn into a negotiation with guns and guns. It is determined that they will definitely engage in a big battle, and as long as there are more than two magical girls in the eastern city, it will not be so easy to lose, and I am afraid it will be a protracted battle."

"And, according to the theorem that perverts in disguise will attract each other, we can conclude that when a pervert in disguise is captured, more perverts in disguise will come to rescue them. It is definitely not acceptable to be dispatched from the central court area, and will insist on going to the central city area where we are located to rescue this prisoner."

A certain Bai came to a conclusion: "In this case, the central court area can be regarded as a hornet's nest, and it is almost impossible to spare time to deal with the combat power of the central city area... In other words, as long as we eat the perverts in women's clothing who came to the rescue, we can put the magical girls in the central courtyard into a state of no one to rescue, let them consume each other with the magical girls in the ancient eastern city, and wait until they are exhausted. Time, take it in one fell swoop."

"The art of war is just like this..." Bai Jue finished his plan in one breath: "How? Is it perfect? ​​Is it seamless? Even I am shocked by my talent."

Ari slightly opened his cherry mouth, and looked at Bai Jue in surprise, as if he had seen a new continent.

"I have received your shock." Bai Jue was full of smiles.

"No, it's not..." Ahri wanted to say something.

"Don't worry, I have [-]% confidence that the plan can be carried out. Don't say anything about a white tyrant, even if I tie up the concubine Chong and Ye Tianxixiongwang together." Bai Jue smiled proudly.

"Wait!" Ari stared at Bai Jue: "Look behind!"

"Back?" Bai Jue finally noticed the sound of broken glass and the footsteps of two figures falling from behind.

"Your plan has been heard by us!" A man's voice came in a voice that was not loud and even a little weak: "There is such a wolfish ambition in the central city, but it's a pity that the plan has been exposed, and your ambition has come to an end. That's it!"

"Now, return Aikawa-san to us quickly! This is not a request, this is an order, otherwise... I will show you the power of twintails!"

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