This is another very hearty teenage male voice.

"It's you guys! You're here to save me!" Ayumi Aikawa stood up excitedly, tears gleaming in her eyes.

He was about to meet up with his companions, when his face suddenly changed, and he noticed the extremely calm expressions of Bai Jue and Ari, a flash of lightning flashed in his head, and he quickly shouted: "No! This is a trap! Mingzuliu! Chief Er! You guys Go, leave me alone!"

"How could we let go of our companions!"

"Stand there obediently, we will come to rescue you immediately!"

Two loud shouts came from outside the window, and immediately a dazzling flash lit up the entire hall!

Bai Jue resisted not to turn his head, for fear that if he turned around, he would see scenes with hot eyes. He sighed silently, looked at Ari with a delicate gaze, and said, "Look, the two perverts in women's clothing came just as soon as they said it." .”

Ari took out a pair of sunglasses for the blind from his pocket, and put them on calmly: "Fortunately, I was prepared..."

"Twin tails start (tail on)——!"

In the dazzling red light, a boy in a student uniform was condensed into a loli girl with red hair and double ponytails, wearing a red tights, with a few pieces of armor attached, cute is cute, cute is cute, what a pity... …

It's a man!

The energetic Loli clenched her fists, and her hot breath spread all around: "Red ponytail, join me!"

And the other is a blue-haired young man, the bracelet on his wrist emits azure blue flashes, wrapped in a halo like a blue water film, he also transformed into a gorgeous The girl—blue hair with a single ponytail, big waves and round buttocks, tall and slender, and also very beautiful, was in stark contrast to the red-haired double ponytail loli on the other side.

She hesitated before reporting her name: "Kempfa! Refer to it!"

Bai Jue didn't look back, and looked directly at Ari on the opposite side: "It's over? Do you have hot eyes?"

"These two are not bad. They are much better than him. At least the transformed form is an out-and-out girl... But how is this transformation done? Even the biological form has changed." Ahri Looking at the lower body of the two magical 'girls' with great interest, she pointed out something: "Could it be that even the gender characteristics have been erased together? From this level, it is much more ruthless than this pervert in women's clothing."

Bai Jue turned around and said, "Of course, these two have surpassed the level of women's bosses, and they are existences that even small partners can temporarily give up. They can take into account the dual roles of hero and heroine at the same time. The plot promotes, and even sells meat and benefits, and the all-round protagonist who never rests from beginning to end is simply the conscience of the industry!"

Then he made a disgusted expression: "However, I don't want to give it to me... By the way, this combination is amazing enough. It's actually Kempfase Nonatsu, the red-haired twin-tail Kanzuru Soji, plus A girl in a magical costume, Ayumi Aikawa, tsk tsk tsk, evil magical girls gathered together... As the saying goes, since ancient times, red and blue make CPs, and with the dual genders of the two of you, I'm afraid you can form four pairs of CPs."

Ari kept smiling: "To be honest, it's disgusting, please stop talking."

"I think so too." Bai Jue spread his hands, "Then, please do it, Miss Ari."

Red Ponytail Guanshu's chief second made a loli voice, and snorted coldly: "You're bluffing! If you're not a magical girl, why are you here? Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and transform into a fight!"

Senoh Natsuru also echoed: "That's right, you are also a magical girl of the transformation department, why are you pretending to be pure! Don't think that if you don't change your transformation, we will not be able to see your essence!"

Ari froze for a moment, and then laughed like a silver bell: "Are you a magical girl too? Hahaha..."

Bai Jue rolled up his sleeves silently, his hands released a dazzling electric light, his smile gradually darkened: "MMP, accept electrotherapy! Perverts in women's clothing!"

Temporary announcement (must see)

The original Second Singularity has been corrected to the Subspecies Singularity, that is, the second singularity is restarted in the extra chapter of this book.

Please refresh the bibliography page to avoid confusion.

I originally planned to finish the Magical Girl Wars of the Second Singularity step by step. Many readers should have noticed that I used the Seven Days City as a map to write it, and the plot must also be used for reference.

However, after I cleared the sixth week of the Seven Days Capital and cleared the six endings (except for the end of the world), I discovered that there is a serious bug here... If it is written according to the original plan, it will inevitably lead to the plot crash.

And I can't think of a solution at all for the time being, I can only see if Netease Papa can perfect the seven days, come up with a perfect ending, and fill in the logical loopholes.

I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, my brain was shaking, and all my original plans were disrupted.

I can only use the content originally scheduled for the fifth volume in advance...Maybe Bai Jue's strength will improve too quickly in this volume, but there is really no other way, let's just write it down.

To emphasize, the second singularity reopens, remember to refresh the page.

The subspecies singularity will be completed later, and I will fill this hole as soon as possible.

...Actually, I know that what you want to see is the main world. The second singularity is indeed related to the main world. Let's look forward to tomorrow's update.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Wake up, wake up—!"

A woman's voice came from next to his ear, Bai Jue opened his eyes in a daze, glanced at the sky, it was still dark, he turned over: "What, it's not dawn yet, let me continue to sleep Let’s talk about it in ten or eight years.”

"Sleep with a big head! If you don't wake up, something will happen!"

"What's the matter, even if Godzilla wants to destroy the earth, wouldn't there be Ultraman to stand up to it?" Bai Jue's face was overwhelmed and his head turned upside down.

"What's right? Wake up and don't sleep!" Someone was pushing Bai Jue vigorously, shaking him non-stop.

At this time, the hard wooden board under him shook, Bai Jue's head bounced up, and then hit back hard. This time he was completely awake from the pain, and he quickly hugged his head and began to roll, while looking at him vigilantly. Four weeks: "Hiss! Is there an earthquake? Is a tsunami coming? Or did Mars hit the earth?!"

"..." The girl next to him looked at him speechlessly, her eyes seemed to be saying - how did you break your head at such a young age?

Only then did Bai Jue wake up safely, and looked around the situation. He was not lying on the bed at home, but in a cage, specifically, in a prison car, as if he was going to He was about to be sent to the vegetable market to be beheaded for public display.


What a magical way to start!

Bai Jue was shocked at the time: "What's the situation, what's going on? Can the bosses help you download Baidu?"

The girl next to her in black coarse cloth had her face covered with black charcoal, and she sighed faintly. Her voice was very clear and pleasant: "Don't you understand? We are kidnapped now."

"Kidnapped?" Bai Jue clapped his hands, and suddenly realized: "It's okay, it's okay, it's not being escorted to the execution ground... No wonder no one throws vegetable leaves and rotten eggs here, and there is no public shame play like shackling and parading in the street."

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