At this time, he looked at the prison cart he was in. It was still clean. Two horses were responsible for pulling the cart, but the mountain road was rough and shaking. There were six or seven people in the prison cart with him, most of them were young. Little boys and girls, none over twelve or thirteen years old... These boys and girls sat in the car with their knees hugged and shivering.

Their clothes are quite old-fashioned, they are coarse linen clothes, which are rough for modern people to make rags, far inferior to standard fabrics such as polyester.

And around the vehicle, there are many people holding torches and big knives. They look decent, but the equipment is also mixed. Some people are strong and muscular, some are thin and skinny, and some people There are scars on their faces, their breasts are exposed, and their walking postures are considered social. Some people have shaved heads, and their heads are shining under the firelight.

"This kind of sense of being kidnapped is becoming more and more serious." Bai Jue squinted and said, "Don't tell me that you were kidnapped by this group of bandits who are not professional enough and don't even have a name. gone."

Although the girl's skin was covered with black charcoal, her eyes were bright, she didn't have the fearful look of other girls and boys, and she looked about fifteen or sixteen years old.

"Yeah, after all, they have weapons and there are so many people, we can't resist."

"That's true... After all, the folk customs are simple." Bai Jue covered his head: "I'm curious now, is the lair of these bandits called Heilongzhai?"

"Do you also know?" The girl nodded slightly, and the other boys and girls trembled in fear when they heard the name.

However, Bai Jue's heart did not fluctuate, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

——Mom, this group of standard knockoff names really made me laugh.

——In other words, this setting of being kidnapped at the beginning of the game has a sense of sight of ancient time travel.

——Obviously it is the second singularity, but it doesn’t have the sense of the end of the world. This singularity is really special... It’s not surprising that the era is ancient, but it’s a pity that this time I can’t save the world while fishing with wifi on, no 4G5G signal, this bad day can't live.

Bai Jue had a strange expression, one of mourning.

Seeing his expression, the girl thought he was in love with the scene, and quickly said: "Looking at your clothes, you should be from some high-ranking and noble family? Generally speaking, Heilongzhai would not dare to take the initiative to provoke a family." Yes, at most some ransom will be demanded, you don’t have to worry about your own safety.”

——No, no, you misunderstood, I just regret not being able to fish.

"What about you?" Bai Jue asked.

"Maybe they will be sold. Beautiful girls are sold to Tianxianyuan or Yihongyuan, and boys are sold to mine or work as slaves. The old, weak, sick and disabled will basically not be caught." The girl lowered her voice, afraid of being caught by others. The child hears.

Bai Jue nodded: "What a streamlined way of dealing with it, this group of people really don't understand what the value of human resources is."

Then he leaned against the wooden railing, changed into a more comfortable position, and raised his legs: "Since they are standard secondary characters, I can rest assured that there will be no waves."

The girl tilted her head: "What do you mean? Why do you say they have no brains? Isn't selling people for money a very common business? Although the government clearly prohibits it, there are still many slave trades."

"So it's too wasteful. How much money can one person make by selling it, and how many nearby villages can be robbed? Will it cause serious sequelae if it is robbed once? The anger of the knights who come to do justice? If there is a natural master, this Black Dragon Village can be wiped out with a single slap." Bai Jue spread his hands: "So the risk is too high, and it is out of proportion to the reward."

"It seems... yes." The girl nodded thoughtfully.

"If it were me, I would not sell this group of children and adult labor. As long as there are enough human resources, they can be converted into endless wealth." Bai Jue talked eloquently, from economics, Sociology and finance analyzed the preciousness of human resources, the importance of sustainable development, what is long-distance strategic investment vision, and what is meant by sitting at home without stealing or snatching money.

The girl understood a little bit at first, but then she didn't understand at all, but she felt that the person in front of her was very powerful.

Although I don't understand it, it's amazing. This knowledge is an infinite wealth for those merchant families.

"Mr. is a great talent. Whether it is in business or politics, he will surely be successful in the future and have a lot of money." The girl respectfully said: "The little girl is stupid. Although she only understands a little, it is enough to benefit her for a lifetime."

Economics beyond the age is so scary... Bai Jue shut up, he suddenly realized that his common sense was not knowledge that can be seen everywhere in ancient times.

——Be careful, be careful... You can't be forced to bump into this, or I will be guilty of disrupting the market economy.

"I didn't expect you to understand." Bai Jue coughed lightly, and said nonsense, "The girl is probably not an ordinary person."

The girl paused, and nodded awkwardly: "Mister, can you really see it? I'm afraid you knew it from the beginning, did you tell me this on purpose to test my reaction?"

--Eh?Was actually said?I was just looking for a step to go down, you are taking the initiative to expose it!

A certain Bai continued to be unpredictable: "Naturally... You took the initiative to sneak into the crowd and planned to sneak into the Black Dragon Village. You must have some confidence in your own strength, right? I don't know where the girl learned from? It's good to be a hero, but if it's not enough Be cautious, but you will put yourself in danger."

"Please don't worry, sir, the master of the Black Dragon Village is only the acquired seventh level, and I am already the acquired ninth level, and I am only a little short of stepping into the innate realm." The girl smiled brightly: "With my strength, I can guarantee that Mr. is safe and sound. Only, it would be a pity to fold it here."

Nature, nurture?

Emmmmmm... Forgive the country people for not hearing these classifications. Isn't the so-called profound skill a level of decades or decades?

Is the singularity this time a martial arts dungeon?Maybe Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue will come out again?Come on, this style of painting is wrong.

Bai Jue thought for a while, but didn't ask for a while, the carriage had already stopped.

Heilongzhai has arrived.

It's similar to what Bai Jue imagined, just an ordinary cottage, fenced by wooden piles, the kind that can be burnt clean with a single fire... I thought that if I enclose a high ground, it would be easy to defend and difficult to attack, and I was really looking for a dead end.

Walking all the way inward along the mountain road, the group soon came to the interior of Heilongzhai.

"Come down quickly." A young man urged: "If you don't want to eat the whip, get out quickly."

Bai Jue glanced at him: "Stop talking nonsense, and call your masters."

"Huh?" The little guy was taken aback.

"Tell you guys clearly, if you want to do a big business, get out of here quickly, it's hundreds of thousands of dollars a second, stop talking nonsense, go quickly! Can you afford to lose these hundreds of millions of dollars in business delays?" ?” Bai Jue glared, took over the momentum, and a roar made the opposite party take a step back in fright.

This group of unprofessional bandits immediately looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what the hell he was trying to do.

However, due to Kanbaijue's expensive clothes (a set of simple sportswear, a stall), richness like jade (good nutrition and enough sleep), majestic (dead fish eyes + funny face), aggressive (super fierce. JPG), and extraordinary conversation (Very Piao Zun's Mandarin), the bandits fell into hesitation one after another.

A few seconds later, a few people went in to report, and soon a black-faced man came out and said, "The owner of the village invites you to go in."

With his hands behind his back, Bai Jue walked forward with an indifferent face. The girl was worried and wanted to follow, but was stopped by others.

"This girl is my maid." Mou Bai said, "Let go."

"The village master only invites you in." The black-faced man said coldly.

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