Bai Jue narrowed his eyes: "Really?"

"Of course." The man replied.

"Oh..." Bai Jue stretched out his hand: "This buddy, can I shake hands?"

The black-faced man was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Bai Jue made such a request.

"Your complexion is so dark, I'm afraid there is a bloody disaster, a sign of great danger. I'll take your pulse and check for good or bad luck." Bai Jue said mysteriously, "I don't know martial arts, so you don't have to worry about me being bad for you."

The black-faced man hesitated and stretched out his hand, the palms of the two wanted to touch.

The next moment, Bai Jue's smile gradually became wicked: "One hundred thousand volts! Beep beep!"

After considering one night and one day, I managed to catch up with the second singularity, but it was really tiring. If I didn’t save the manuscript, I had to cash it out. MMP... I should be able to see some clues from the title of this volume Well, the world view of the singularity will be released later. To be honest, I really don’t want to code Chapter 2 anymore. I’m tired.

By the way, remember to read the announcement. Readers of the APP client can find yesterday's announcement by turning to the top work related.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Accompanied by a burst of dazzling lightning, the black-faced man completed [-] convulsions of the ghost animal in just one second. Accompanied by a burst of convulsions, the whole world became dull, and he just jumped like that.

"A boy who spread the word dared to challenge me. You are not the village owner, who is the village owner?" Bai Jue clapped his hands: "One look at you, I know that you are extraordinary, brave and courageous, and must be a great generation of village leaders. People like you are like fireflies in the night, even if they hide in the toilet, they still emit green light, so don't try to confuse my sight, you are you, you are different."

Everyone was dumbfounded, only to hear Bai Jue swearing at the black-faced man who had been stunned and was still running wild... completely stunned on the spot.

This, what is this operation...

"My friends, please listen well. Your village master has been captured. Please obediently put down your weapons and surrender, or you will watch him continue to be a ghost." Bai Jue said sincerely, with sparks flashing in his fingers, "Trust me, It's not a good movie-going experience to watch a black uncle ghost, and he's not a banana man, and he doesn't have such charming twerk moves."

"That, that..." A bandit raised his hand: "He is not our village master."

"Look at you, sophistry is wrong." Bai Jue shook his head: "You can't fool me."

"Really not, he is our second master." Another bandit also whispered.

"...I almost believed it, make it up, you continue to make it up." Bai Jue squinted.

At this time, the girl also lowered her voice and said: "Sir, you are really mistaken... I have secretly met the master of the Black Dragon Village, he is a bald man..."

"You can grow a bald head." Bai Jue shook his head, "I don't know if it will work if I shave him bald now."

"What's so noisy!"

A loud middle-aged male voice sounded, and Bai Jue looked back, only to see a burly man sitting there not far away with a sword and a golden horse. The seat was covered with tiger skin, and a golden ring sword stood beside him. That attitude, that indifferent attitude, that temperament of a bandit leader...

"Demon Sister Mommy Mommy coaxing..." Bai Jue made a series of nasal sounds, and looked at each other for more than three seconds. It's..."

After finishing speaking, he wished he could hide his face and run away, finding a crack in the ground to sneak in.

This pretense is too much of a failure, don't look at me with that funny look!

"Sir, are you leaving just like that?" The girl was stunned.

"What can I do if I lose everyone?" Bai Jue sighed: "Girl, I also want to lose face... I am a certain person who is a savior of the world. If this news gets out today, I am afraid that I will walk on the road in the future." I'm going to be called 'rua'... It's still too late to take the opportunity to escape!"

"Sir, don't worry." The girl took out a pair of swords from behind: "These bandits are sinners, and now they don't seek to serve their family and country in this peaceful and prosperous age. There is nothing to say about the execution! Wait for me to cut down these bandits one by one! There will be no news of Mr. Today’s embarrassment!"

——Wow, girl, your logic is just that of a gangster. "As long as you kill all passers-by, it's not shameful in public" and "As long as you kill all enemies, you can infiltrate perfectly".

--I like!

Bai Jue gave a thumbs up and said with a sinking heart, "Alright!"

The head of the Black Dragon Village laughed loudly like a barbell: "Hahahahaha, just because you two want to be enemies with hundreds of people in my Black Dragon Village? How naive, I have a six-year-old skill in the Black Dragon Village. First-class masters, you two little thieves surrender early, and there is still a way out."

"Oh my god, there are really people who can say this kind of line. If you don't plant a flag, you won't die. Why don't you understand such a simple truth?" Bai Jue sighed indisputably, and hooked his fingers: "You Come here, I'm going to fight you one-on-one."

"I refuse!" The head of the Black Dragon Village glanced at the second master who had turned from a black face to a scorched body with lingering fear, and said coldly: "Brothers, shoulder to shoulder!"

"Hey!" Bai Jue shouted, "Where's your morals! Where's your promise! Where's your bicycle and stretcher!"

"You are captives, what are you talking about with the captives? Our Black Dragon Village has always been like this. If you hit one of you, you will go up together, and if you hit [-], you will go up together. If you don't agree with you, don't come!" The leader of the Black Dragon Village ordered: "Little ones, Fuck him!"

"Is there something wrong with your wording!"

Bai Jue wanted to say something, but these younger brothers had already surrounded him.

The girl also stuck behind him: "Sir, please be careful...swords have no eyes."

Bai Jue swept his gaze, and there was a bit more domineering (funny) in his eyes. Even though Bai Hu had not yet awakened, with his power to control lightning, it would be meaningless for this group of minions to multiply. Although the attack and defense were not directly proportional, the world In martial arts, everything is invincible, only speed cannot be broken.

"Shoot people first and shoot horses..." Bai Jue stared at the bald head of the Black Dragon Village Master for a while: "To capture the thief, first capture the king."

The girl smiled slightly: "Shall I open the way for Mr.?"

"No need..." Bai Jue took out a stack of coins from his pocket and grinned, "Come on, I'm going to throw coins."

The current was flowing on the coin, and the next moment, Bai Jue waved it hard, and the coin pushed by the electromagnetic force turned into a reddish brilliance and scattered away, and the row of people in front fell into pieces like cutting leeks. down.

The head of the Black Dragon Village froze in place, a few coins grazed his thighs, knees, and crotch, but he himself was unscathed.

"Sure enough, the hit rate is not enough. After all, it is a random number. I don't have the computing power as Misaka Mikoto, so I can only rely on the feel of my hand." Bai Jue snapped his fingers, approached step by step, raised his thigh and pressed it on the seat , glanced at the village owner, and said lightly: "I have a few questions now, I will ask you to answer..."

The head of the Black Dragon Village gritted his teeth, just now he wanted to say that I am a pure man who can be killed but not humiliated.

Then Bai Jue picked up a knife and put it between his legs to make a gesture.

The shame of the bald world immediately said seriously: "Brother, just ask! I promise to tell you everything!"

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