"Very good." Bai Jue nodded, and then said: "Then, the first question...have you eaten?"


Not only the bald head, but also the girl and a group of bandits in the back row were dumbfounded.

"What, what?"

"Didn't hear clearly? Let me ask again." Bai Jue said, "Have you eaten?"

"Eat, eat..."

"Second question, what's your name?" Bai Jue asked again.

"Black Dragon."

"The third question, what day is it now, where is this place, and who is the current emperor?" Bai Jue asked again.

The bald man looked at the gleaming broadsword, sweating profusely: "Brother, can you just give it a good time? Don't torture me like this."

"Who is teasing you, tell me quickly, or I will let your little friend beat you, and you will never be able to think about it in this life." Bai Jue raised his eyebrows.

"I said, I said!" The bald man immediately said, "This is Heilongzhai, which is located in a mountainous area. As long as you leave here and walk three hundred miles to the south, you will be Chang'an City! This is the second golden age of His Majesty Shi Huang's reign. !"

First Emperor?Chang'an City? EXM?

"Do you think I haven't studied?" Bai Jue raised the knife: "cnm, the capital of the Qin Dynasty is Xianyang! Although they are very close, they are not the same city."

"Ke Ke Ke, His Majesty the First Emperor is indeed in Chang'an!" the bald man swallowed and spit.

Bai Jue frowned, and he became even more puzzled: "The first emperor you're talking about is Ying Zheng?"

"Yes, yes..." The bald man said cautiously: "The First Emperor has been in power for more than a hundred years. This is the second prosperous age, isn't it? He also knows a few words, and he respects His Majesty the First Emperor very much."

"More than a hundred years?" Bai Jue's expression became even weirder. Ying Zhengluan took medicine in his thirties and he was a dog. How could he live for more than a hundred years, not to mention that even if he lived for more than a hundred years, he would not It may have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present, so what era is it now?

"I'm a little dizzy." Bai Jue muttered, "How can people live so long?"

The girl tilted her head: "How is it possible? His Majesty the First Emperor is a heroic spirit, and the lifespan of a heroic spirit has always been far longer than that of ordinary people."

"Heroic spirit..." Bai Jue's breath was stagnant: "Wait, you said heroic spirit? What is the name of the continent here?"

"The mainland of China."

"What is the name of the country today?"

"The Shenzhou Empire, it is currently the [-]th year of the first emperor's calendar." The girl said strangely: "Could it be that you broke your head, sir? Even a merchant in the market can't remember these things wrongly."

Bai Jue remained silent, he withdrew the knife, and the bald man heaved a sigh of relief, but then the azure blue thunder flashed, and he also trembled violently, and his whole body became dull.

Bai Jue organized his thoughts.

——Shenzhou Empire, it turns out that the second singularity is not located in a different world, but is attached to the history of the main world. No wonder Bai Di said it was very difficult.

——Since there is the First Emperor Yingzheng, and he is a heroic spirit, the current era should not be BC, but after BC... I remember reading a historical record about the Shenzhou Empire before.

At the same time, the four words flashed through Bai Jue's mind like lightning - Wu Huan Hua.

Since the Rebellion of the Eight Kings in the Western Jin Dynasty, the Five Husbands, the Sixteen Kingdoms, the Southern and Northern Dynasties... the entire Central Plains suffered catastrophe, which lasted for a full three hundred years. During these three hundred years, I don’t know how many Han people died. For the Han people It is a disaster that is almost extinct.

In normal history, it was the establishment of the Sui Dynasty that ended the three hundred years of separatism and division, but in the history of the Shenzhou Empire, the first emperor Yingzheng reincarnated as a heroic spirit, and it took fifty years to end This dark time that the Han people can't bear to look back on... Now another hundred years have passed.

In the seventh century AD, the first year of Zhenguan—it was the time when Emperor Li Shiming of the Tang Dynasty was crowned with bloody swords and politics!


ps1: Ying Zheng: Let me go!I don't want to lose my dick anymore!

Li Shimin: What about me?Die and die together!Don't even think about keeping anyone's dick today!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Tang Dynasty was an extremely prosperous dynasty in Chinese history, and its prosperity can hardly be seen from the present era.

Prosperous Tang Dynasty is another appellation of the Tang Dynasty. Until the end of the Tang Dynasty, the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty was still praised by future generations.

It is a pity that the history of the Shenzhou Empire has completely deviated from the original history of ancient China since the beginning of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms, and parted ways.

Originally, the Sui and Tang Dynasties disappeared, and all the coquettishness and achievements of the past century were occupied by one person, or in other words, by one heroic spirit.

The whole era has been reduced to the foil of Yingzheng alone. The first emperor, like hundreds of years ago, swept away the world, swept the wilderness, led the weak Han people to rise again, dismantled the rule of the Hu people one by one, and slaughtered those barbaric peoples under the sword , a sword of the Son of Heaven ended the dark shadow that had shrouded the mainland of China for three hundred years, and built an empire covering the mainland of China with his own hands. It was not named after Qin, but named "Shenzhou", which means It means that the empire will last forever.

Its achievements are not far behind those who once ruled the world.

If you really want to talk about Ying Zheng's heroic achievements in detail, I'm afraid the storyteller can talk eloquently for three days and three nights without stopping.

But if you want a concise summary, one sentence is enough.

——Bloody battle, and victory!

Just this sentence, no more embellishments are needed, the so-called war has only two endings: victory and defeat.

This time, they lost and we won.

Although a hundred years have passed, for the people of the Shenzhou Empire, the first emperor has been reborn with kindness, and can be said to be a living divine residence.

Even if the government strictly prohibits it, there are still countless households that hang the portrait of the first emperor, and pray every month to mold the golden body of the first emperor. This worship can be said to be almost fanatical... People in the Central Plains who have experienced three hundred years of dark years What is needed is not just dawn, but a sun, a spiritual pillar that can bring them a sense of security.

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