——To be bored, I can only chat with a girl to check my favorability, and get a set of information from her... Although it is shameless to crush the ancients with the knowledge of modern people, this kind of pretense is really easy to use, then I didn't memorize many poems in vain. Didn't I see that her favorability is about to be brushed to the respect level by me?

——That's not the point, the point is that I'm so boring. I've been walking on the road for a day or two, and I don't even have a trigger plot. Hurry up and come to anyone, come and relieve me. , You can't touch fish liver mobile games, in this case, disconnecting from the Internet is simply fatal.

Walking through the long official road, the road under your feet was replaced by bluestone pavement. The narrow and long path suddenly opened up in front of you, and a magnificent city slowly appeared in front of you like a picture.

The sound of flying horseshoes was heard not far away, and the arrayed army pulled up a long smoke dragon, and a group of women in armor and red robes galloped past on horses, with awe-inspiring spirit, the leader pulled up his blue hair , his eyes swept the surroundings coldly, did not stop for a moment, and soon disappeared at the end of the city gate.

Bai Jue looked at the familiar but unfamiliar figure from the back, and it took him a while to come back to his senses.

"That is--"

"Don't you know, sir? It's really rare. The Detachment of Women is always stationed at the Great Wall pass. This time I return to Chang'an to meet you. I'm afraid the battle ahead is over..." Gongsun Youxue said longingly: "Although Princess Xiuning is As a woman, she can march and fight like a man, so she is a generation of women."

"Li Xiuning..." Bai Jue's expression was rather complicated.

"what happened?"

"Actually..." Bai Jue wanted to say, this princess, I know her very well after hundreds of years.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chang'an City, Ancestral Dragon Pavilion.

It was a little hot at noon in early summer, and there was a faint sound of cicadas singing in the big trees outside the palace.

The magnificent hall was peaceful, and the hall that was too empty was even a bit too gloomy and cold, and it was no longer hot and dry in summer.

The dragon chair in the center of the hall was empty, the air was filled with the smell of incense, the books on the table were half-opened and half-closed, and a cup of herbal tea remained untouched. The window on the side of the hall was open, and a person was standing there looking out from the railing.

The man stood there, his back stretched very long under the sun, and the rays of light painted the corners, making every inch of that figure look radiant. There was a sword of the Son of Heaven hanging from the waist of the purple and black dragon robe.

The back is majestic, but not too serious; the emperor's posture is not so domineering.

Standing there casually and calmly, it seems that the aura to make the world surrender is just an illusion for a moment.

Compared with the man who was close to the god's mansion in various rumors, the figure in front of him is the real emperor.

In the hall, a female general in red robe stepped in, took off her helmet, rolled up her red robe, and landed on one knee. Her sharp temperament was not restrained in the slightest, and she was still fierce. Her clear voice made the silent hall a little more chilling. : "Minister Li Xiuning, see Your Majesty."

"Get up." Shihuang didn't turn around: "I heard that you returned from the Northern Wilderness with great victories, and you did a good job."

Li Xiuning cupped his hands in an unassuming manner and said: "If you give me another month, the barbarians in the Northern Wilderness will no longer be a serious concern. Tell him not to leave a piece of armor and not a blade of grass to grow."

Between the words, Ling Ran's iron-blooded murderous aura seemed to come out through his body, and the sound of gold and iron horses, and thunderbolts and strings lingered around her. Li Xiuning was not a heroic spirit at this time, but her martial arts cultivation was already at the second level of innateness , stepping into the realm of the kingly way, but there is a hidden vision of the king of heaven.

"Ye issued three gold medals to recall you to Chang'an, you really have complaints." Shi Huang didn't pursue her rudeness, and said indifferently: "You want to cut the grass and root out the roots, you want to prevent future troubles, there is nothing wrong with that, but Do you think I can't do it? In the past hundred years, why haven't we wiped out the rebellious barbarians, grassland barbarians, and pirates in Beihuang, Nanhai, and Xiyuan?"

Li Xiuning lowered her head: "I...don't know."

"Because you are prepared for danger in times of peace, it is better to hang the beam and stab your butt!" Shi Huang paused, his flat tone full of undeniable courage: "There is a blade that once made you bleed and hurt to the bone marrow hanging above your head, no matter how strong the rope is. , you can't sleep well, you have to look at it from time to time to be at ease."

"Then why not just remove the knife?"

"When you walk out of the house, you look around, and you don't know how many hidden knives exist in the dark world. At that time, will you choose to be afraid under the knives, or choose to sleep peacefully in the seemingly safe wooden house?" The emperor closed his eyes: "Holding the blade in your own hands is better than handing it over to others...Xiu Ning, do you think what the people of the world really need?"

"Is it... to live and work in peace and contentment?"

Li Xiuning was not sure about what she said, but she only knew the answer. The reason why soldiers protect their families and the country is for the people to live and work in peace and contentment. There is no country without a family.

"That's just what they think they need... What this Central Plains, this nation, and this empire really need is a sigh of relief." Shihuang said with a deep heart, and a long sigh was like something ringing in the evening drum and morning: "A breath of backbone."

"As long as there is a backbone, the spine will not bend or break."

"Even if history changes, even if you suffer humiliation, even if there are tens of thousands of dead bodies, you will not surrender."

"It took me fifty years to drive out the barbarians and shatter an absurd dark age, which can be called an incomparable achievement."

"However, I have spent a hundred years, but I haven't been able to fully awaken that backbone. Maybe you have it, ministers have it, soldiers have it, knights have it, literati have it, but the people don't... One goes up and down, I am alone Man cannot sustain an empire after all."

Li Xiuning looked at the back, wondering if it was an illusion, she seemed to see the palm of the hand holding the Sword of Heaven trembling slightly.

That is sadness, or anger.

The First Emperor sighed, "Are you wondering why I have to say these irrelevant things to you?"

Li Xiuning couldn't understand, so he could only hang his head down: "The loyal souls of the Li family have followed His Majesty for more than a hundred years. My father Li Yuan went to the wilderness in the north, and the arrow-slaying god is far from the border of the desert. Now Xiuning is stationed at the Great Wall Pass and has lost consecutively to Mongolia. The four mastiffs retreat their army's power and defeat their morale...Xiu Ning doesn't understand what His Majesty the First Emperor said, the minister is only a general and only knows how to defend his home and country."

After a long time, Shi Huang finally said, "I called you back to Chang'an for one thing."

The back figure turned around slowly, and a gust of wind blew outside the window, curling up her black hair, revealing her young face and vicissitudes of life.

Ying Zheng's lips parted and he paused every word, speaking very lightly.

But when it fell into Li Xiuning's ears, she stood there stunned. The helmet in her hand dropped on the hall, and there was a loud noise. Her pupils shrank, for fear that she had heard it wrong, but Ying Zheng's words were so clear——

"You, do you want to be the crown prince?"


"Chang'an is good, Chang'an is good, and the scenery has never been known before." Bai Jue recited the poems of the magic reform, looked at the long queue at the gate of Chang'an City, and listened to the hustle and bustle of people's voices, and sighed: "This can be regarded as a dream come back to the big city." Tang it..."

Although hundreds of years later, the capital of the Shenzhou Empire has been moved to the imperial capital, but the current capital is still Chang'an.

Chang'an City extends in all directions. It is not only the capital of the country, but also the center of economic, political and even Jianghu disputes. The first is the relatives of the emperor, the dignitaries, the ordinary people in the world and these people are from two worlds, and there is no benefit in colliding with each other.

However, since the First Emperor ascended the throne, the people of the Shenzhou Empire favored martial arts and good literature, and hereditary nobles. Without exception, everyone in the direct line was either a scholar or a martial artist since childhood. However, no matter whether it is literature or martial arts, it is difficult to make progress behind closed doors.

So for a hundred years, a series of events such as rivers and lakes duels, dragon boat martial arts, arena competitions, witty literary competitions, Lantern Festival Lantern Festivals, and early spring literary competitions have been launched, attracting talented scholars and warriors. The emperor's appreciation of martial arts, literary and folk customs, never talked about the problem of too much grass in the rivers and lakes, which made Chang'an City gradually evolve into a very special city.

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