Therefore, the rules that civilians are not allowed to ride in cars or wear tall hats have almost been abolished. It can be said that they can wear as big a hat as they have a big head, and they can walk sideways if they are too capable. If you hit the face forcefully, you can only admit it.

To enter the city, especially the capital, you have to go through the official inspection, but snakes have snakes, and rats have rats. The checkpoints in Chang'an City are quite different. There are all kinds of masters in the rivers and lakes, and five to six out of every thirty people are armed with weapons on the surface, such as knives, guns, swords, axes, axes and sticks.

And there are not a few people who hide weapons in the dark. As for whether they can be found out, it still depends on the ability of the person in charge of the checkpoint. In modern times, it may be a matter of scanning with electronic equipment, but it will be extremely strong here. eyesight.

The government and people in the rivers and lakes have always been unhappy with each other. In this era of individual heroism in the ancient martial arts, the higher the average force value, the more difficult it is to manage. After all, the basic compulsory education in ancient times was not implemented in place, and many people thought There are often some problems with the three views of morality, and a few extremists are even more disregarding right and wrong, black and white, and can't tell why.

For Jianghu knights, although the government doesn't care too much, they still have to limit them to some extent. For example, what kind of sweat medicine, poison, and poison are definitely not allowed to be brought into the city, and they will basically be detained. As for cold weapons, Although he will not be taken into custody, he still needs to be enthroned. In case of a one-on-one duel due to the rules of the world, it is also convenient for inquiries.

If some people are looking for revenge, most of them will hide hidden weapons, poisons, strange weapons, etc., so as to avoid being found out by the government and arrest them. Deliberately hiding the weapons... But those knights who are good at using heavy weapons are more difficult. The big bald head in front is carrying an extremely ferocious double axe. It is impossible to hide such a big pair of axes.

It is also interesting to watch people from the Jianghu go through the security check, often "Oh, you can see it" "No, I didn't hide it at all, in the crotch?That's my little buddy! ''Why do you take off my pants!let go! ' and things like that, if they are found out on the spot, it's nothing, but if they continue to play tricks, it will be embarrassing in public.

It didn't take too much time to check together. Instead, they queued for nearly half an hour.

After finally entering Chang'an City, Gongsun Youxue couldn't hold back her curiosity. She looked around with big eyes. She had never been to the capital city of the Shenzhou Empire. Its bustling scene made people feel like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden for the first time. She stared at the Persian cat in the hands of a noble lady for a long time on the way, and then secretly pulled the corner of Bai Jue's clothes and asked, "Why does that man hold such a big white mouse? Is it kept as rations?" ?”

This question was earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods, Bai Jue almost knelt down to this young lady, she probably didn't know what the pleasure of sucking a cat was.

Bai Jue has some understanding of the prosperity of Chang'an City, but modern people look at the ancient scenery fresh for at most ten minutes, and soon he sees everything the same, and at most he can say "the wisdom of the ancients", in other words " Old antique is ok'.

Compared to watching those buildings and the endless stream of people, Bai Jue began to ask for directions and record purposefully. His memory is very good. When he used to work in a restaurant, he had to remember everything once he ordered food, no more than twice. , It took him about an hour to memorize the general direction, and according to his own understanding, Chang'an City was divided into financial district, living district, trade district, villa district, business district and... the red light district.

The financial area refers to the places where banks, shops, and pawnshops are located; the living area refers to the area where people live and live; the trade area refers to the place where they interact, including rice shops, vegetable markets, and roadside snacks; the villa area refers to the area where manors gather. Most of them are the locations of dignitaries and noble families, which are relatively quiet, and there are guards to guard their homes, and they are basically blocked; the commercial area, expensive clothing, gold, silver and jade, restaurants and inns are all here, and the cost is very high.

The last red-light district, that is, the area of ​​brothels, Chu halls, wine shops and casinos... It not only occupies a large area, it is even blatant, after all, this business is not illegal in this era... What's more, the ancient brothels are compared with some modern clubs , I don't know which one is more reserved, there are quite a few literary talents who often haunt brothels, and even admire the talented women here.

So after finding an inn to settle down, Bai Jue slapped his thigh and immediately decided: "I'm going to Tianxian Pavilion to have a look."

Not at all pretentious, not at all pretentious, simply and neatly expressed - I'm going to give the chicken a holiday.



Cold, Calvin.

Unsustainable, today owes an update, and will make up for it later.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You, do you want to be the crown prince?"

This question echoed in Li Xiuning's mind.

She is Princess Pingyang Zhao, and her father, Li Yuan, was a vassal king handpicked by the first emperor, and his status is equivalent to that of a royal princess... However, she has never had any thoughts about that dragon chair, not only her, but I am afraid that no royal family member has ever had any. However, it is only because the person sitting on this seat is an emperor through the ages.

Heroic spirits are different from human beings. The lifespan of most heroic spirits is often immeasurable. As long as they are unwilling to return to the principles of civilization, it will be difficult for them to die. Long.

As long as Yingzheng is willing, he can sit on this dragon chair for a long time, so until now, the first emperor has never mentioned the matter of the crown prince, and the cabinet, the six ministries, and the prime minister have never considered the matter of the successor... Even if they did, The ministers would not mention this matter in front of the first emperor, they are not fools, no matter how outstanding the next emperor's talent is, he will not be able to compare with the first emperor.

So when the first emperor mentioned the position of "Prince Crown Prince" to Li Xiuning, she was at a loss, and her heart was filled with horror. This not only meant that she would be qualified to sit on the dragon chair in the future, but also meant that the emperor of all ages was about to abdicate for a long time. resignation.

"Your Majesty is..." Li Xiuning said with trepidation, "Are you trying to see if Xiuning covets the throne?"

"A real emperor is never afraid of other people's coveting of the throne, and I am even less afraid." Ying Zheng said lightly: "I have sat in this position for two lifetimes, and I have long looked down upon it. It's just a title... I'm not asking you this to test, you just need to answer according to your heart, whether you want to or not."

"Xiu Ning...doesn't have the talent and courage to govern the world." Li Xiu Ning lowered her head, "I'm afraid I won't be able to do it."

"Boldness, talent..." Ying Zheng sneered: "Then do you think I have it?"

"Of course your majesty has the courage to rule the world, who else is better than you?"

"I'm not that great. I'm just picking up people's wisdom and getting gifts from our ancestors." The first emperor looked far away and recalled: "Without the abundant capital accumulated by Qin over the years, how could it be possible to unify the world... Speaking of chaos, All I did was to kill people with a sword. If you were to do these things, you could do them too. A good emperor."

"In terms of ambition, your father Li Yuan has it. It's a pity that he shouldn't have walked in the same era as me. If I had thought of abdicating earlier, he should be the first choice." Ying Zheng sighed: "It's a pity he It's too early to leave... You are his daughter, the tiger father has a dog girl, you have his general demeanor, but you lack a little bit of ambition to dominate the world, I want to give up the seat, but you don't want to take it."

Li Xiuning shook her head, and replied with a wry smile: "There are not many emperors who can convince tens of millions of people. What you can do does not mean that other people can do it too... Xiuning is just a general, who can march and fight, but not rule the court." Governance."

"But apart from you, there are no more suitable people. Now this peaceful and prosperous world is no better than a chaotic world. There will not be a heroic spirit in fifty years, and there will be no one who has the appearance of an emperor. I have no heirs." , I can only pick it up from my side." Shihuang looked into the distance, and Feiying's cry came from the end of the sky: "It may be that I have been too lax all these years, looking around, I can't even find a young eagle. "

"Is Your Majesty determined to abdicate?" Li Xiuning gritted her teeth: "This peaceful and prosperous world was built by you yourself, why do you have to..."

"My time is up." Ying Zheng said so flatly.

"... Heroic spirits have a limit?" Li Xiuning asked in astonishment.

"There is no heroic spirit, but I have...whatever is supposed to come will come, and it can't escape or avoid it." Shi Huang's tone froze for a moment, his eyes showed nostalgia and sentimentality, and there was a little bitter smile on his face: "Maybe... ...No, it's nothing, you go down."

I saw the figure from the back turned around and waved his hand lightly. Li Xiuning was in a daze for a while. He had already left Zulong Pavilion at some point. The door of the main hall was closed tightly, as if it had never been opened. The previous conversation seemed to be just a moment. vision.

Li Xiuning saluted, got up and left Zulong Pavilion, and glanced back before leaving.

——Your Majesty, it seems that it has been a long time since I left Zulong Pavilion.


After leaving the palace, Li Xiuning didn't know where to go back for a while. This time, she was recalled to Chang'an City by the gold medal. She didn't bring an army, but only a few dozens of guards. After arranging them to stay in her manor, She returned to the home she had not returned to for nearly a year.

The former prince's mansion is now a bit depressed, because Li Xiuning has been fighting abroad for many years, and the family will naturally decline if no one takes care of it. However, compared with ordinary mansions, it is considered more prosperous, with fewer patrons and more cleanliness.

"Miss, welcome back home." The old housekeeper went out to greet Li Xiuning.

"Housekeeper Li, I haven't come back for more than a year. I'm bothering you to take care of the house." Li Xiuning stepped into the mansion, looked at the familiar scene, recalled the past, and his heavy mood improved a bit, and asked casually: "Shi Ming Woolen cloth?"

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