"Second Miss, I'm out." Butler Li said with a low eyebrow.

"Going out? Where did she go?" Li Xiuning asked casually: "I haven't been supervised by me this year, and I don't know if she has missed her homework."

Butler Li said with a dry smile, "Second Miss has been working hard..."

"It's a ghost if you work hard." Li Xiuning frowned: "I know her temperament very well. You can tell me clearly that she looks very cold, but in fact she always likes to make troubles everywhere. She has been suffering from the second disease for many years. Get better."

"This, this..." Butler Li said with a dry smile: "Second Miss has restrained a lot, at least she didn't go out to fight for justice at night, although she often said some things we couldn't understand at all."

Li Xiuning pressed her eyebrows. This sister also gave her a headache. She looked very noble and glamorous since she was a child, but in fact she often spoke incoherently. His expression is causing trouble everywhere.

When she was six years old, the little girl with a babyish voice opened her mouth and kept saying—huh, how can the wisdom of mortals know the nobility of kingship!

When I was eight years old, I improved a little, but my angry teacher almost died suddenly-what kind of people are good at first, people are just apes in clothes, they should be dominated after birth, how do ordinary people know good, evil, beauty and ugliness , are all instilled concepts!Talk about beliefs, talk about saints, the world is always ruled by force, you and those grassland barbarians talk about love and peace, and see if the other party will drink your blood and say I love you!

When she was twelve years old, she had already changed [-] gentlemen, and even the bachelor had to be ridiculed by her in various ways. No one could survive for half a month.

Li Shiming is now sixteen years old. With her noble status, theoretically, even if she does not marry at this age, she should have a good marriage. However, due to her notoriety, no one dares to approach her, let alone get married.

"So, where has she gone now?" Li Xiuning pressed her temples, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "I'm not at home this year, it's not bad if she didn't poke a hole in the sky."

"Second Miss has been quite quiet recently, maybe she can't find someone worthy of provocation and ridicule." Li Butler laughed a few times: "Recently Second Miss has been learning the piano and watching sword dance in Tianlefang Middle School, and has gained a lot , making rapid progress."

"Learn piano, sword dance." Li Xiuning nodded thoughtfully.

Although Li Shiming has a bad personality, she is extremely talented, has a photographic memory, and has a very high attainment in poetry and calligraphy. She is a rare talented woman. She is extremely talented, no matter what she studies, she usually leaves her teacher within a month at most, so although she has dabbled in many skills, she can't reach the pinnacle, and it's difficult to get a glimpse of the holy way.

Now I went to learn the piano again... emmmmmmm... I have already seen the end, if someone says that her piano sound is not good or has problems, she will probably tear that person's bones directly.

Li Xiuning had a bad premonition: "Let's go to Tianlefang to have a look later."


On the other hand, seeing that it was getting late, Bai Jue started to wander around in Chang'an, wandering around, looking for people to chat with, to see if he could trigger the plot of the main plot or the sub-plot. He had heard a lot of rumors, but there was no NPC issues plot tasks to him.

In desperation, after the two found an inn to settle down, Bai Jue thought something was wrong, this singularity was too peaceful.

So a certain Bai made up his mind to go to the brothel Chu Pavilion to have a look, to increase his knowledge, even if he can't experience it, at least he can brush up his life experience. If he is lucky, he might be able to trigger the main storyline. Daily quests that force faces are also excellent.

Then he dismissed Gongsun Youxue and said - I'll go buy some oranges and come back, you stay in the inn and don't walk around, it would be bad if you meet someone named Sun when you go out, seeing how naive you are The naive female headhunter with big breasts and no brains will be abducted in all likelihood.

Gongsun Youxue didn't know Bai Jue's inner thoughts, but instinctively felt that something was wrong, and wanted to keep up.

Bai Jue tried to fool her, but he didn't expect that after three or two days of words and deeds, Miss Gongsun's immunity has improved a lot, and her way of thinking has been updated in several versions... A certain Bai's words did not succeed in brainwashing and fooling her. Instead, she heard something was wrong.

After repeated explanations to no avail, Gongsun Youxue asked with vacant eyes: "Could it be possible that Mister wants to go to the land of flowers and willows?"

"Tell me, what nonsense are you talking about! Do I think someone is that kind of hungry person?" Bai Jue looked away, trying to argue: "I just bought an orange and built a train station by the way! Spend more Time is normal, don't get me wrong."

"Sir, don't panic. Youxue is not someone belonging to Mr. If you really want to go, Youxue has no right to stop Mr., but there are some things that need to be reminded." Gongsun Youxue's tone was malicious: "Chang'an City is not as good as Jinling, and not as good as the colorful boats and boats along the Qinhuai River, but it is also the key point of a country, and many industries here are divided into sects and sects."

Bai Jue nodded: "It's not difficult to understand. The sect naturally has a corresponding industry, poor in studying, rich in martial arts."

"So, the people who can open brothels and Chu houses here often have not simple backgrounds, because the interests here are too great. As far as I know, many evil sects who like to harvest yang and nourish yin like to use brothels to open their doors to do business. Unknown tonic." Gongsun Youxue said with a smile, "Although it won't cause death, after one treatment, it will basically be weak for more than half a year, and in Mr.'s condition, it is very likely that he will be targeted."

"No, no, no, right? How can my luck be so bad?" Bai Jue coughed: "What's more, I didn't intend to go, so don't stain my innocence."

"No, what Youxue said is the truth." Gongsun Youxue smiled a little darkly at that moment: "Because sir... um, Yuanyang hasn't leaked."

——Oh my god, being a virgin is already miserable, but I didn't expect to be treated as a furnace.

"Okay, you don't need to say anything, I've already figured it out." Bai Jue said with a straight face, "I'm not going to buy oranges anymore, do you have a banana for me?"


I have a sick code, give me a monthly pass and a blade, thank you...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"We agreed not to go shopping, so why did you drag me here?" Bai Jue had a strange look on his face.

"This is not the brothel Chu Pavilion, but Tianlefang is a famous music workshop in Chang'an and even in the Chinese Empire." Gongsun Youxue looked at the magnificent building at the end of the street, and said with fascination: "The famous singer and dancer in the world Both Ji and geisha hope to perform in Tianlefang one day and become famous all over the world, and if they are lucky enough to be called into the Tang Palace to perform dances for the Holy One, it will be a great honor."

"To put it simply, it's a high-end entertainment venue." Bai Jue squinted: "We robbed from Heilongzhai, bah, all the property we got from robbing the rich and helping the poor added up to more than [-] taels of silver. I am afraid that a bottle of mineral water from the seventh century A.D. will cost tens of taels.”

"It's not that much. The drinks and cakes in Tianle Square are all freely available. You can buy a seat for ten taels of silver. The closer the seats, or the more expensive is the separate box." Gongsun Youxue rolled his eyes. : "Even a cup of tea costs dozens of taels of silver. Who would dare to go into such a dark shop? Could it be that Mr. Tianlefang is regarded as a bandit den?"

Bai Jue said with a dry smile: "I was harmed by some unscrupulous shops and time-traveling novels, don't take it seriously... After all, you have never been to Chang'an City, why do you know Tianlefang so well?"

"This." Gongsun Youxue smiled softly: "You will know later..."

It was getting late, and the Huoshaoyun in the sky was almost gone. The whole city of Chang'an was decorated with lights, every house was lit up at night, and the bustling business district and the red light district were even brighter than during the day.

Tianlefang is located at the junction of the commercial district and the red-light district. On one side is a place where wealthy businessmen gather, and on the other side is an area full of brothels, carved railings and painted buildings, and painted boats. It integrates historical sites, gardens, streets, and high-rise buildings. Very prosperous.

What is strange is that both the commercial district and the red light district are extremely noisy, but there is almost no noisy sound around Tianlefang. Its decoration style is also different from the style and luxury of other buildings. The colorful flags and a series of lanterns are not so magnificent, but they have a low-key elegance. Viewed from a distance, they stand out from the crowd and are extraordinary.

Well, in fact, there is not much difference, at least from the perspective of a modern person like Bai Jue, the so-called magnificent, low-key and luxurious buildings are far less intuitive than a house with three bedrooms and one living room. Tell him How much money was thrown here, at most he can answer you with an 'oh' - I'm sorry, I don't know what the purchasing power of silver is, so you can just tell me how much money you can get.

After entering Tianlefang, after paying the money, a maid led them to the table.

This place is indeed a formal place, it is very quiet along the way, and the maids are also dressed in a very normal way, not only normal, but also a little solemn, which reminds people not only of music events that only exist in movies and TV shows.

At the end of the hall is a platform, a few feet above the ground, covered by a hazy tulle, the scenery inside can be seen, but it can’t be seen clearly, and there is no one in the curtain for a while... There are already many people sitting around , There are men, women and children, but most of them are young people.

"Suddenly there is a sense of déjà vu that I am watching the good voice of China." Bai Jue's expression was inexplicably saintly.

"We came at the right time. I don't know which famous artist is presenting music and dancing today." Gongsun Youxue said in a low voice.

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