A moment later, a graceful figure appeared at the end of the platform. At the same time, a door and window were quietly opened on the attic on the second floor, and a bead curtain hung down. Behind the bead curtain was also a woman sitting upright. guqin.

No one was seen, no voice was heard, but the appearance of these two vague figures caused a commotion in the crowd.

Mystery and ambiguity can always quickly arouse people's curiosity and attract more attention. This kind of routine Bai Jue has suffered countless times in various krypton gold mobile games, online games and steam, and has long been used to it.

I could only hear the woman on the second floor plucking the strings, moving her ten fingers, the guzheng sounding, and the sound of nature coming slowly.

Accompanied by the Guzheng music, the woman on the platform began to dance slowly, and a sword appeared in her hand, the movements were gentle and graceful, and the sword dance was more gentle than sharp.

But as the music gets better and better, the originally slow sound of the piano also becomes hasty, like drizzle, dense, like a clear spring, the water flows continuously, and the zither sings harmoniously; and the sword dance on the platform also changes from slow to slow. Quickly, with the rapid and rapid playing of the piano sound, it became agile and sharp, and the dancing sword weapon gave off a cold light, piercing the eyes of the audience through the thin gauze.

The sword dancers dance more and more anxiously, a little cold light shines brightly like a frightened bird, like a dragon swimming, comes like a thunderbolt, stops its wrath, stops like a river and sea congealed with clear light, the viewer looks depressed like a mountain, and the sky and the earth are kept low for a long time.

Countless people were short of breath, as if they were deeply trapped in it and couldn't extricate themselves. The flying sword light and dancing sword intent made the viewers stare with bated breath without daring to make a sound, for fear of interrupting this miraculous sword dance The music that harmonizes with this zither.

After a hearty catharsis, the music suddenly stopped, and the sword dance came to an abrupt end.

The audience gasped in low voices, their bodies trembling slightly. With the trembling, everything fell into silence. They subconsciously raised their hands to wipe off the sweat from their foreheads. They were moved and gave applause without hesitation.

"How?" Gongsun Youxue asked: "Is it much more enjoyable than going to Huajie Lane Liu?"

"Accompanied by a trembling, everything became dull." Bai Jue also applauded: "It's amazing, it's amazing, it's not in vain... I almost couldn't hold back."

"Can't hold back what?"

"Wei Tian's magic wand." Bai Jue laughed dryly: "It's nothing, after listening to this song and watching a sword dance, it's quite rewarding."

This is not just spiritual satisfaction. While watching the sword dance just now, Bai Jue noticed that a sleeping white tiger had also shown signs of waking up. The music aroused spiritual resonance and accelerated its recovery. Just a little bit is also a rare benefit.

It turns out that listening to music has this benefit, Bai Jue thought about it silently, should I review the collection of ghosts and animals at station b, maybe I can awaken some incredible philosophical male soul.

"The song is over...Thank you for coming today." The woman behind the bead curtain spoke, while the sword dancer walked off the platform lightly and disappeared: "Today there are three singers, The six girls of Ji and the nine girls of the piano will perform on the stage one by one until the moon reaches the mid-heaven... Please enjoy.”

"Please wait!" A young man in blue stood up and said, "Girl, please wait a moment, I have something to ask."

The woman behind the bead curtain paused slightly: "Sir, please tell me."

"Suwen Tianle Square collects the world's best qin, dance, and song. I have some understanding of vocal music and qin, and I dare to ask the girl for advice." The blue-clothed boy said loudly: "There are three questions in total, and I ask the girl to help you. Let me clarify."

Gongsun Youxue frowned upon hearing this: "This person..."

Bai Jue nodded, squinted his eyes, and said with emotion: "He's pretending to be aggressive. Sure enough, in this kind of place, there are people who think they are the protagonists."

"No!" Gongsun Youxue shook his head: "He was discussing the way of rhythm with this girl. Tianlefang is the peak of spreading the way of vocal music in the world, so it is never stingy with accepting challenges. In Tianlefang, there are With such a rule, the audience can discuss with qin girls, singers, and dancers."

"Isn't this the best place for the king with a strong mouth to use the art of mouth escape?" Bai Jue asked strangely: "I'm afraid the owner of Tian Lefang is out of his mind?"

"Of course not everyone can ask. In the so-called discussion, you can only ask three questions. If Le Ji can't answer, you need to accept a request from the other party. Generally speaking, the default is to... have a long talk with the other party , have dinner together...it is equivalent to a Le Ji belonging to one person." Gongsun Youxue said.

Bai Jue sized up the young man in blue with great interest: "Understood, this guy is here for this... Listen to Yin Chusi."

"Le Ji from Tianlefang only sells his art and not his body. Even if he wants to make that kind of request, nine times out of ten he will be rejected, but if it is a formal pursuit, Tianlefang will not interfere." Gongsun Youxue gently He sighed: "The Le Ji here are often from humble backgrounds, if they can be favored by the nobles of the family, even if they are concubines, most of them are willing to do so, so it is a discussion, but unless it is the famous Le Ji, otherwise basically They will deliberately not answer, so as to push the boat along with the flow."

Bai Jue's expression became even weirder: "Is this a blind date club? Is it so easy to pretend to be successful? Does this mean that the guy in blue is basically stable?"

"It's not necessarily true. Some Le Ji just want to make a name for themselves, and some don't agree... If he fails, three questions, one question, a total of three thousand silver, which must be paid." Gongsun You Xue tilted her head: "So there are not many people who dare to ask questions, either they are [-]% sure, or... they are daring."

A certain Bai elongated his voice: "It seems that this person is full of lust, and this rule sounds reasonable, three thousand silver, of course this kind of fat sheep will be slaughtered... This is better than stealing from the rich and giving to the poor." too much."

The young man in blue said loudly: "Young lady's skill is extremely superb. I don't deny this, but it's not perfect. Take the song just now as an example. There are three problems."

"Please speak." Le Ji said calmly.

"First, the music is too monotonous. Guzheng alone lacks variety and cannot play two kinds of sounds. If it can be combined with other instruments to cooperate with each other, the rhythm will be richer, the qin and harp will sing in harmony, and the dragon and phoenix will be auspicious. "

"Secondly, there is a lack of emotion. Although the music played by the girl is superb, it is a pity that it lacks real emotion. You must know that people are the masters of the qin. If the player does not have true feelings, there will be empty sounds, but it will be difficult to penetrate the body and mind."

"Thirdly, the sword dance is too dazzling. Without the cooperation of the sword dance, I am afraid it will not be able to move people's hearts. In fact, most of the audience's eyes fell on the sword dance. This is a bit of an upside-down. Let the music It became a foil for the sword dance."

The young man in blue talked eloquently, and after finishing speaking, he smiled proudly: "I don't know if these opinions can be understood by the girl? Are there any mistakes or omissions?"

There was silence behind the bead curtain. When everyone looked up, they could only hear a few zither sounds, which seemed to be unintentionally fluctuating strings when the other party was thinking... After a moment of contemplation, the Le Ji stood up suddenly: "Young master's words are reasonable, It seems that the young master's understanding of rhythm has surpassed the general level."

"Don't you dare, I'm just talking on paper." The young man in blue waved his hand and said, "Instead, he's making a fool of himself in front of the girl. Since the girl thinks what I said is true, I wonder if I will have the honor to discuss the rhythm with the girl?"

——Mom, doesn't this person hide his lust?Why do you believe him when he talks casually?Even a person like me who can't even tell the difference between orchestral music can just say a few words, okay?

Bai Jue squinted and couldn't bear to look directly: "Hey, it's really annoying."

But here comes the turning point!

I only heard Le Ji laughing and saying incomparably gentle: "Then, please young master, take off your clothes..."

Her voice was suddenly extremely cold: "Presumptuous! Come here, strip naked and throw it out!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Wait! Wait! This is against the rules!"

"You can't treat me like this, my father is the Minister of the Household Department!"

"My ancestors shed blood for the Shenzhou Empire, devoted their loyalty to His Majesty, and scattered coins in Tianlefang. You can't do this, I want to see the boss!"

However, it was useless. The young man in blue knew that he had no skills at first glance. Facing a few strong men with biceps bigger than his head, he was stripped naked almost without any resistance. The clothes were thrown out the door.

The whole Tianlefang was quiet for a few seconds, and then there was warm applause, the audience praised and laughed.

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