
In the white mist, the evil spirit filled with black air walked out slowly. It was taller than Bai Jue imagined. It was about two meters tall. Because the sky was too dark and the white mist covered it, it was impossible to see its specific clothes. , but that condensed murderous aura is like falling into an ice cellar.

"Negotiation failed." Bai Jue clasped his palm, and the thunder light condensed and formed in his palm.

When the white tiger is in a deep sleep state, the thunder he can mobilize is enough to instantly kill ordinary people, but it is still unknown how effective it can be against evil spirits. However, it is rumored that the energy of thunder and lightning is fatal to the destruction of evil spirits. Try it Just try it out.

Before Bai Jue could take the initiative to make a move, the evil spirit in the white mist moved first.

It stepped forward and covered a distance of several meters in just one breath. It seemed that it was just a sway, but it was already there. Cut off the head!

This knife was as fast as thunder, and the ferocious murderous aura burst out instantly, leaving no time for Bai Jue to react.

"!" Bai Jue's mind was taken by it, and he was unresponsive for a second. He clenched his palms tightly, and the lightning stimulated his body muscles. He jumped backward reflexively, avoiding the fatal knife dangerously. When the gleaming decapitating knife brushed his cheek and fell, his back was soaked in cold sweat.

With this retreat, Bai Jue retreated a full ten meters before stopping.

Looking at the real body revealed by the evil spirit that has lost the cover of the white mist, Bai Jue's pupils shrank slightly, and a cold trembling feeling came to his heart: "Mingguang armor...beheading knife...this guy was definitely a general before he was alive, this is not at all Miscellaneous soldiers, but bosses!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The so-called Mingguang armor is a pinnacle of ancient armor-making technology in China. It originated at the end of the Three Kingdoms period and was maturely used in the Tang Dynasty. However, even in the Tang Dynasty, the production cost of Mingguang armor was scary, and ordinary soldiers could not afford to wear it. Mingguang armor, even officers who can afford Mingguang armor, still has a difference in armor rate. The higher the armor, the higher the armor rate.

An ordinary Mingguang armor with an armor rate of [-]% is considered very high, but the evil spirit in front of him has an armor rate as high as [-]%. One can tell that this man must have been a fierce general in his lifetime. Definitely not trash fish!

"Encountering a boss as soon as you come in? It's unscientific!" Bai Jue wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Of course, he would not be afraid if the white tiger woke up, but now there is no substitute, and no sodium aluminate to summon. He is definitely not this evil spirit opponent.

He has never learned martial arts, and only one word is used to fight - reckless!

Relying on absolute strength to crush the past, what skills and manipulations are needed, how can you lose when you go out with a Liushen costume and ride on your face?

Because of this, Bai Jue also deeply understands that when there is not much difference in strength between the two sides, an orthodox warrior can press him on the ground and rub him at will, even the ignorant lolita Zheng Wenqian can easily Hang ten yourself.

It's not without reason from Congxin, if the head iron rushes over at this time, it will definitely be a dead end.

"Retreat, the wind is pulling!"

Bai Jue didn't want to fight here, so he retreated silently, planning to find a chance to escape.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Bai Jue seemed to see the ferocious killing intent in the hollow eye sockets of the evil spirit from under the mask of the evil spirit. With the momentum of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, it swept across, and the knife blade condensed like a real knife aura, rolled up the scattered leaves on the street, and split them into two.

"Sorry to bother you, sorry to bother you, don't send it!"

Bai Jue threw out a set of three consecutive apologies, touched the ground, slid sideways, avoided the knife, turned around and fled, running away as if he had made up his mind and walked away without looking back!

The evil spirit didn't know if he had taken a fancy to Bai Jue's ass, or he was still worried about his previous taunt. He took a step forward, picked up the beheading knife, roared, and also took a step forward, chasing after him.

Between the two, one ran and the other chased, neither of them ran for their lives without looking back, and the one Kuafu chased after the sun insisted, if a bgm of "You are the wind and I am the sand" is played to add to the fun, It will make the whole picture more convincing.

"Why are you chasing me ah ah, do I have the urgent syrup for you! Do you want me to throw a stool or a stench ammunition to get rid of the hatred!" Bai Jue rushed back and asked: "You, this How many years has it been since Tietouwa saw a beautiful boy!"


A growl was his answer.

"CNM! I don't understand nonsense!" Bai Jue raised his middle finger: "Speak Chinese, you bastard!"

The red light in Evil Spirit's eyes became brighter, as if he was irritated by Bai Jue's words, his speed increased by [-]%, the original distance of more than [-] meters was now less than [-] meters, and it was getting closer and closer.

When the distance was shortened to the last five meters, it had already been running for almost five minutes, and Bai Jue's physical fitness was close to the limit: "No, I lack exercise on weekdays, and my physical fitness is getting worse and worse. Although the muscles are stimulated with electric current, the side effects are also obvious. Ah." He gritted his teeth, his legs gradually became numb, "I can't last long, why don't you fight it for the rest of your life—!"

With a thought, Bai Jue calmed down, breathed out lightly, stopped on the spot, withdrew and punched, the thunder spread along his arms, and hit the center of the evil spirit's chest, the azure blue thunder burst and spread The bright light armor on the evil spirit's chest, which was full of pitch-black turbidity, also showed cracks and lines, and the force of the shock also made Bai Jue's arm almost dislocated.

The evil spirit was repelled by the thunderbolt, its deep eye sockets gleamed with red light, as if it had let out a grin, the moment it retreated, it grabbed Bai Jue's right arm with its backhand, pulled him back, and swung his head at the same time. The big knife went straight to his chest and abdomen.

This evil spirit does not seem to be a purely dead thing, but has a certain amount of spiritual intelligence... The will in the soul fragments remaining in the incomplete body is also clamoring for it to continue fighting, and its killing instinct makes it extremely dangerous .

Seeing that the blade was getting closer, Bai Jue's right leg was entangled with thunder, and he swept his foot towards the right hand of the evil spirit holding the knife, and stepped down the trajectory of the blade. The position of Ling's right leg.

There was only a clang, and the big knife in the evil spirit's hand was released. It gave up the weapon voluntarily, freed up its arm, clasped Bai Jue's right arm, and blocked his movement. On Jue's forehead, which was protected by a mask, it naturally had the upper hand. A bloodstain burst out on Bai Jue's forehead, and the red blood flowed down his forehead, across his cheeks and dripped onto the evil spirit's mask.


Bai Jue's head was dizzy for a while, his arms were restrained, he couldn't move at all, but the pain also aroused his fighting spirit and anger.

There seemed to be a roar from the depths of his heart, his drowsy head instantly calmed down, golden light and red flames lit up in the depths of his pupils!

Bai Jue clasped Evil Spirit's shoulder with his backhand, raised his right leg and stomped fiercely on Evil Spirit's chest, the cracking sound of the armor could be heard clearly, and the force under the blessing of Thunder forcibly crushed the heart shield under the bright light armor , also crushed the remnants under the evil spirit's armor.

However, the evil spirit's arm was still firmly clasped on Bai Jue's arm, and the red light in his eyes did not fade away in the slightest.

It roared, raised Bai Jue, dragged his remnant body to charge, and smashed him against the wall ten steps away.

boom--!Bai Jue was used as a shield and hit the wall, the wall here is the city wall of the imperial palace... He was smashed into a humanoid crack.

A certain Bai spat out a mouthful of old blood, the golden light in his eyes became more and more dazzling, and the will to fight came out with a roar: "One hundred thousand volts!"

There was a sound of thunder, and the electric light illuminated a [-]-meter radius like daylight.

However, this time, the usual invincible moves failed to achieve brilliant results. The electric current could not harm the monster without a body, and the thunder was not enough to disperse the crippled war ghost... The evil spirit had already let go of an arm with a grinning grin. In the dazzling thunder, it picked up the beheading knife, and the current spread along the blade on the ground. It didn't hesitate or show mercy, but just raised a deadly weapon.

Cut off Bai Jue's head with one blow!

At this moment, Bai Jue even thought that he was about to reach the end of his life. As a half-hearted trainee savior, he just fell on the journey of the second singularity...

- What a joke!

——Who would fall down in this kind of place and just declare GG so vaguely?

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