—I'm not done yet!

Bai Jue's heart suddenly ignited a raging fire, and something in his heart was about to burst out——!

However, a sudden change occurred.

Time freezes at this second.

At the moment when the evil spirit was about to swing down the beheading sword, a white ray of light lit up from the end of the battlefield.

Come from Juechen, pass by indistinctly.

It was a clear sword light, which flew over a distance of hundreds of feet without losing its sharpness. It flew across the sky like a fleeting shadow, cut off the evil spirit's arms, beheaded its head, and even cut the beheading knife into two pieces... It's like a paper knife cutting across the silhouette without leaving a trace, where everything is separated.

The arms and heads that had been cut off by this sword light fell with the wind, spinning and falling in the air, they fell to the ground, and the moment they touched the ground, they turned into dust and disappeared with the wind.

When it was cut off, its vitality was cut off, and the ubiquitous sword intent shattered it from the inside.

The wind calmed down, the clouds stopped, and the golden glow in Bai Jue's eyes faded away, replaced by another voice.

The sword light passed by with the wind, the sword energy followed, a beautiful figure stopped here, and someone appeared beside Bai Jue.

With a light tap of her finger, an extremely sharp sword aura acted as a guide, and thousands of sword lights passed through. In an instant, the remaining body of the evil spirit was cut into countless pieces and shattered into ashes.

After doing all this, the woman looked back at Bai Jue, and Bai Jue also looked at him in a daze.

After a while, Bai Jue belatedly asked, "Are you..."

What answered him was a sword edge. The woman stood under the black moon, dressed in white, with black hair like a waterfall, standing with a sword in her hand. The sword edge pointed directly at his chest. There were doubts, puzzles, and surprises in those eyes. Not sure, she said indifferently: "How did you get here..."

"How did it come here? It came as soon as I opened and closed my eyes." Bai Jue smiled bitterly: "Although I am very grateful to you for saving my life, this unknown... emmm, sister sword fairy, can you not use it?" Is the sword pointed at me? I'm a little scared..."

The woman's frown deepened, she withdrew her sword, and leaned closer, swinging her long sleeves, the sudden closeness caused a gust of fragrant wind to blow towards Bai Jue's face, and the air was filled with the fragrance of lilies.

She lightly lifted her white wrist, and held Bai Jue's wrist with her palm. Her fingers were white and delicate under the moonlight, just like high-quality white jade porcelain, but it was too cold and made people feel a little uncomfortable. Instead, she had no time to feel the softness of the other's palm. Fortunately, She let go quickly.

"There is a heartbeat... There is a temperature..." She looked at Bai Jue, as if staring at a strange flower: "Are you alive?"

"Is there anything special about living people?" Bai Jue asked puzzled, "There are a lot of them on the street. Throwing a brick can kill a few of them."

"The outside world may not be special, but it's different here." The woman stood up suddenly, retracted her long sword, frowned slightly, and said softly: "You seem to have entered here by mistake, but as a living person, you entered here by mistake." the world of the dead."

Bai Jue instinctively complained: "Do you want to say that this is the land of shadows?"

The woman said lightly: "This is not the Kingdom of Shadows, but hell, where dead heroic spirits and war ghosts linger, trying to return to the human world."

"So that's it. Was that just now a war ghost? I'm afraid he was also a hero and general before his death." Bai Jue said with a serious expression.

"No..." Elder Sister Jianxian shook her head: "That's just a scumbag whose combat power barely reaches double digits."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Girl, it's not a good thing to be too honest sometimes, you should at least leave me a fig leaf." Bai Jue covered his forehead and sighed, "I know I'm good, so you don't have to emphasize it... It hurts my self-esteem, real."

"Even if the weakest war ghost is placed on the battlefield, it is at least a commander. Although the general just now is an unknown general, he is at least a hundred-man beheader," the woman in white turned around: "After daytime, you can naturally leave here. Before that, find a safe place and don't walk around. If you encounter wandering war ghosts again, you will be killed..."

"Wait, who are you?" Bai Jue was stunned: "Since this is the world of the dead, why are you here? Are you the living? Or..."

"I'm just a heroic spirit wandering here." The woman said indifferently: "I'm not a living person, nor a dead person... If you fall into this place with karma and resentment, you will definitely degenerate into a war ghost."

"It's true, there is no problem if you can talk." Bai Jue nodded: "Although I don't understand what the situation is, I am still very grateful to this sister of the sword fairy for saving her life... Bai Jue, dare to ask the girl's name ?”

"...Zhao." She spit out a word: "My surname is Zhao."

"Miss Zhao, thank you for your life-saving grace." Bai Jue cupped his hands, and at the same time slandered in his heart - Mom, you are not called Zhao Min, you are a princess...

Sister Jianxian nodded slightly, then turned to leave.

"Wait." Bai Jue hurriedly said, "There's no need to leave in such a hurry."

"You can speak directly if you have something to say." She looked back, but there was no change in the expression of joy or anger in her indifferent eyes.

"Well, that's, that, in short, maybe, probably..." Bai Jue squirmed, his old face flushed, and he coughed: "Um cough cough...To be honest, I'm more afraid of the dark. Where are you going? Take me with you?"

"Although my request is a bit brazen, but think about it, I'm weak, and it's so dark here, and I don't know the place where I live. What if there is an old yinbi squatting in the corner, the corner, or the grass, suddenly come to me A surprise for Hidetaka Miyazaki, so wouldn't I be killed on the spot?"

"Don't worry, I won't cause you any trouble. You farm monsters in front, and I'll follow behind to collect some experience points. I don't do anything else. I will never get dirty with any equipment that explodes, really!" Bai Jue With a sincere look on his face, he seemed to be as stable as an old dog, but he was in a panic.

——Let’s not mention the question of shame or not at this time, you have to hug Sister Sword Fairy’s white and slippery thighs as a matter of course, this kind of high-strength map that any miscellaneous soldier can hit me, no Find a strong bodyguard how to explore the area.

Sister Jianxian listened to Bai Jue's words, and she couldn't understand eight out of ten sentences, but the general meaning was almost clear: "You want to follow me?"

"Yeah." Bai Jue nodded.

"It will be more dangerous for you to follow me." She warned: "It's better to find a safe place to stay."

"It doesn't exist." Bai Jue waved his hand and said with a vicissitudes of life: "To tell you the truth, people like me are simply born bait. Even if I don't do anything, troubles will come to you by accident." Come to me." He smiled proudly: "What's more, I often die habitually, and I have already put my life safety aside. I have never used oars for rowing in my life, and I rely entirely on waves."

"...You..." Sister Jianxian frowned, stretched out her hand and touched Bai Jue's forehead: "Is your head burned?"

The cold palm was pressed against Bai Jue's forehead, and Bai Jue's old face was a little hot unconsciously, and he took a step back without any trace: "Men and women are not kissable, Miss Zhao, please respect yourself, I will not betray my appearance."

"You're an interesting person. Others are afraid to avoid this kind of thing, but you can't wait to take the initiative to get involved. It's obviously of no benefit." Bai Yijian shook his head and sighed softly: "If it wasn't for you Weak, I really doubt if you have worked carefully."

——As a weak chicken, I am very sorry...

——I obviously take saving the world as my duty, but why do I have to suffer from such a useless opening experience?

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