"My heart is pierced, little sister..." Bai Jue covered his heart, "I was hit by your mind."

"This is a good thing, at least it proves that you still have a little self-consciousness as a weak person." Sister Jianxian said softly: "This means that you have not given up your desire to become stronger. If it hadn't been for the fact that you have not given up fighting until the last moment Will, I may not save you with a sword."

——Maybe you just got out of the sword, maybe my plug-in was successfully activated.

Bai Jue had mixed feelings in his heart and said, "Thank you so much..."

Sister Jianxian said again: "Then let me ask you, why did you follow me? You would be safer if you stayed here, but you have to take the initiative to get involved in danger."

"I think it's safer to follow you..."

"But you didn't panic. Ordinary people would panic when they were frightened. Not only did you not, but you calmed down in less than a few seconds from the desperate crisis, and even decided to be with me without any hesitation. Going together." She pointed out the irrationality in a light tone, even if she didn't say it before, but she took everything into her eyes and saw it clearly: "If you are really looking for safety, you should ask me to escort you to a safe place regional requirements."

"I just want to get ahead in the world with you..." Bai Jue rubbed the back of his head.

"In this dangerous situation, is that all you think about?" Sister Jianxian said bluntly: "Compared with ordinary people, you are much calmer and calmer. Not only do you have sufficient will to fight, but you are also very accepting of weirdness. So fast, I didn't even doubt the authenticity of what I said... At the same time, the most puzzling thing is your strength, why can you master thunder and lightning? You are not a warrior, you have no true energy, and you are not a heroic spirit."

——Holy shit, is this sword fairy sister so smart?

——A few words have revealed my perfect disguise!This vision is terrifying!

——No, no, how could I expose my identity so easily, and she might not believe me when I told the truth, and she might treat me like a snake maniac, so I have to make up a perfect lie...

"emmmmmmm..." Bai Jue was silent for a moment: "Sure enough, have you figured it out? I knew I wasn't a good liar, but I couldn't help it. Way to go... If you really want to ask me why I am determined to die and must take the initiative to get involved in danger, then I have only one answer—"

"If you don't want to die, you will be in vain for a young man!"

"Fucking mediocrity is the truth!"

"The time has finally turned around today, I am longing for power—!"

"Don't you understand? Don't you understand? Can't you understand? This kind of excitement and excitement of finally encountering the main plot after living for more than ten years, this kind of time that waits once in a thousand years! If I just miss it, I will still Human? Right now, this is an excellent opportunity to change your life. Wouldn’t it be a lifetime of regret if you miss it? So many people come here just because of me, do you think this is an imperial appointment? Is this due to fate? Of course it is! It must be!"

"The world chose me! Thinking back a little bit, isn't this the beginning of a very standard growth routine for a hot-blooded boy? When he came to another world, he was almost beaten to death, and he was rescued at a critical moment. He has all the heroines from the heavenly series, so why? I was able to let go of the opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the plot, and turned around and fled in despair! I am the man who wants to be the protagonist of the new world——!"

Bai Jue clenched his fists in a shouting gesture, pointing to the sky with one hand and pointing to the ground with the other, posing in a posture of being the only one in the sky and the world in the second grade, speaking with emotion and emotion, interpreting the actor's self-cultivation and beauty to the extreme!Even the Oscar winner was ashamed before him.

No one can hear, this great artist's heart is bleeding!Blood flow profusely!

——Ahhhhhhh, MMP, I'm so ashamed, I want to die, I wish I could bang my head on the city wall!

——I’m afraid I’ve lost something precious. Once lost, I can’t get it back…

——I'm afraid this will become a dark history in my life, calm down!hold back don't cry!Men don't cry easily!This is a worthwhile sacrifice!

Although it is very embarrassing in various senses, it is really useful in terms of the results... This kind of statement is applicable to the vast majority of hot-blooded teenagers, and the other party has already believed it [-]%.

After suddenly transforming into a kingly and enthusiastic voice and expressing her heartfelt words to Bai Jue, the protagonist of the comics, Sister Jianxian couldn't help but fell into deep thought for a while.

The entire Chang'an City was quiet for a long time...

After a while, sister Jianxian sighed softly: "Your past life must have been all kinds of hardships... But what you said is also true. Since you have come, it may be a kind of fate. Although I don't believe in destiny, the world There is no chance, there is only necessity and the inevitable result."

"There are quite a few war ghosts in Chang'an City, but not too many. There are basically no war ghosts wandering around in the palace area. I have cleaned them up. You will be safe as long as you stay here." Her words Gradually becoming ethereal, the subject changed: "If you want to keep up, then... prove your strength. I don't want to save people who want to die. You must at least prove that you have the possibility of surviving, or you will stay. Here it is."

——Although he was fooling around, this thigh doesn't seem to be able to be hugged if he wants to.

Bai Jue stood up from the ground, patted the dust on his shoulders, restrained his shameful expression, and said seriously, "Prove?"

"Yes, proof." The sword fairy held a long sword that had not yet been unsheathed in his arms, Yiyin fluttered with the wind, his eyes were fixed on a line, and his silent momentum remained motionless, but it seemed as if he had arrayed countless swords out of thin air, showing his sharpness .

"How to prove, defeat you? This is too embarrassing." Bai Jue spread his hands: "I can't do it yet."

For the time being... Sister Jianxian smiled a little in her eyes: "Are you confident in your talent?"

"Of course." Bai Jue held his head high and held his chest high, holding his hands behind his hands, and smiled proudly: "Don't look at me as a war scum, anyway, I have killed hundreds of thousands of hungry ghosts before, and I have pierced through them with a single sword." When I passed through the atmosphere, tens of millions of people were looking up at my back."

"Speaking nonsense, speaking without restraint." Sister Jianxian naturally didn't believe it, she only thought that Bai Jue was boasting, but for some reason, she seemed to be in a very happy mood, and a faint ray of light appeared on her cold face. With a smile: "Since you think you are talented, then I will give you a chance."

Bai Jue nodded: "Let the horse come here, whether it's a one-on-one fight against Chimera, or killing the devil's heart, or killing the fire seed, I'm not afraid."

"I don't need you to kill those fantasy creatures, I ask you." Sister Jianxian looked at Bai Jue and raised the corners of her lips: "Do you want to learn sword?"

"Sword..." Bai Jue was taken aback for a moment, then quickly understood: "You want...to teach me sword skills?"

Sister Sword Fairy bowed her head: "I will teach you seven-day swordsmanship, how much you can understand depends entirely on yourself, if you are really talented, you can learn three swords in seven days."

"What about after seven days?" Bai Jue sensed the deep meaning hidden in her words.

"After seven days, if you can take my three swords, you will be counted as a teacher."

emmmmmmm... Learn from a teacher?I did consider finding a master to learn some martial arts before, but... it seems that a certain clerk told me not to find a female master before?Forget it, regardless of him, he has been tricked so many times, his words are completely untrustworthy.

"Should I do a teacher apprentice ceremony?" Bai Jue readily accepted without thinking, completely ignoring Bai Di's instructions, and it only took [-] seconds to put his words behind him.

"No, let's start teaching directly." Sister Jianxian closed her eyes: "I will teach you the first lesson tonight. The sword is a weapon for killing people. You need to experience it... Close your eyes, and you have to die once."

ps1: I wish you all a happy New Year's Day in advance... So I will update it today, touch it!

ps2: There are still four chapters left... If you work harder, you can drop another chapter.

ps3: Recommend a book "Erogue Artist Shura Field", let go of the new book of the queen, the old author, the quality is guaranteed, and has written "The Book of Young Women's Contract", "I am a master, I have the final say" and so on.

The introduction is as follows——

Baihe, a man who has traveled through countless times in a daze, was a hero who saved mankind in the Witch War, but because of the curse of the Witch, he became a shogun that everyone shouts and beats.

In order not to be affected by the curse and become a puppet of desire, he draws a notebook when he has nothing to do. Now that the notebook is drawn, it seems understandable to exchange it for some money and live a better life, right?

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