"So, that's why you drew Tokisaki Kurumi's book?"

"Uh... she is my wife, I think she will forgive me."


As for the group of girls who were drawn as the protagonists of the original heroine, whether to forgive him or cut him into ten or eight sections is a question worth pondering.

Bai He: "So, please put down the knife first? Let me explain..."

Looking at this introduction, you know that it is very compatible with me. The protagonist's surname is Bai, and he also has a hatchet.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sitting up startled in a dying dream, no one knew it was litchi.

Bai Jue almost thought that he had been shattered by the Sword Fairy Sister's sword, and suddenly woke up from the hazy state, touched his neck, touched his chest and back, there was no wound, and there was no pain , as if being pierced by a sword before was just an illusion.

"Where did you agree to pierce your heart?" Moubai looked confused, looking left and right, he was lying on a bench at this time, and there was a quiet courtyard in front of him.

It seems that they were transferred when they passed out, and this place... seems to be in the Chang'an Imperial City?

"Are you awake?" came the crisp voice, as flat as ever.

"When did you stand behind me?" Bai Jue jumped up subconsciously. Every time someone spoke behind his back, it would always remind him of the fear of being silently watched from behind by the head teacher when he was in school, not to mention this sword fairy His sister is also theoretically his teacher.

"I've always been..." Sister Jianxian looked indifferent, her eyes drooped: "After experiencing death once, can you feel the sword intent now?"

"Emmmmmm..." Bai Jue tilted his head: "Did I just die once? Could it be that I was really pierced in the heart?"

"Inferior swordsmanship controls the sword with the body, and superior swordsmanship controls the sword with the heart. If you want to learn the essence within seven days, you must start with the most difficult sword intent, and the so-called sword intent is essentially a kind of will." Sister Xian flicked her fingers lightly, and a few strands of sword light flickered at her fingertips. The sharp edge that could break mountains and crack rocks was as gentle as a golden retriever dog in her palm: "You don't have a natural sword bone, you can only fill it with understanding."

"You're letting someone who has never passed CET-[-] go directly to the IELTS TOEFL test!" Bai Jue gasped: "Is there no easier way to get started?"

"Yes." Sister Jianxian's eyes are as calm as the water of the West Lake: "Thirty years of practicing swords, swinging the sword ten thousand times a day is the only way to get started."

"Are you the president of the hunter!" Bai Jue's expression gradually became helpless: "But I only have seven days."

"Yes, you only have seven days. I will try my best to teach you during these seven days, but whether you learn it or not depends entirely on you." Holding the ancient sword in her arms, she stood in the wind: "Your talent is very good. It's too bad, even if Yi Jin Xie marrow can barely reach the level of a century-old genius, let alone a genius who is one in a million... If you want to learn swords, you can only use the sword at the wrong edge——!"

"Your statement is different from that in martial arts novels." Bai Jue said puzzledly: "It has been said in other books that sincerity leads to spirit, and sincerity to the sword can be recognized by the way of swordsmanship. I don't understand it, but most of it is the same reason, there is no shortcut in the way of swordsmanship, even if you are a martial arts genius, it is impossible for you to be invincible all over the world once you wake up."

"Martial arts, there is indeed no shortcut." A little contempt appeared in Jianxian's eyes: "If you regard kendo as one of martial arts, you will definitely not be able to achieve anything, but swords are weapons, and fencing is the art of killing. No matter how beautiful words are used to cover it up, this is an indisputable fact."

Bai Jue frowned: "I don't like killing people... and swordsmanship is also a kind of martial arts, right?"

"Swordsmanship originated from martial arts, and it is an extreme branch of martial arts." Sister Jianxian said lightly: "In the ancient Warring States period, there were female swordsmen, from the country of Yue, named Yuenu, and Yuenu practiced good swordsmanship from the mountains and forests. The female general taught the soldiers of Yue State the sword skills, and helped King Goujian of Yue destroy Wu, so... three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu."

"The Yue girl's swordsmanship did not come out of thin air. Her swordsmanship was gradually perfected in the process of fighting against an old man with a white ape in the mountains. It can be said that it was perfected from the hands of the old man. The number one swordsmanship." Her words paused for a while, and then she opened her mouth: "And this white ape old man is named Situ Xuankong, a martial arts master in the Warring States Period, the first person in martial arts recorded in history, and the pioneer of martial arts."

The founder of martial arts...

Bai Jue couldn't help but fell into contemplation. According to the law of the moon that is more ancient, the stronger it is, this White Ape Patriarch is probably the strongest. Gilgamesh is so awesome because he has the bonus of the title of "Oldest King" what.

"The way of the sword originated from the way of martial arts, but it is a sharp weapon for killing, and it was born to kill the enemy; while the way of martial arts was born to prevent killing and violence, and it is intended to stop fighting." Sister Jianxian spoke earnestly, her eyes quietly watching Bai Jue: "You If you want to perfect your swordsmanship within seven days, you must be clear about what kind of swordsmanship you are practicing, otherwise, you will miss your sword intent and swordsmanship."

"...I don't practice killing swords." Bai Jue flatly denied her statement, his expression was flat, and the words he blurted out seemed to have not entered his brain, but there was no hesitation between his expression and words.

"...Why?" Sister Jianxian wondered: "That is the essence of swordsmanship."

"A sword is a tool, and it's nonsense to give a tool its essence." Bai Jue spread his hands: "For example, if I hold a hammer in my hand, is it because the hammer can be used to hit people? Its meaning is to hit people Does it exist? The essence and meaning vary with different holders."

"I don't practice killing swords, because killing is boring, boring and sad. Although I long for power, it's better not to have bloody power. This has nothing to do with cowardice. It's not that I don't have the consciousness to kill, but I don't like to follow the line of slaughter. , no matter how time-saving and labor-saving it looks, how simple and easy to understand."

"Why do I have to do the job of a butcher as a savior? There must be something wrong. This is not the world of Dark Souls, nor is it the simple province of Skyrim. If I had a choice, why wouldn't I Choose Mario Odyssey instead of i wanna?" Bai Jue said sternly, "Having said that, in fact, one simple reason is enough—"

Bai Jue stepped closer, looked directly at Master Sword Immortal, and looked at her pair of dark eyes, from which no expression of joy or anger could be discerned, the four eyes met each other, for some reason, Bai Jue suddenly wanted to see her wavering, if Those eyes are full of embarrassment and anger, they must be pretty...

So, without even thinking about it, he committed suicide...

Bai Jue stretched out his finger, and tapped on the chest of Sister Sword Fairy. He was presumptuous and inexplicably domineering. He deliberately narrowed the distance so that both of them could see their own reflection in each other's eyes. But after nearly three seconds passed, he finally Kankan said: "When you draw the sword, won't your conscience hurt?"

In this day and age, such an excessive move is considered to be contemptuous of a woman from a good family.

And the current sister Jianxian is his master, and she doesn't even let her own master go. It's against the morality of the master, the crime is aggravated, and the death penalty is what she deserves.

However, Master Sword Immortal was not angry, instead there was a little weird look in her eyes. She sighed quietly, and took a step back quietly, her expression seemed to say——Sorry, our Sword Immortal has no conscience, not only does it not hurt, On the contrary, it was flattering.

"Since you have made up your mind, I don't need to say more... The sword skills I know are all aimed at killing the enemy. There is no fancy sword dance, no stirring sword energy, pure and exquisite." Sword Immortal The master said: "You want to learn the sword of not killing, unfortunately, I can't..."

"Really, that's really a pity." Bai Jue laughed a few times: "I can't learn this murderous sword."

He just realized what kind of stupid thing he did after his sudden excitement, and he was not sliced ​​by her sword. Should he feel that this cheap master has such a good temper...

Speaking of which, why would I eat her tofu so proficiently as a virgin... Bai Jue couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Yes, I don't know the sword of non-killing...you can only realize it by yourself." The sword fairy master held the hilt of the sword and pulled out a small section of the sword edge. shudder.

"You you you...what do you want to do!" Bai Jue stepped back ten meters subconsciously, looking at the vast cold light, his spine felt a chill.

"My swordsmanship is mainly about killing the enemy. If you want to practice the sword of not killing, you must first learn defense. Even if you can't kill the enemy, you must remain invincible." Sister Jianxian's eyes narrowed slightly, A ray of cold light flickered deep in her pupils: "The basics of swordsmanship, let you memorize it with your body... Then, try to live under my sword—!"

"Stop it! This is not a teaching plot at all!" Bai Jue's face was livid, oh my god, why do you have to be so cheap, the killing sword is the killing sword, the worst thing is that you can't learn it, the consequence of forcing yourself is to be cut what!

"The pain is only for a moment, see my sword clearly, use your eyes!" Sister Jianxian taught earnestly, followed by a stern tone followed by a merciless sword light.

A little cold light came first, and then the sword light was like a dragon——!

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