Pooh!Bai Jue looked at the sword energy that had entered his heart, stretched out his hand and patted Master Sword Immortal on the shoulder, tremblingly said: "My heart is pierced again, Miss Sister! You are not considered a disciple at all, rua!"


In the first night after that, Bai Jue repeatedly experienced all kinds of heart piercing, standing up, lying down, lying down, sleeping on his stomach, even the back pose, the dog pose, the tiger descending the mountain pose, the Guanyin holding the lotus pose, the old The tree root style, the draft handle style, the escape into the Buddhist style...

Sister Jianxian is worthy of being a sword fairy. Her swordsmanship is so strong that she never needs to use a second sword. No matter how Bai Jue defends, no matter where he hides, it can be finished with only one sword, and Bai Jue is also accompanied by a [嗤嗤] The husky boy who was hysterical as if in estrus immediately calmed down again.

Poor Bai kept awake for only one minute, and the sword fairy master only gave him one minute to experience the changes. If he still didn't feel the sword intent and sword energy, then continue to pierce his heart. A decisive.

The time on the night Chang'an map does not communicate with the time of the outside world. Bai Jue experienced thirteen heart piercings in a row in the first night, and each time he basically passed out for more than half an hour. The timing function of the mobile phone is still there, and it shows that eleven hours have passed.

Bai Jue quickly understood that the flow of time here is twice as slow compared to the outside world, and after twelve hours, it should be dawn.

Why does he make such a judgment?Because sister Jianxian has not performed the fourteenth heart piercing, it proves that there is not enough time to do it again.

Finally, the last half an hour allowed him to rest for a while. Bai Jue was lying on the ground like a dead dog. His body was not injured in any way, but his spirit was severely destroyed, and his heart ached...is it true? Heartache!

But the effect is still there. Even with Bai Jue's poor ordinary aptitude, he can finally sense the existence of sword energy and sword intent. He didn't know how he was hurt before, because the sword fairy sister's attack was fast. If it is lightning, it can control the enemy with one move.

But now, he can see a little trajectory, and even meet the trace of sword intent and sword energy. Not only can he see it, but he can also run, jump and dodge.

Although the result is still pierced by a sword, but at any rate, it can last a few seconds and show off a wave of positioning operations.

What he still doesn't know is that after being stabbed in the heart thirteen times, the stagnant blood, tendons, and chakras in his body have been forcibly penetrated by the sword fairy sister with sword energy and sword intent. The effect is almost equivalent to Yijin and marrow washing, but the side effect is that the sword qi and sword intent remaining in Bai Jue's body will strongly repel the different kinds of true qi, and as a result, he still cannot learn other martial arts.

The sword fairy used this method to force Bai Jue to record the sword energy and sword intent with his body, regardless of the advantages and disadvantages, but she said that Bai Jue should learn swordsmanship within seven days. It is not false, but it may not be true. It's not selfless dedication, but her own thinking.

When the morning sun lit up on Ye Chang'an's shoulder, Bai Jue was once again placed in a white mist, and the distortion of gravity hit him again. In the daze, he only heard the words of sister Jianxian.

"Come back tomorrow, I'll wait for you here..."


ps1: It’s been updated since today... It’s not that I’m lazy, but that I have something to do. It’s New Year’s Day, and it’s about to be Chinese New Year. All kinds of things are piled up together. Here, my classmates are getting married, relatives and children are in January, plus some Miscellaneous trivial matters are all mixed together. Although I can push it as soon as I can, but I have to go on some occasions.

Moreover, I also want to save some manuscripts just in case. Shuke also has an author’s annual meeting in January. When I go to other places, I will definitely not be able to type.

I will pay back the four shifts I owe, and I will pay it off when I am free.

I'm also stuck with the plot of this volume, it's a bit difficult to write... I have to consider giving up a little bit of the plot, and get into the main story as soon as possible.

ps2: Recommend a book "I am renting in Dongying"

My name is Fujiwara Takumi, I am 18 years old and I am driving a taxi in Toyo.

To be honest, I am still very confident in my driving skills. If you don’t believe me, ask them.


You see, they were moved to the point of vomiting.

Zongman type novel, the author is an anti-routine master, not a youth love theme, it is said that Conan appeared, and there is no accident, there is also my trick, if you are interested, go and see.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the early morning, when Bai Jue returned to the normal world from Ye Chang'an, he was awakened by an impatient voice.

"Brother, do you want to buy oranges? I said, brother, you have been standing here for a long time, why are you in a daze?" A fruit vendor waved at Bai Jue, and said impatiently: "No Don’t stand here and block other people’s way when buying, I still want to do business?”

Bai Jue was slightly taken aback: "Oh, it's dawn."

Looking forward, a strange merchant was staring at him: "It's already under the sun, are you sleepy?"

"It's true. I had a nightmare at night. I was chased all over the city with a sword by a beautiful young lady. I was stabbed in the heart thirteen times. It was heartbreaking." Bai Jue rubbed his forehead and sighed. Said: "Give me half a catty of oranges to quench the fire."


There is a business to do, and the merchants are very happy, paying for the goods and delivering the goods.

Bai Jue was walking in Chang'an City with oranges in his arms. While filling his stomach, he carefully recalled the experience of last night. It was too unreal, like a dream, but the memory of being stabbed in the heart was still very clear. The perception of mind is still keen, and since Ye Changan returned, the mental fatigue has also been eliminated, and the original fatigue and sleepiness have been filled with a sense of fullness.

To use a specific analogy, for example, when playing offline city and Weak Warrior, fortunately, I exhausted all the fatigue points, but I went to the toilet and came back to see that the fatigue points were full again, only to find that it was already [-] o'clock in the morning , the fatigue value is reset, and the liver abyss can continue.

"Speaking of why the place I returned to was a fruit stand, this gave me a bad premonition. I should have been 'killed' thirteen times last night." Bai Jue covered his heart with lingering fear: "Don't recall, That kind of memory is really terrible... Sister Sword Fairy is definitely a shaky S! But thinking about it, at least being whipped by a beautiful female master is much better than being taught wrestling skills by Uncle Hei and a man."

Thinking about it this way, Bai Jue couldn't help feeling much happier. Bai Di told him not to find a female master, which is simply unreasonable!

His master back then might have been a master of philosophy, Mori Goblin, so he wanted to repeat his old ways, yes, it must be so!

It's a pity, my savior has sharp eyes and a clear heart, and I have a lot of b's about your evil thoughts in my heart. I don't know someone who won't eat this kind of trick!Acknowledging a beautiful sister as a teacher is beneficial but harmless, and there is no danger at all!

At least this sword fairy sister is very eye-catching, with that ethereal and banished fairy temperament, that frightening skin like fat, that graceful waist, and the long legs under the white skirt...Emmmmmm... Thinking about it carefully, in terms of appearance and temperament, she is definitely not inferior to the fireproof girl. I have never noticed it, and I am talking and laughing with her, without any psychological fluctuations at all. When did my immunity become so strong?

Bai Jue was eating oranges, and his mental activities were very complicated. He walked on the street full of thoughts, and didn't pay too much attention to everything he saw. He walked straight through the bustling business district and walked towards the inn where he was temporarily staying. .

As a result, many interesting things encountered along the way are directly ignored and left behind, such as witty literary battles, martial arts contests to recruit relatives, rivers and lakes duels, eternal absolutes, shrews cursing, and some storytellers, all of which are ignored at a glance. Pass.

Soon when he was walking through a street that was not too busy, there was a physiognomist wearing a hair crown and a white robe sitting under an old banyan tree. The man opened his eyes and took a look at Bai Jue. Coincidentally, What's more, Bai Jue also glanced at him out of curiosity, the two of you looked at each other, and I looked at you, just like that... They looked at each other for a full ten seconds.

Bai Jue felt a little embarrassed, so he scratched his cheek: "Have you eaten?"

The physicist nodded with a smile: "I've eaten... Is your son interested in asking me to do a fortune teller?"

"Foretelling?" Bai Jue became a little interested. He doesn't believe in ordinary divination. The so-called Taoist temples and temples are just random numbers after all. It sounds like the monks and Taoist priests are fooling around. In fact, they are not trustworthy.

But ever since the world changed, a mysterious oriental power has always lingered on the land of China. There is a high possibility that the fortune teller and the hexagrams are true. This fortune teller is sitting here so calmly. Master, so Bai Jue asked: "How much is a hexagram?"

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