"Thousands of gold are hard to buy, and they are only given to those who are destined." The fortune teller said inscrutably.

"To put it simply, you think I'm pleasing to the eye, so take a test for me?" Bai Jue translated bluntly.

"Of course." The physicist nodded in agreement.

"What do you want to test? In this case, it's usually palmistry, face reading, or a word or something." Bai Jue said with great interest: "Shall I tell you my birth date? Ah, the date of birth What I don't know."

"It doesn't have to be that complicated." The physicist shook his head: "I've already tested it...you are water without a source and a tree without roots."

"……What's the meaning?"

"Your hexagram is very strange, appearing and leaving very abruptly, without your birth experience, and without your death certificate, you are like a flower in a moon mirror in the water, you shouldn't appear here, but you exist here The fortune teller was amazed: "I have met countless people. I have seen the lone star of Tiansha, the emperor and general, and even the emperor's dragon spirit from afar. Only a strange person like you has never seen it."

Bai Jue raised his eyebrows, quite mysteriously, he spread his hands: "You are right, I am not from this time and space."

"Time and space?" The fortune teller nodded and said, "Interesting and interesting... Some of us in Huaxia believe in destiny, and some don't, but in a word, how many people's fate in this life is just a thought. Although your fate trajectory cannot be studied, and your past and future cannot be predicted by the divination, but your present is still in the divination, which is weird."

"Please speak vernacular." Bai Jue looked helpless: "I don't study much, so don't fool me."

"In short, I can't see where you came from and where you are going, but you exist here now, and your destiny is connected with the people here, but the current astrology and the sky are in chaos, the demon star In the sky, there is a tendency to engulf the Ziweiyuan, the purple energy sinks from the west to the east, and the cause and effect rotate, and the sky sends out murderous intentions... The power of the Shenzhou Empire is at stake, and it is only waiting for the heavenly dog ​​to swallow the sun and the demon star to descend."

The Xiangshi sighed: "I don't know why, although the astrology shows such a crisis, the reality is still peaceful. The dragon spirit of the emperor of the Zulong Pavilion is soaring for nine days, and the country is still stable. I planned to go to the palace of the princes and princes to visit that famous man. Yuanyang's strange woman, Princess Pingyangzhao... I never thought that I would run into such a... strange person like you just to rest in this teahouse."

"Hey, did you want to say weird just now?" Bai Jue squinted his eyes: "Do you think it's normal for me to bump into you on the way? Everyone is weird, so don't leave any pot unopened. Pot, you are a good physicist, wouldn't it be good to fool a few big money to make quick money, or simply find a high mountain to live in seclusion? I have to come to the world to join in the fun, and I tell you very clearly that the current The situation is beyond your control, you should take care of yourself."

——No one can guarantee what kind of ghost will emerge from this singularity. In the end, the boss may be able to blow up a mountain at will...

"That's right." The physicist leaned back: "If I hadn't met you, I would have checked it out, but now that I see you, I don't know why my mood is suddenly calm." He pointed at Bai Jue, haha With a smile: "It's like seeing a dead ghost."

Bai Jue's face turned dark immediately: "Put your head over here, kid, you need an electric shock massage."

"To be honest, I don't lie." The fortune teller shook his head and laughed: "Although I can't see through your fate, I can see a clue. Your fate is intertwined with the fortune of the Chinese Empire. Together, as long as you don't leave for a day, troubles will come to you naturally, you can't hide if you want to hide, you can't escape if you want to escape, good things and bad things will follow one after another, but blessings and misfortunes never come singly..."

Bai Jue couldn't help but feel annoyed by his expression of sighing, but it makes sense when he thinks about it carefully. Whether he is willing or not, as the savior, even if the trouble doesn't come to him, he will take the initiative to make trouble, otherwise How to trigger the main storyline?

"Alas..." Bai Jue rubbed his forehead: "I, Bai, only want to live a peaceful life."

"I can't, I can't..." The face of the physiognomist said 'I have seen through everything': "There is one more sentence, I don't know if I should say it."

"Say it, I promise I won't hit you." Bai Jue tired and said disapprovingly.

"A woman's misfortune is a disaster." The fortune teller's tone became inexplicably heavy: "Life is endless, and disasters are endless."

"How do you say that the preface doesn't match the end?" Bai Jue was taken aback: "Is this a blessing or a curse?"

"Simply put, it's luck."

"Peach blossom luck is not a bad thing, as long as you stick to your heart, it's easy to get over it." Bai Jue couldn't help but think of those heroic spirits in modern society, and he had a headache: "Well, I don't believe what I say. Sorry, I can only hide."

"No, no, you can't hide. Your daughter's peach blossom is already at the level of catastrophe, one catastrophe at a time, one catastrophe at a time." The physiognomist said in a very subtle and euphemistic tone: "Luck in love is a good thing." , as long as you handle it properly, you can have a good marriage; while peach blossom catastrophe is a bad thing, it will mess up the mandarin couples, draw the red line at will, and often the red line becomes a deadlock in the end."

"Then take advantage of the opportunity to enter the Baixue site and the Shura field." Bai Jue applauded: "Although it's a bit cruel, it's okay."

"This is just the most common peach blossom catastrophe. The more serious peach blossom catastrophe will forcibly bind the fate of you and a woman, and give you various calamities, such as serious illness, family decline, disasters from heaven, etc., to force you to share. Separate and combine, combine and divide...you can be together only after going through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties in the end." The physiognomist said in shock: "Not everyone can survive, sometimes many people will not be able to survive the blow , the most frightening thing is dystocia..."

"Isn't this horse riding a routine of Korean dramas and all kinds of bloody romance dramas! So this is peach blossom robbery? How terrifying!" Bai Jue wiped the sweat from his forehead: "If you don't make it through, it will be a standard tragic ending. My mother, I would rather be single for the rest of my life than suffer this."

"And your Peach Blossom Tribulation is far stronger than these, it can be said to be [-] times more difficult than this level." The wizard looked at Bai Jue sympathetically: "You will be bound to fate with many outstanding women at the same time, and you will be bound with fate with many outstanding women at the same time." They have gone through hardships...but you can't be together in the end, because for every outstanding woman, the third party is the doom they cannot escape. As long as you don't cut off the red line of the other party, you will never be able to win the final victory. They are enemies to each other, and they are the kind who will never die and never compromise, but you... have no choice but to suffer the doom from the sky in silence."

"Hiss—!" Bai Jue gasped: "Is there still such an operation? Does the master have a way to save it? I don't want to die in the Shura field!"

"No, no, it can't be saved, it can't be saved." The physicist said in a tone that is not only not envious but happy: "One day, you will die from domestic violence, this is already an established fact, you don't have to try to struggle, be good Enjoy...at least you get to experience the thrill of being on multiple boats."

"CNM!" Bai Jue jumped up, "You want me to die!"

"Yuan has never talked nonsense, this is the truth." The phase master smiled and said: "Although there is no way to resolve your disaster, it is still possible to show you a clear path..." He stretched out his index finger and pointed in one direction: " Your calamity lies in the palaces of princes and princes in this direction, go, there will be surprises waiting for you."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Don't listen, wait a minute, take my leave." Bai Jue dropped a three-company, turned around and left, not giving the physicist a chance to continue fooling around.

"It's a blessing, not a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided." The physicist watched Bai Jue go away, and waved his hand: "You will go sooner or later, it's just a matter of time."

"I believed your nonsense." Bai Jue left without looking back.

Looking at the back of the young man going away, the physicist got up slowly, and walked away: "This matter is beyond the scope of my ability... This hexagram, this game, yin and yang change, life and death reincarnate, and the dog eats the sun." , The gate of hell is closed... I can't break it, I can only wait for development, if there is nothing I can do, I will either flee to the Antarctic fairy mountain, or die for my country, no matter which one, it will only increase regret."

As he spoke, his back escaped into the crowd and disappeared.

On the other hand, after Bai Jue returned to the inn, Gongsun Youxue was not here. The innkeeper gave him a letter, saying that it was left by the girl from before. A certain Bai opened it and fell into deep thought.

In order to save paper space, the ancient letters were often written in literary style. Unlike today's vernacular, most of them are in classical Chinese, which is not straightforward. Sometimes the only way to pass love letters between talented men and beautiful women is to write love poems, although it is very romantic. , but also troublesome in a sense.

The letter left by Gongsun Youxue was not long in number, but it took Bai Jue a few minutes to comprehend the general meaning - she didn't live in the inn, and after leaving last night, she met her sister and was left by her side, Unable to leave for a while, he signaled Bai Jue not to worry about her safety.

In all likelihood, he lived in Tianlefang, and Bai Jue couldn't disturb the reunion of his sisters, but now he seemed to have nowhere to go. Could it be that he wanted to stay in the inn and continue wasting his life?

"Emmmmmm... A dead house is still a dead house after traveling to another world and ancient times. If you can't go out, you don't want to go out." Bai Jue sat by the window and looked at the busy street and sighed. Without triggering the main plot, he could only Step by step.

But at this moment, his heart trembled slightly, and the sword chant sounded as long as cicadas.

"There is a monster..."

Bai Jue closed his eyes and let go of his perception, which is different from the perception of soul power. This time, he extended his perception through the remaining sword intent in his heart. Although it sounds mysterious, it is actually similar to radar, but more There is a medium.

After a while, Bai Jue jumped onto the roof from the window, stood on the top floor and looked at the complicated alleyways that were several kilometers away, squinting his eyes: "No, there is a murderous look."

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