The sword spirit and sword energy that Sister Sword Fairy penetrated into Bai Jue's body imperceptibly changed Bai Jue's already very keen perception. The sword intent blended into the spirit, increasing the sensitivity of the spiritual force to various breaths; the sword energy penetrated the meridians , let his physique improve... He himself didn't notice this for the time being. In the past, he didn't have the physical fitness to jump to the roof by stepping on the window sill.

Looking far away, although you can't see anything, your perception is like an automatic pathfinding navigation arrow pointing in one direction on the map.

Bai Jue could even vaguely see the red exclamation mark on the area not far away, and he slapped his thigh: "Aha! I just said I was bored, but this is not a mission, come here? Make trouble, make trouble, even if it's a branch line The task is definitely rewarding! Let's go——!"

However, what he didn't know was that the direction pointed by the arrow had the same purpose as the direction pointed by a certain physicist before.


Even the bustling and bustling city of Chang'an, the imperial city at the foot of the emperor, still has some blind spots.

Ancient cities are different from modern ones. Demolition and reconstruction are far from simple. It is time-consuming and labor-intensive to transport stones, wood, etc. inside the city, which makes some residential areas very complicated. Even though the planning of Chang'an City is relatively perfect, With the passage of time, many complicated lanes will inevitably appear.

The criss-crossing streets are very easy to obscure the line of sight and are inaccessible. It is an excellent place for school appointments, hooligan fights, and killers. At the same time, it is also an excellent place to avoid the government's sight and hide... So, no matter what happens, there is no exception.

In a deep courtyard in a deep alleyway, the door was closed, and a group of people surrounded a house without moving.

Confronting this pedestrian was a woman in a black dress. She stood in the courtyard like an orchid in the valley, a black water lily in full bloom.

There are beauties in the north, peerless and independent... Her appearance is [-]% similar to Li Xiuning, but compared to Li Xiuning's iron-blooded temperament and feminine gentleness, she is colder, lonely, and her slightly narrow eyes are even looking at others There is also a kind of pride and contempt of someone in a high position.

Different from the Heavenly Immortal who doesn't eat fireworks in the world, her coldness is more like a peerless famous sword, only showing a little edge, the sharp blade will hurt anyone who tries to get close, just looking at it from a distance is not enough. Eyes may be stinging.

... It may not be appropriate to describe a woman with a sword, but there is no more suitable adjective for her, because at this time she has drawn her sword out of its sheath.

"Princess Qin, please come with us." A man in a black robe and a yaksha mask said in a low voice: "You don't want people here to be injured, as long as you obediently hold your hands and arrest them, we can let this group go." Innocent civilians."

"It seems that you still know that they are a group of innocent children." Li Shiming smiled slightly: "I thought you even abandoned your last conscience, lackeys."

Yasha mask paused: " don't have to try to provoke us, it won't do you any good, I just want you to come with us, for the safety of these children's lives, and for your own stand , and Princess Qin please think about it carefully."

Li Shiming grasped the hilt of the sword: "If you hurt one of their hairs, you will pay back a hundred times. My Li family never pretends to any threats!"

"Princess Qin... This private school was built by you. The children here are either orphans or children from single-parent families." Yasha Mask already knew it well, but he also prepared more than this method, and of course threatened to do as much as possible. cruel.

"In just a few years, you have used the influence of the princes and palaces to build farms, cotton workshops, and charity halls all over the Shenzhou Empire. Although the scale is small and the distribution is scattered, there are still traces. , there are three workshops in Chang'an City, and most of them are single mothers who have lost their main labor force."

"Although this kind of small-scale workshop is easy to operate, and its profits and losses are only a drop in the bucket compared to a prince's foundation, it is not difficult to destroy. The hard work of tens of thousands of people you have rescued in the past few years, you want to destroy it. It really only takes a few breaths..."

Li Shiming raised his eyes slightly: "Is this what your master said?"


"Let him come here by himself and tell me personally..." Li Shiming's dark eyes reflected the desolate sword edge: "If he dares to come."

Yasha's mask was breathless, this fierce killing intent was not false, did she really intend to burn everything?

"Princess Qin, this is just a trick in the end. As long as you cooperate with us, their safety is absolutely guaranteed, and they can even live a better life than before." Cold sweat oozes from the man's forehead, according to the prepared speech Xu Xu said: "You are a princess, so of course you don't need to care about their lives. Similarly, to us, that is just a number..."

"To me, you are just a matter of a sword." Li Shiming said coldly: "This kind of threat is meaningless. Your master said that there is still a little deterrence. He should be very clear about what I am like. People, if you dare to do something, be prepared to be killed by me! Enough talk, get out of here——!"

Don't compromise at all, go to your sister's negotiations!

This princess just can't listen to people's words, iron-headed baby!Shall we host you there?At least give me some cooperation, dear!Will you die if you get a little nervous?Why are you still threatening us so openly?

Yasha Mask is very bitter in his heart, he doesn't know what to say, this is different from the script!

"Then, that... So, Princess Qin, you don't plan to cooperate?" The man said dryly, "Then don't blame me for destroying flowers. Princess Qin is so decisive, and occasionally she needs to see some blood to know the pain, but I really don’t cry until I see the coffin, and I don’t die until I see the Yellow River..."

A light and ethereal voice came, followed by a sentence: "I want to travel a thousand miles..."

Yasha's mask gradually turned ferocious, and he blurted out, "Let's go to the next level!"


The sinister atmosphere that had just risen was immediately destroyed.

A group of people were stunned, and even Yasha Mask himself was stunned: "Huh? Is there something wrong with my cruel words?"

Li Shiming tilted his head and looked at the source of the previous voice. He saw a boy in strange clothes sitting on the roof of the courtyard beside him. With a smile, he is also looking at the girl.

The eyes of the two intersected each other, one was cold and indifferent, and the other was smiling slightly.

"Who are you?" Li Shiming asked.

"Don't you introduce yourself before asking others?" Bai Jue waved his hand to show that you don't mind: "I'm just a soy sauce party onlookers, I just subconsciously interrupted, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you continue... Tangerine watching a show."

He took out an orange from his arms and began to peel it, his expression was very sincere.

After a while, everyone was still silent, just staring at Bai Jue quietly. He had just peeled the oranges and noticed the eyes of everyone, so he smiled awkwardly: "Do you want to eat oranges too? But I don't have them anymore. Too much, not too much, not too much, too much, not too much... If you want to buy it yourself, you can walk three thousand miles south of this alley and there is an orange tree. Let me tell you that the oranges are super sweet. "

Trying to sell Shenzhou oranges.jpg

Bai Jue's lifelike expression and familiar jokes did not arouse any complaints, but instead aroused the murderous intent of the man in black, especially the Yasha mask.

He thought that Bai Jue was teasing him, and said something that he found inexplicable to ridicule. In this era when gentlemen don't lie, and his dress is so unconventional, he is either crazy, or a snake, or It is deep well ice.

Originally, he was planning to catch a child to threaten Princess Qin to submit, and he was afraid that Li Shiming would be angered if he could not handle it well, but now Bai Jue jumped out to kill him, which is the best object for him to demonstrate. It seems that he is just a commoner, and he has no real energy and no martial arts... If he kills this nonsense lunatic with thunder, it will definitely have a deterrent effect.

So Yasha mask snorted coldly, and shot suddenly.

He raised his arms and held six hidden weapons in his hands. His unique technique was extremely secretive. He pushed it with a six-year-old deep internal strength, and with the robe covering his body, he shot without warning, like thunder, and this shot was lore.

Six nail-shaped hidden weapons hit Bai Jue's vitals, covering almost all his hiding space.

Li Shiming hadn't expected that the yaksha mask would actually dare to hurt someone's life in front of her. He grabbed the hilt of the sword and was about to draw the sword, but it was a step too late.

Holding a few hidden weapons in his hand, Bai Jue sneered disdainfully: "It's too slow, you want to pierce my heart!"

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